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Tv Shows that could be updated up to 7th September

Tv Shows that could be updated up to 7th September

Shows Pending

Show Name Episode NameEpisode NumberWIBUT
Reno 911! Undercover Acting Coach5x15 Unknown
Reno 911!The Parade5x16 Unknown

Next Weeks Shows

Show Name Episode NameEpisode Number WIBUT

Just because they are on my list does not mean they all be updated!

The site has to find a good and reliable source for all these episodes so this means that some episodes may take longer to get uploaded than what is expected.

WIBUT means "Will It Be Updated/Uploaded Today/Tomorrow"
(WIBUT is only guess I make, do not take it as the truth as you may be disappointed)
[ Last edited by 01torres at 9-6-2008 15:23 ]
The pen is mighter than the sword.


Reply 1#1 01torres's post

I have noticed you missed
City Homicide 2x07 Golden
Original Air-date: Monday September 01st, 2008


Reply #1 01torres's post

Getting back to the regular season makes me really happy...

Just when they updated the Hannah Montana episodes, there's a new one!


Reply #1 01torres's post

I just checked EPisodeWorld looking at upcoming episodes of everything...Hannah Montana (Joannie B. Goode) is not supposed to air until the 14th. I double checked on TV.com as well...


Reply 1#1 01torres's post

Updated early this morning
Gossip Girl 2x01                  
One Tree Hill 6x01


Reply 1#1 01torres's post

More updates this morning
Prison Break 4x01-4x02


Reply 1#1 01torres's post

And more updates this morning
City Homicide 2x07                  
The Middleman 1x12                
The Closer 4x08                
Mad Men 2x06


Reply 7#7 codebreaker's post

there were very fast


Thanks for Daily Updates


Reply 1#1 01torres's post

Updated this morning
The Shield 7x01


Thanks For that


Reply 1#1 01torres's post

And more updates this morning
Greek 2x02


Reply 1#1 01torres's post

Updated this morning
Bones 4x01-4x02


next big update is Saturday


Reply 14#14 bala's post

Next week is even better than this week


Reply 15#15 codebreaker's post

yeah with weeds and burn notice returning

you been on-line quite a lot these past couple of weeks-i used remember when you only came on here vip quizes?


Reply 16#16 bala's post

I am not normally a big writer but i love to read what show people are talking about i now watch everything on my computer and i have seen some great show that members are talking about


Reply 17#17 codebreaker's post

no one expect you to be a good writer-just look at me and how bad my grammar is but that doesn't stop posting loads of comments if i can do it so can you


Reply 1#1 01torres's post

Updated this morning
Bleach 8x19                  
Naruto Shippuden 3x21


it's really delayed today


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