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TV Shows that could be updated on 23rd May

TV Shows that could be updated on 23rd May

Shows Pending From Previous Updates

Show NameEpisode Name WIBUT
The Profusion of Blooming Crimson FlowersUnlikely
NCISJudgment Day Part 1Possible
Judgment Day Part 2Possible

Tomorrows Updates

Show NameEpisode Name WIBUT
Grey's Anatomy Freedom (1)Possible
Grey's Anatomy Freedom (2) Possible
Naruto: ShippuudenMutability Unlikely

Just because they are on my list does not mean they all be updated!

The site has to find a good and reliable source for all these episodes so this means that some episodes may take longer to get uploaded than what is expected.

Please remember that and be patient. <img src=

(WIBUT means Will It Be Updated/Uploaded Today/Tomorrow)
(WIBUT is only guest I have, do not take it as the truth as you may be disappointed)
[ Last edited by 01torres at 5-23-2008 11:23 ]


fingers and toes crossed for  GA tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Reply 2#2 Teachergirl's post

NCIS is also 2 parter but waiting 2 days

the only double-bill they managed upload desperate housewives


so far

Reno 911! 5x09                  
Ugly Betty 2x18


It'll come, I'm sure of it.


Reply 5#5 Teachergirl's post

it's nice to have your conviction


Reply 6#6 bala's post

seeing that it is now listed as a possible update for the 26th there goes my conviction. Youtube where art thou???????????


Reply 7#7 Teachergirl's post

i wouldn't watch it on youtube quality is bad and it's fantastic episode


Do you think I'll only watch this one once? I am so addicted, I have seen these episodes many times! And over the summer I'll start from the very beginning again. SOmetimes I can do the voiceover along with Meredith, I know it by heart! LOL


Reply 9#9 Teachergirl's post

it's a good episode so many issues i just patient.


Reply 3#3 bala's post

NCIS was a really good season finale.  It has me wondering how they'll start next year - and I'm a fairly new convert to the show.  I've seen it over the years, but not every week.  I started watching regularly half way through last season, and have enjoyed this one.  I hope next season will be good too.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 11#11 waterlilybarb's post

yeah but i suspect somehow gibb will team back

