Hello all.
Long time viewer on VIP but infrequent poster (I usually just lurk in the shadows reading!). . .
I have always had great experiences using VIP but currently it's taking me over 3 or 4 hours just to buffer 1 x 30 min episode. It's no fun. I realise there is an upgrade in the works but it's annoying having to wait without much info.
So whilst these server issues are still being worked out on the Flash site, I would still like to be able to watch my shows..
Although it's possibly a controversial request as I know a lot of you are loyal to VIP... but
can anyone recommend another similar site that works in the same way/ set-up style?
I have quite a few points left so I'm not moving on permanently, I'll be back but .. gotta have my show fix, you know how it is!
Any suggestions much appreciated.