The Finder Premiered on Fox on January 12, 2012
Iraq war veteran WALTER SHERMAN (Geoff Stults) gained a reputation in his army days as being the go-to guy for tracking down insurgents and deserters and finding improvised explosive devices (IEDs). Unfortunately one IED found Walter before he could find it, resulting in severe brain damage with a lasting and unexpected effect. Walter transformed from someone skilled at the standard recovery of people and things in wartime scenarios to someone - something - much more extraordinary: a Finder. Walter left the military, but his reputation as a discreet professional able to unearth anything and anyone passed on to generals, politicians and other powerful figures. His first post-military assignment was to find the CIA head honcho's missing daughter and bring her home. He accomplished that mission successfully, and since then has never been without an assignment.
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[ Last edited by codebreaker at 7-27-2013 07:02 ]