Premiers June 3, 2013
East Los High" is a teen drama series that reflects the lives of teenagers growing up in East Los Angeles[clarification needed] from the American Latino perspective. The show follows Jessie, a geeky junior at East Los High a fictional school in a working class Los Angeles neighborhood. Jessie an only child in a single parent Latino household is busy with preparing for college and fantasizing about her crush Jacob. Jessie's cousin Maya is a runaway with a troubled past who moves in with her at the beginning of the series.
The first episode finds Jessie at a school dance watching in dismay as her crush, Jacob, is crowned Homecoming King alongside his girlfriend Vanessa. The couple belongs to the popular crowd. After the Homecoming couple finishes dancing, Jessie encouraged by her best friend Soli asks Jacob to dance. They share a tender moment. While dancing, Jessie's phone is stolen by unknown person. The mystery thief uses the phone to catch a viral video of Vanessa having sex in a parked car after she is crowned Homecoming Queen.