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The girly`s ......giggle box

Reply 1398#1398 penny3760's post

Thanks Penny, appreciate that

I will check that out.


Reply 1400#1400 shinny's post

I'm picking up on that, hehe


Reply 1400#1400 shinny's post

I thought one of my grand children were playing a joke on me when I heard the music.
Love starts with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a tear.


Anyone in the mood to dance with ole Granny

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Love starts with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a tear.


Lets give it a whirl Penny


Reply 1404#1404 penny3760's post

On a good day Penny, you'd see me like this:

Though, in person I'm a little bit more graceful.

Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Okay Tina, that was totally.......

I thought, my craziness, had added a new feature.
Audible hallucinations!!

Barb, the dancing you (Meez), made me belly laugh so hard..hahahahahahah
I think I bruised, my spleen!!

Penny, I'll dance with you any day!!!!


I decided to get down too.


Reply 1407#1407 gypsiegirl66's post

It cuts the dance short.  Bummer.  I'm doing the electric slide, but you'd never know it.   I can actually do it quite well (on a good day) but that's 'cuz "I got rhythm."
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1409#1409 waterlilybarb's post

But, you do it so well here....hahahahahaahahaha!!!

You know, (of course you do Barb), I'm actually doing my victory dance. I just pulled it out, of my photobucket album!! White is for victory and black is for... well we'll just keep that to ourselves!


Reply 1410#1410 gypsiegirl66's post


Now, I'm REALLY going to bed.  Good-night girls!  See ya' tomorrow.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1406#1406 waterlilybarb's post

I had to go and change into my dancing clothes.

I'm ready to dance the night away

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Love starts with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a tear.


Reply 1409#1409 waterlilybarb's post

I noticed that also when I did one of my Meez pictures.   It cuts the dance short.  I thought I did something wrong when it came to saving the picture.  
Everyone looks so cute dancing!  
Love starts with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a tear.


I love everyone's dancing Meez (Meezes?!!)!


Now if only I could actually dance like that!  I used to be a fair dancer, but I haven't danced since middle school.  I do enjoy busting a move at the occasional party or concert though


Okay so our small heat wave is officially over!  It hailed last night and this morning.  I did not sleep a wink last night because I was so cold I just couldn't fall asleep.  The cold has really started to affect me.  I took the wrong bus to work today-three 19s all stopped at the same time and I have to take the 18.  I miss read one of the 9s as an 8.  By time I realized I was on the wrong bus I has gone 2 stops in the wrong direction, missed the right bus and had to walk the rest of the way.  To make things worse, then it started to rain.

I'd never though I'd say this, but I miss the weather in Miami!

Only a few more months of cold...only a few more months of cold...!!!!!


Reply 1416#1416 imarielle626's post

I've missed my share of buses/subways and I know that NOW WHAT MESS HAVE I GOTTEN MYSELF INTO!!? feeling.

Enjoy some hot chocolate to keep you warm!
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Reply 1417#1417 studiojek's post

thanks! that looks soo good!

I'm actually off to the gym now.  Nothing like breaking a sweat then sitting in a locker room full of heaters and take a nice hot shower to make you forget about the cold.  Too bad the gym is the next town over and a 15 minute walk from the bus stop.  I look forward to those showers though!  So much nicer than the piece of crap, non existent shower in my apartment.  It is literally just a nozzle coming out of the wall.  No shower curtain, door, or anything!


Reply 1414#1414 studiojek's post

Here's the web site.    You should make a meez of yourself.  It's fun!
Love starts with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a tear.


Reply 1415#1415 imarielle626's post

My husband and I were pretty active until I had back trouble.  We use to go dancing once in awhile. Do you remember the dance they called the Bump?   We use to have so much fun doing that dance.
Love starts with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a tear.

