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Real Player

Real Player

Is there an issue with Real Player. Whenever I try to watch something and click on the Real Player link, it doesn't work, I just get a white screen. I watched Revenge yesterday morning fine, but now this is what's happening.


Reply 1#1 3gin3's post

I have just tried Downton Abbey on the realplayer site and that is working for me


Reply 1#1 3gin3's post

Any chance your RP did an auto-update? That is often the cause of problems that show up overnight.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Real player

When watching with Real Player sound and picture are often not in sync!!!!


Reply 4#4 soprano.sofia's post

If others are not experiencing the same problem, then the issue is somewhere on your end. Please see our RealPlayer Troubleshooting Help thread for some tips to optimize your viewing.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!

