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Army Wives

Army Wives

Sorry to throw a dampener on things but what happened to Army Wives ep 14?  Hope 14 and 15 get updated today.  

Are existing shows being given priority over free shows?


I have been waiting for episdoes of army wives for quite a while now .... where are there ?


Reply 1#1 inro's post

Shows are uploaded as good sources for the episodes are found.  Some weeks the updates take longer than others for some shows.  Please be patient.  I'm sure they will eventually be added.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Army Wives

Barb, thanks for your message.  It seems a bit ungrateful to complain about Army Wives not being updated with so many great shows being added, but the feeling I get is that existing shows are not given priority.  Could you pass this on to whoever might be able to help.  It's a bit of a downer for those that pay regularly to have to wait a month before the next episode.


Reply 4#4 inro's post

They understand i watch this show as well


Army Wives S3 eps 14 & 15

Thanks Bala ... that gives me some encouragement .... (we'll just have to wait K Fernandez...)


Reply 6#6 inro's post

this show has always been updated late season 2 we had 4 weeks for last 3 episodes of the season


Thanks....its is killing me not to be able to see it.  My husband is stationed in Germany and it does show over here.  Anxiously awaiting updates...


Reply 8#8 caki827's post

Well i send a pm to admin again on this issue


Episode 16...its the same as Episode 15....


Reply 10#10 caki827's post

This has already been reported several times in our Fix the Bugs - Member's Challenge thread.  Hopefully it will be remedied ASAP.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Hi Waterlily ... still not remedied and I lost a further 2 points today because I received a PM that said it had been.  Have PM'd lbjedward already.




Reply 12#12 inro's post

LBJ is aware of the issue, so I suggest checking the forum in the Army Wives season 3 discussion thread to check whether it's been fixed so you won't lose any more points.

I noticed your post in the other thread to the other member - have you been reimbursed yet or not?  If not, PMing LBJ is the way to go - as I see you've done.  
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!

