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Important Notice: donation system and Member's center updating

Important Notice: donation system and Member's center updating

Donation system and member’s center are updating and can not receive donations temporally due that we are changing donation method to Moneybookers or other third-part payment methods. This update will take three days at most. If you want to make a donation to get VIP services right now, please go for Live Customer Support for assistance. After update completed, members will enjoy more services besides watching shows with acquired points.
We keep improving services for you.


Reply 1#1 lbjedward's post

is there a reason why you are changing it?



When I try to go to live message centre I get a digital image site. How can I make my donation?


Reply 3#3 3gin3's post

At the moment you cannot make a donation, this will be fixed in a couple of days time (2 - 3 days time).
The pen is mighter than the sword.


Does that mean that paypal will no longer work?


Reply 5#5 Teachergirl's post

Well it's been replaced by another provider wait until new system is up and running


I hope that does not mean setting up another account at a paypal-like system.... but I guess we'll see.


Reply 7#7 Teachergirl's post

in mean time you can use you points someone needs to test new donation system when it gets done , we don't want our member to be cheated if there problem new system. my advice wait and see what problem might happen.


I have clicked on "Live CS Online Now" button and it said I was connected with agent #5 and I typed in that I wanted to make my monthly donation so there is no interruption in my service Saturday and I literally sat there for an hour and nobody responded on that link. I closed that box and went to another computer and tried it and that one said I was connected with agent #2 and the same thing happened. The agent never responded to me ... and that window stayed open on my laptop for an hour and a half waiting on a response. What's going on?


I'm having the same problems as person above.. or everytime I'm logged on the CS is always Off-line... My points have now all gone. Any chance of an update to when we will be able to donate again?


Reply 10#10 mizkel's post

Sometime later today is the deadline they set so it should be up in a couple of hours.
The pen is mighter than the sword.


amount of donation per month to be VIP

I am wondering how much donation it is per month to be a VIP. I will be looking forward to your reply. Thank you.


Reply 12#12 Dend9877's post

A donation isn't actually needed to become a VIP. With forum participation, one can easily achieve VIP status. If you do wish to donate, the amount would depend on how many points you wish to have or if you wish to have a monthly membership. How to Become a VIP Member - (Donations, Points, & More) [ Last edited by silver1978 at 8-8-2008 17:59 ]
"To be nobody but yourself in a world that's doing its best to make you somebody else, is to fight the hardest battle you are ever going to fight. Never stop fighting."
E. E. Cummings

