this site is not only a tremendous way for someone like me living “in exile” to be able to watch all the shows my relatives in England had to tape for me and then send them over to Germany by mail - no, this site turned out to be a sort of a life-saver!

2008/9 was a rather unlucky period for me: in a terrible car accident (someone drove into the back of my car while I was waiting at a red light and pushed me into the back of the car in front of me) my back was seriously injured and after several operations I had to lie in bed for almost 9 weeks!

Also as a result of the accident, temporarily I couldn’t see very well, my vision kept changing, reading was almost impossible, so you might be able to imagine how frustrated and in the end even depressed I was, especially as I had used to lead a very active and happy life…

But we found a solution: with my laptop at the side of my bed I started watching all the shows on this site, sometimes for hours, especially when I couldn’t read or even typing was too painful – my apologies to LiveCS, I must have got on your nerves when the “too-many-clicks-bugs” kept appearing and I kept asking when it would be fixed- I was simply bored stiff!!
But let me assure you, there is nothing better to get over such a long, boring period than 7 seasons of West Wing or 15 seasons of ER!

As you asked for stories connected to this wonderful site – here is mine, not asking for pity as I am much better these days, I CAN WALK AGAIN, not for long, but it is getting better – yet my addiction is still there and I can’t imagine having to live without you!
As I have stated already several times before, one of the most outstanding characteristics of your site is the high viewing quality of the shows compared to many others I had tried! Keep up this standard and you will get even more members! And of course the forum, very informative, funny and interesting, and the quizzes (if only there were more…) are great!
So, this was my two cents worth