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Suggestion about "Free Shows"

Suggestion about "Free Shows"

Thanks for the new shows, I am really looking forward to watching new story-lines and characters.  I have a suggestion though - Is is possible to warn us before you remove shows from the "free" category?  I was putting off watching some of the episodes of one of the shows to watch something else, thinking I had time to watch later (I know I can still watch, but still...) anyway, a for example, weeks notice before a show get moved would be great.  Anyway, there's my two-cents worth.  



Reply 1#1 gramywheels's post

Sorry they add shows without warning


Reply 1#1 gramywheels's post

Hey there, thanks for the suggestion. However, the administrators usually spend a lot of time looking for reliable sources. When they have enough shows to add new ones, they do it without little warning as they don't have much time to advise us. I know it's not an ideal solution, but generally speaking, the oldest free shows will go first.


Reply 1#1 gramywheels's post

New shows usually stay in the free section for about 2-4 weeks before it is moved to VIP.


Reply 4#4 Milks26's post

sometimes longer if your lucky


Reply 5#5 bala's post

Yeah, depends on the popularity of the show as well.

The Law & Orders will be moved soon.


its annoying how they just move shows to VIP but understandable. i hate it when i get hooked on a show then it moves but they have to make money somehow

