Well, Barb, I feel your pain. i just got back from a visit to the dentist (I call him Krentist, since that's what Dwight called his fake dentist in an episode of the office) about 20 mintues ago. I have been having a lot of work done over the past few months. Because of insurance changes and poor advice, I hadn't been to a dentist in about 2 years (previously I went every 6 months). So I needed to get a deep cleaning, that's where they scrape out hardened plaque from under your gums, and then have 2 little cavities filled and one old silver filling taken out and replaced. So I have been at the dentist once a month for the past 4 months and my bill is over 400.... Thankfully my husband is painting some helmets for the dentist in exchange, so we owe a bit less than that. But today was the last of those appointments, and it went well. My mouth is still a little numb, but apparently my gums are looking great! Note to everyone: Please floss or you will regret it! haha