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The girly`s ......giggle box

Reply 2000#2000 studiojek's post

I'm moving to Northern Ontario (about 1hr. drive from Sault Ste. Marie - in case you know the area), about 5-600 miles north of where I currently live.  My Mum lives up there and I've been going there since before I can remember, so it's almost like going home.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Well going home is good!  Are you guys going to have a house?


Reply 2002#2002 themegababe's post

That's the plan.  The house my Mum is in now is too small.  It's my Grandparent's old house.  It's fine for a visit, but we'd feel like we were on top of each other all the time if we lived there - plus there's far too much yard work for either of us to maintain.  She's on the lookout for a house we can rent...hopefully nearer to town.  She has a dog that she doesn't want to give up (I don't want her to either), and he needs a yard, so an apartment just wouldn't work.

It's not 100% necessary that she find a place before I arrive, but it would be nice.  I REALLY don't want to have to move more than once.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


get out im takeing over
The Mod Police Are Watching You


Reply 2004#2004 magic4u's post

If it isn't my old nemesis and curmudgeonly rival.

Never gonna happen my friend!  This thread is still hangin' in there, and we girlies LOVE it.

Nice of you stop by your old stomping grounds though.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


I think your lost Magic you want the Gentleman's club thread. You should check it out your in their hall of fame.


Reply 2006#2006 gabsimom's post

I assume you mean Gary and not me...though I could have a spot in the fellas Hall of Fame too, just for being me.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2007#2007 waterlilybarb's post

You wish I think Silver took the only girl spot with all her tech knowledge. I avoid that thread as I am afraid of cooties.


Reply 2008#2008 gabsimom's post

Who needs tech knowledge when you're cute?   You should have seen me dancin' all over my living room while I watched Hairspray tonight.  The guys would've paid good money to see that.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2009#2009 waterlilybarb's post

Haha - love you meez!!

I have a friend who lives in Ontario but I can't remember where exactly. (yeah, that was useful...not like Ontario's *big* or anything lol!). I'm glad you're going to be living in a place that feels like 'home' to you, that's not always easy to achieve! And I have to say, kudos to you that you're going to be living with your mom - I think my mom and I would murder each other living in the same house again!!


Reply 2010#2010 studiojek's post

Thankfully, my Mum is my best friend.  We are different enough that we don't drive each other nuts and alike enough that we have fun together.  The main reason I won't live at my Grandparent's house though is that it would feel like neither of us could have any privacy.  I definitely need my space.  As long as I have a spot that I can escape to when I need to be alone (feeling a little like Greta Garbo ) I'm good.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2011#2011 waterlilybarb's post

Oh I am the same way - as much as I like anybody, if I don't get some alone time I'm an absolute horror to have to deal with!!

That's so nice about you and your mother - that's a rare and precious gift!


Reply 2012#2012 studiojek's post

I appreciate it too.  I see many mothers & daughters that don't get along or just don't have the kind of close relationship we've been blessed to have.  My Mum was fortunate to have the same wonderful friendship with her own mother.  She's still my Mum, and I respect her as such, but it's so nice that we are such good friends.  

And, yeah, when I don't get any time to myself I can be a nightmare!  Thankfully my Mum already knows this and is willing to risk it.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


now strangest story


Reply 2014#2014 bala's post

I figured he must be transgendered, but they didn't say how he got pregnant.  I'm assuming they either had a friend be the donor or went to a sperm bank.  I think it was a bit obvious that he'd have a C-section, since he's already had the gender reassignment surgery.  It would be impossible to give birth any other way.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2015#2015 waterlilybarb's post

Well -i can't believe it. hence why i posted on here not on the guys topics


Reply 2016#2016 bala's post

It's a peculiar situation alright.  I can't say I really understand the transgender thing - though I believe it.  It must be very confusing to feel like you're not in the right body, especially as a child.  It's nice he has a supportive wife.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2017#2017 waterlilybarb's post

yes that it nice it's amazing what you can find internet i wasn't even looking for that video i just came across at first it was a joke than when they mention  transgenic i realise it wasn't a joke. it's nice he wants to do it for his wife but i don't know how his wife feel about this situation. this one thing I'm glad I'm a guy. i honestly don't know how woman do this. .

i recently found one of my cousin who only a year older than me is pregnant and she just got married last year. i was like what's the hurry .


Reply 2018#2018 bala's post

Everyone is different.  Some people like to have their children young so they can have the energy to play with them.  Also, if your cousin & her husband want a larger family, they might have wanted to start right away, or it could have been an OOPS.   

My Mum was only 17 when she married and 18 when she had me.  I wouldn't recommend that, but it was common at the time.  It was great having a young Mum.  Many of my friends were the youngest of large families so their parents were older.  They all loved my Mum too - they still do.    
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2019#2019 waterlilybarb's post

Yeah it's just i honestly don't think i have the patience to deal with a baby

