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Doctor Who Season 4 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

Top 5 Christmas Moments

Watching how they do the special effects for the Christmas specials was great


The Next Doctor

MIss Hartigan at the funeral in red was an interesting distraction for the Cybermen to make a move and I suppose using children as labour would be normal for Victorian London


Doctor Who at the Proms 2009

Not my usual type of program but as this was presented by Martha which had music, characters and clips from the show I thought I would watch it and showing Music Of The Spheres made that clip more understandable


Planet of the Dead

Saying follow that bus was amusing and something you don't hear very often but the state of the bus when it landed in the dessert was a surprise, Michelle Ryan and Lee Evans guest staring was great


The Waters of Mars

The Doctor arriving on the Mars base in 2059 was no coincidence as it was also the day they were all supposed to die but you knew he would try and save some of them



I think this is the second animated episode and as the first was so good I had to watch this and being based in Roswell, New Mexico with the spaceship was interesting


The End of Time (1)

Wilfred coming back into the Doctor's life was interesting as Donna had her memories wiped clean but I didn't think I would see the Master again


The End of Time (2)

The Master thinking he had taken over everyone was disturbing but Donna ringing her dad was amusing and a strange but nice ending with the doctor going around to see everyone and seeing him set up Captain Jack with a date was amusing

