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The girly`s ......giggle box

Yeah, most people I know have chosen to have the child. but the week while you are waiting for the test results is apparently horrid.  And you don't get to choose if your child is born with a disability, you just get to know.  People know if their child will be a boy or girl also, and I do not think this is reason to abort the child. But that is just not what society pressures are like in other countries. Who knows what we would think like if we had grown up in a very fast paced district of China or Japan?


Reply 2041#2041 themegababe's post

Here's an interesting fact for you. Women over the age of 35 are encouraged here to have the test because they are seen as a "high risk" category. However, most babies born with Down Syndrome are born to women under 35. I never knew that. That's probably more to do with the fact that more women under 35 are actually having babies. Still, it makes you think.

This is just for Ireland.


  very interesting shinny!


Reply 2042#2042 shinny's post

I think the risk is greater as you get older, but as you say, more younger women have babies so they would be more likely to have a child with any handicap, statistically speaking.  

I don't know what the policy is here in Canada.  I don't think it's like the States where it's mandatory to have testing.  And even there, there are many women who can't afford health care, so I don't think the testing is done on all of them, since many low income women don't seek much prenatal care due to the cost.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


New Topic


I finally made an appointment to see my dentist before I move, and he was able to fit me in tomorrow.  I'm not horribly fearful of the dentist, but I haven't been in a while and know he'll have to do a lot of scraping for the cleaning.  I'm not exactly looking forward to it.  Plus, I have to take a megadose of antibiotics before I see him, which is REALLY unpleasant.  My teeth will look great, I'll just have to feel icky for a day or two.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


  Well, Barb, I feel your pain. i just got back from a visit to the dentist (I call him Krentist, since that's what Dwight called his fake dentist in an episode of the office) about 20 mintues ago.  I have been having a lot of work done over the past few months.  Because of insurance changes and poor advice, I hadn't been to a dentist in about 2 years (previously I went every 6 months).  So I needed to get a deep cleaning, that's where they scrape out hardened plaque from under your gums, and then have 2 little cavities filled and one old silver filling taken out and replaced.  So I have been at the dentist once a month for the past 4 months and my bill is over 400....  Thankfully my husband is painting some helmets for the dentist in exchange, so we owe a bit less than that.  But today was the last of those appointments, and it went well. My mouth is still a little numb, but apparently my gums are looking great!  Note to everyone:  Please floss or you will regret it! haha


Reply 2046#2046 themegababe's post

I was thinking that I haven't been flossing as regular as I should.  I know I'll cop some flack for it tomorrow.  It's been a couple years for me too, mainly because every time I made an appointment I wound up catching a bug - which is probably why he booked me in for tomorrow.  No time to catch anything.    I'm just waiting on my friend to bring me to the pharmacy to pick up my antibiotics.  I get to take 2000 mg tomorrow morning.  Talk about the breakfast of champions.  BLECH!
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Hi girlies!

I know I've been gone for a while, life just got so crazy!  I'm home now back in the States, adjusting to life here, missing Israel and all the people I met, and getting ready to go up to my university in two weeks...not much of a summer huh?  I've got some catching up to do, but I just wanted to pop by and say Hello.


Reply 2048#2048 imarielle626's post

we have missed you


Reply 2048#2048 imarielle626's post

Hey Arielle, welcome back !


  Welcome back Arielle!  It's good to see you around again!


Reply 2048#2048 imarielle626's post

Welcome home...though it doesn't sound like you'll be there too long.   Nice to have you back with us though.

BTW, I went to the dentist today, and it was MUCH better than I expected - though it had been MUCH longer since my last appointment - 4 years!
Anyway, the dentist didn't have too much scraping to do and I had no cavities.  He said he sees people who come in after 4 months who look way worse than my 4 year hiatus.  I'll definitely not leave it so long until my next appointment, but I'm glad it's over.   Still feel a bit yucky from the handful of antibiotics I had to take though. ICK!
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


  Yay!  Glad to hear it went well. So, if you don't mind my asking, why did you have to take antibiotics before?  You don't have to answer if you don't want


Reply 2053#2053 themegababe's post

It's no big deal.  I have a heart murmur (as many do), so it's a precautionary measure.  It's not necessary for everyone who has a heart murmur - it all depends on the type.  I can't recall what mine is called, but my doc said it was the kind that needed the meds.  It's to prevent any possible infection from getting into the heart valves.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


We just found out that my mother-in-law was admitted to the hospital and is currently in the ICU. She's doing okay from what they tell us, but it's so frustrating to be so far away. Oddly enough- it has something to do with a heart murmur they found a while back- apparently she was over-exerting herself and it caused something like a heart attack. Anyway- please keep her in your thoughts everyone.
"To be nobody but yourself in a world that's doing its best to make you somebody else, is to fight the hardest battle you are ever going to fight. Never stop fighting."
E. E. Cummings


Reply 2055#2055 silver1978's post

Will do Shannon.  You're in my thoughts too.  I know how hard it can be to be far away when there's a problem - though I've never been quite as far away as you are at the moment.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Same here it's really sad news when these thing happen


mine too


i hope she is doing better.  you will both be in my thoughts.  It is always hard to have a loved one in the hospital.  I experience that about a month ago so I know how hard it can be.


I had a nice evening tonight.  I went and had dinner at my friend's house - first time I got to see the new place - and had a fun visit & watched a girly movie.  Great girls night in, since her hubby had to work.  

The one nice thing about preparing to move away is I'm getting to spend some time with my friends.  Everyone is so busy with everyday life that it's easy to become too tired to just relax and enjoy being in the company of friends that have been around for what seems like always.  It's nice to have something that gives the incentive to make more effort.  

I'll definitely miss my friends here when I move, but life doesn't stand still for anyone.  Though I'll miss them, we'll stay in touch, and I'm looking forward to what comes next...the new friends to be made, adventures to be had and the inevitable bouts of homesickness.  Thank goodness where I'm moving is pretty much my second home, as it will make the transition a bit easier.  Not too long now and this city girl is going country!   Let's just hope my wardrobe doesn't suffer too greatly.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!

