I am sure that the site management is trying to fix this problem but until they do I thought I would help out as there seems to be a few members having this problem and asking for help
New Updates & Older Shows
When trying to watch a show sometimes you will get a "STREAM_NOT_FOUND" error when trying to watch it. If you are having this issue here are some things you can do. This will work for both new updates and older shows but the newer updates seem to have a bigger chance of having glitches when first updated.
1. Try the other server
Sometimes this works and is a quick fix.
2. Try reloading from the same server
Do this a few times. You have 30 clicks per 24 hours before you are charged points again for this episode while on the flash site regardless of which server you try. I have found this will work most of the time.
3. Wait a while and try again
If 1 and 2 don't work wait an hour or so and come back to it and try again. This typically works for newer updates and the shows will usually work after they have been up for a little while.
4. When all else fails!!
Report it! It can't be fixed if no one knows it's not working. The
ERROR REPORTING: Fix the Bugs - Member's Challenge thread is there for just that. When reporting a problem state what site you are on as well as which servers you have used along with your problem.
Note: Please read the first and last few pages of this thread to see if your problem has been reported before you post.
Points refund When All Else Fails!! 
You can always ask for your points back.
Details on how to do this can be found here
Lost pts? Send a PM to lbjedward and got lost pts back
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Last edited by woothdye at 2-18-2012 20:36 ]