Ok, Lucas really annoyed me this episode...almost as much as Nanny Carrie. Would she please get a new love interest. I think that she and K-Fed make a good couple: they're both sorta mental so at least they have that in common.

But Lucas and his mixed signals...

Anyway, I think that I am really starting to like Quincy. Does anyone else think that Haley overreacted about the whole bar thing?? I mean, I could see where she was coming from but that dude did rub her butt in front of her husband. I'm surprised that she held a grudge with Nathan that long. I thought that it was going to be a reason for him to start looking towards Carrie but thank God it wasn't. Nathan was really getting on my nerves this episode with the whole "jealous-flirting-giving-Carrie-attention" thing. But he made up for it in the end. Also, did anyone else think that Carrie was drinking a bit much?? Who knows what type of person she really is. Omg, one word...Brooke's mom. I'll leave it at that because I'm still in shock over it. But the Bitter Shrew drink was a nice touch from Peyton.