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TV Shows that could be updated on 14th May

TV Shows that could be updated on 14th May

Shows Pending From Previous Updates

Show Name Episode Name WIBUT
Without a Trace Driven Unlikely

Tomorrows Updates

Show Name Episode Name WIBUT
NCIS About Face Possible
Reaper The Leak Possible
Shark One Hit Wonder Possible

Just because they are on my list does not mean they all be updated!

The site has to find a good and reliable source for all these episodes so this means that some episodes may take longer to get uploaded than what is expected.

Please remember that and be patient. <img

(WIBUT means Will It Be Updated/Uploaded Today/Tomorrow)
(WIBUT is only guest I have, do not take it as the truth as you may be disappointed)
[ Last edited by 01torres at 5-13-2008 16:55 ]


Reply 1#1 01torres's post

The pen is mighter than the sword.


Woo Hoo all of the Big Bang Theory has been Added


Reply 3#3 gabsimom's post

today was a big update i couldn't believe it wheni saw how many episode they added i was expecting them miss a few but this has been best update this month.


Only two more weeks (one for some shows) and there will be hardly any updates.
I might be able to catch up on all those shows i keep meaning to check out.

Thanks for the update


Reply 5#5 slade01's post

hopefully next week we get some new shows to watch on here

