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Lost points...please help!

Lost points...please help!

Hi there! Last night when I was watching the new True Blood, my browser crashed twice -- which resulted in me having to restart. Unfortunately, when I looked online at my points this morning, it showed that six points were taken from my account for watching the show instead of just two. Aren't we only supposed to be charged once per 24 hour period for viewing? Could someone please credit the additional points back to my account? I appreciate your help and assistance in the matter. : )


Reply 1#1 spygirlfive's post

You should sent a PM to lbjedward with a copy of your viewing history explaining what happened PS don't tick the box to save your PM because there is a glitch with the system


Reply 1#1 spygirlfive's post

Yes - codebreaker is correct, and you should only be charged once for the same episode. You have 30 times/24hrs. Reply 2#2 codebreaker's post And thanks Jim.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!



Thanks, both of you!!!

