it's really odd to me how unrealistically upbeat this show is. it doesn't seem like a precautionary tale to me AT ALL! I mean, it's a happy ending w the baby bringing all these ppl together and if amy whines enough her mom will take care of the baby for her. I wonder how many teenage moms even live w their parents, let alone have a good relationship w them?
this show was oddly addictive for me even tho I didn't actually *like* it. despite the fact that I didn't like or relate to any of the characters, I couldn't stop wondering what was going to happen to them. I hate the opening song, the acting was excruciating, and it's hard for me to believe that the writers weren't constantly so stoned they had no idea they were writing tripe. there were so many things I didn't like about this show, so little of it made actual sense ... but for some reason, I kept watching. for some reason, I cared about (most of) the characters. (btw, liking the characters and caring about what happens to them are two different things.) -end rant-
[ Last edited by Mercuriel1 at 5-4-2009 08:42 ]