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The girly`s ......giggle box

Reply 1300#1300 gabsimom's post

Sorry your head is in a vise.   That totally sucks!  I hope it pases quickly.

Hey Gypsy, how did your night go?  Were you able to get much sleep?  I hope so.  Isn't it lovely how things like this always happen just before the weekend?    Makes waiting to see your own doc that much more fun.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1301#1301 waterlilybarb's & gabsimom's posts

Oh, Tina I feel for ya hun, migraines are so awful!!

No, I didn't have the best night, I contemplated whether to come back here or not. I thought it best, that I just rest and watch some shows. I think I slept on & off for a few hours, after about 4am.


Reply 1302#1302 gypsiegirl66's post

That sucks too.  At least you had the site to watch shows on.  There's nothing but infomercials on TV that late.  I hope you're able to rest some today.  I imagine it's only when the pain killers first kick in that you can sleep at all.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1303#1303 waterlilybarb's post

I don't take these often........

but thanks goodness for pain medicine!!!

[ Last edited by gypsiegirl66 at 1-19-2008 17:53 ]


Wow! I go to sleep and wake up and all of a sudden there is a full page on here.  It looks like Gypsie brought all the action on this thread back with her

Tina, sorry to hear about your migrane.  Those can be a killer!  I was once told by my anatomy teach that a way to ease the pain of a migrane it to massage that flab of skin between your thumb and pointer finger on the side that the migrane is on.  Now i don't know if it actually works because I have never tested it, but the same teacher's way to stop hiccups actually works so it can't hurt to try.

Anyway, I am happy to report that it has warmed up here.  Which could be good or bad since I am supposed to got to Mt. Hermon, the only mountain in Israel that gets snow in two weeks, but if it gets to hot we can't go sledding =(


Reply 1305#1305 imarielle626's post

I get migraines frequently, and unfortunately I haven't found that accupressure point to be effective for me, though I know it does help others.  Maybe it has something to do with the cause of the migraine...who knows?

I'm la it's warming up's gotten colder here, and my radiator doesn't seem to be doing the job today.
I hope there's still snow when you go to Mt. Hermon.  Sledding is always fun.

I'm off to watch some shows, so see ya' later, 'gator.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Here's some chocolate fudge for everybody. Have been in the kitchen most of today! (Although this pic I found looks a bit better than my fudge which was in random shapes and not nice cubes!) Wish I could somehow actually get it to you via the computer, like Willy wonka and his wonkavision, lol.

Gypsy, sorry to hear you haven't had a good couple of days. It always amazes me how people are in such a rush to get everywhere and that nobody is prepared to help out a stranger.

Tina, hope your migraine is gone by the time you are reading this, I know how awful they can be.

[ Last edited by meljones_83 at 1-20-2008 22:26 ]
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


Reply 1307#1307 meljones_83's post

Now I'm wishing we had wonkavision too!   It's so cold here, I should be doing something in the kitchen, but I just can't motivate myself to get out from under the blanket.  The most I've done is boil water...which I'll be doing again shortly...for hot drinks.  I like winter, but NOT when the heat doesn't work well inside.  Then it's just miserable.  Even my cats are cold and cuddling under the blanket, here on the sofa.  I might see if there's anything decent in the freezer that I can heat up in the oven.  That way I don't have to actually cook, and it might feel a bit warmer in here.

p.s. Is anyone else having difficulty getting a good connection?  Mine isn't timing out, but for some reason I've got the RealPlayer window that doesn't show how far it's loaded, and even if I wait a good while it keeps stopping to communicate and I have to stop and restart the episode and drag it to where I left off.  It must have taken an hour and a half to watch one episode.  Yesterday it was streaming like a dream and I watched 5 episodes.  Today is just being a bummer of a day all around.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Thank you Arielle & Mel for the well wishes. I was amazed myself at how self absorbed the people passing seemed to be. I guess after the long flight, seeing little ole me laying there, was less important then getting to there important lives. Oh well.....we reap, what we sow, right?

That fudge looks soooo good, darn and my wonkavision is broken today!!

Hey barb, why dont you just put a pot of water in the oven and heat your water for tea. THat way, you can justify using your oven. You can even use ice cubes, so it will take longer

Barb, in your RP is the blue progress bar gone? So that all you have is a gray strip, that doesn't fill up anymore? I know how to fix that, if that is your problem.

Here's a nice cuppa tea to warm you up.......

Made from ice cube's in my oven!!

Oh, and I thought you could use this too......

Stay warm sweet pea!!!!


Here is some Hot Coco for everyone. and thanks for thinking about me everyone. I am feeling a little better.


Reply 1310#1310 gabsimom's post

Mmmmm!! I love hot cocoa, thanks!! I'm so glad to hear you are feeling better, I know how painful those migraines can be. They are no fun and you are way to fun a girl, to be laid up with a migraine. So, now you can get back, to having a good time and being full of fun and the Tina we all know and love!!!


Reply 1309#1309 gypsiegirl66's post

Yes, that's the problem with my RP.  I've asked about it several times, but you're the first one to offer any suggestions.  Please fill me in on how to remedy it because it's irritating when I don't know how far it's loaded.

Also, thanks for the tea, the electric blanket, and thanks Tina for the cocoa.  I'll make use of all 3.

p.s. I LOVE cinnamon in my cocoa.  YUM!
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1312#1312 waterlilybarb's post

that is because she is a smarty pants that knows everything about RP.


Reply 1313#1313 gabsimom's post

Sure wish I did.  Darn thing is so irritating, because sometimes it works great and then ...whammo... not so much.  I don't even know what causes it to do that - change from being able to see what's loading to not.  I don't fiddle with it and it will change in one viewing, if I have to stop and start it up again.  You would think there would be some consistency, but NO...not for me, anyway.  

OK, I just realized that it sounds like I think my RP is doing this to ME, personally, on purpose.  I'm not really that crazy or paranoid, but it does feel personal at times.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1314#1314 waterlilybarb's post

Sorry, I fell asleep. I'm sorry you are having so many problems sweat pea. Here is what you need to do. You need to do a "cleam uninstall", then re-install a fresh RP.
To do that go here.....VIP Help & Tips. You will find "clean uninstall" highlighted in green. I hope this helps!!

I love the little gypsiegirl TIna!!


Reply 1315#1315 gypsiegirl66's post

No problem, I watched a DVD while I waited.  I had rented a couple SG-1 discs to catch up quicker.  I'm now up to episode 13 of season 5.  YAY!  

I did everything in the instructions, and think it's all good now.  I'll know for sure over the next few days.  Thanks again, Miss Smarty Pants.   
BTW, how do you like those pants Tina found for you?  Pretty snazzy, eh?  Glad you were able to get some rest, I hope there's more of that in hours to come.

Catch ya' later.  I might just try to go and watch something now.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1316#1316 waterlilybarb's post

May it keep on, streaming right along!!


Just popping in to say a big

and then popping out again!

Just realised it's been 3 weeks since I last watched any shows on here.
*gasps in horror and amazement*
I just about manage to find time to check in on the forum so you guys don't go forgetting me!! Haven't even had time to keep up with all the great quizzes. *sigh*
It's a good job I like my job or I'd have given up by now!

Hope all girlies are well (actually hope everyone is well, am not sexist!) and look forward to seeing what's been going on during my next fleeting visit!
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


Reply 1318#1318 meljones_83's post

Thanks for the lovely...and warm looking...greeting, Mel.   It's still quite chilly here, so the beach looks mighty appealing.

And Gypsy, I haven't watched anything today, but had no trouble with 2 shows last night.  Thanks again!  It's made my viewing experience SO much more pleasurable.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1318#1318 meljones_83's post

Mel and all my girlie's!!
I say girlie's, because this is the girlie giggle box.
But, you know I luv you all!!!

Barb, anytime you need me, to ride in and save the day..........

I'll just saddle up!!!
Giddy up, little horsey!! Heee Haw!!

