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Missing 198 Points

Missing 198 Points

Hi hate to post this as a message, but I have sent 2 PM's and its been 2 days. I usually get issues resolved very quickly so I am surprised by the lack of response. I purchased 200 points 2 days ago, and when I log in the points say 0 and will not let me watch. Please fix as soon as possible. Thanks


Reply 1#1 ayoung's post

Can you confirm from paypal account that money was received to the site and please send that confirmation to Ibjedward and it sometimes takes few days because it's friday this matter will probably get resolved next week..


I now see that paypal has chosen this transaction for review. Apologies to the site, I should have checked paypal first. I am overseas and have been having trouble using paypal, they keep thinking that there is fraud on my account when it is just me. Apologies again


Reply 3#3 ayoung's post

No worries, but thank you for the apology. We all make mistakes, and I've had issues with PayPal recognizing me as the user to my own account, so I feel your pain. I hope it's cleared up swiftly so you can continue watching the shows you enjoy. And please, don't wait until there's a problem to visit the forum. We know most people are busy, but it's nice to see some of the members who are not regular posters pop in & comment on the shows or episodes they liked (or hated) from time to time.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


The issues with Paypal has been resolved (for this transaction at least). Do I need to send someone an email to get my points back.


Reply 5#5 ayoung's post

Send a pm Ibjedward with confirmation that payment has been approved.

