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The girly`s ......giggle box

Just letting ya know.....

I'm off to the Doc's! (He kind of looks like, this funny little guy too).

See ya when I get back!!


Reply 1321#1321 gypsiegirl66's post

Good luck at the doc's.  

Finger's crossed it's all good news!

[ Last edited by imarielle626 at 1-22-2008 21:02 ]


fell better gypsy!  man, i miss out so much when i'm mia for 3 days! haha  

so excited for the surprise arielle!


Thanks girlie's, all's well!! I have to have some tests, just to put the O in I'm Okay!!!

Yes Meg, you need to be around more, I miss my little co-pilot!! (of course, after my LOA, I really can't complain). I still can miss you though!!


I'm here!  I'm here!

work is just kicking my butt, so when I get home I don't want to do anything! haha

Well, I want to do craft stuff, cuz that's how I unwind.  So yeah, I've been busy! haha  how are you feeling after your accident?  so sad to hear about that. People can be so freakin rude!


Reply 1325#1325 themegababe's post

You enjoy you work and your crafts sweetie, but don't forget about us too!!!
Actually my shoulder is felling a bit better, so I am on the mend there. But, I have been down with a migraine, since late yesterday.

I'm hoping that this........

...will move out of my head soon!!!

I hear that I'm not the only one, it must be something in the atmosphere!!


Reply 1326#1326 gypsiegirl66's post

I hear ya' girl!  That same tune's been banging away in my head for at least 3 days now.  Today is a little quieter, so I'm going to be smart and not aggravate the band.  I'll only be here for a short time, but will check in again later.

Hugs & kisses to all the girlies!   They are the best medicine around,   (not including any good pain med that could actually evict the bugger).
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1327#1327 waterlilybarb's post

Well, the band was beating, quieter for me too. I think I've aroused them though, by being here too long. I got sucked into the action and bam, boom, bah that band is back!!   

So, good night my girlie's!!



Reply 1328#1328 gypsiegirl66's post

Good night sweetie!  Hope tomorrow brings some quiet for us all.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Well I'm not fighting off any migranes, thank goodness. But I think you gave me your insomnia, Barb! haha  I have been having issues getting to sleep a few nights, I would just lay in bed wide awake, even though I was exhauste.  And it's worse because I share a room and a bunk bed with another girl, so it's not like I can get out of the top bunk so quietly.  If I had my own room I would just turn on the light and read a book! haha  I realized it was because I really hadn't done much of anything during the day! haha I was just making a quilt, so no real activity.  So my body felt like it hadn't exerted any energy.  At least I figured out the problem and know that if it starts to happen i can do some crunches in bed to tire out my body! haha


Reply 1330#1330 themegababe's post

I don't know that your bunkmate will appreciate your doing crunches in bed, but I'm glad you found the root of your problem.   Insomnia is NO fun.  And we can't have our bride-to-be looking all tired and haggard from lack of sleep.   One thing I used to do when I shared a room was I had a light that could attach to the book, at the top, so I could read in bed and not disturb anyone with the light.

p.s. Please check out my poll in The Gilmore Girls forum.  I'm running a test, but I need member input too, not only mods.  It's here.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


I just got back from my first time ever being in the "live studio audience" of a tv show.  We went to the Israeli version of the American TV show Grease.  It was long and occasionally boring, but overall fun and interesting.  I especially liked hearing how they changed Grease Lightning into Hebrew (although I did not understand the words, the tune was the same).  I'm not the biggest reality TV fan, but it was interesting to see everything that goes into putting on a live show.  I actually learned that the entire thing is not live.  They pre-taped the two major dance numbers before the show aired.

Meg, I too share a bunk bed with my roommate (although I am on the bottom).  When I went though my bit of insomnia, I kept my flashlight and book in close reach, either under my pillow or on the floor next to my bed so I could read without waking up my roommate.  I also kept a notepad near by because I have a wandering mind and sometimes getting my thoughts out on paper helps clear my head enough to fall asleep.  It is always interesting to read what I wrote in the morning because my stream of consciousness goes in so many different directions!


I agree with Barb on this one Meg, doing crunches in that top bunk might be kind of squeaky. You may need to invest in, some sort of portable light...either of the above will do.

I too Arielle, love to write, when I get insomnia. I have awoke, to find some pretty wild things written on that note pad. It's amazing, where your mind can take you, when you are between consciousnesses.  


Reply 1333#1333 gypsiegirl66's post

I do that too.  What's even funnier is when you can't make any sense out of what you wrote the night before that seemed so important or profound at the time.  Penmanship can be poor too when writing in a sleepy haze...makes deciphering the meanderings of an insomniac brain all the more challenging.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1334#1334 waterlilybarb's post

Oh and the slanted scribble writing, maybe with a dab of dried drool on it.....

..........Actually, I wrote this, just the other night!!


Reply 1335#1335 gypsiegirl66's post

I LOVE it!  You're just too cute for words.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1336#1336 waterlilybarb's post

Hi Barb!  I was looking through the different threads and I found the girly's giggle box.  I don't remember ever seeing it before.  I noticed that basically just the moderators are posting.    The moderators do need a thread of there own to chat and relax after a long day of doing all the work you gals do to keep this site up and running smoothly.  All of you do such a great job!   You all are so sweet and understanding. I want to thank everyone for bringing joy and happiness into my life.  I love you all.
Love starts with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a tear.


Reply 1337#1337 penny3760's post

I see you can't sleep either.  Actually anyone is welcome here.  The mods have Site Management to chat about mod what kinds of games we'll be doing and stuff like that.  This thread is where the girls, and the occasional brave fellow, can come and have a bit of fun.  We whinge when we're sick and cheer each other up with silly pictures.  We also just come to see who else has stopped by.  You're more than welcome to drop by the giggle box whenever you like.  You are definitely one of the girls.

Now, I'm REALLY going to bed, and hopefully will successfully fall asleep.  Good-night my dear.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1338#1338 waterlilybarb's post

*knocking on the giggle box door*

Can I come in!? I'm with Penny, I've been on the boards since July but never opened up the giggle box. Wow, 67 pages of chatty! Just my kind of thread   I'll definitely have to pop on every so often!


Reply 1339#1339 studiojek's post

Of course you can come in.  No need to ask.  Our door is always open and there is always a fresh pot on the stove

and cookies in the oven

