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The Gentleman's(and not so) Club

Reply 820#820 bala's post

Love the one about Apple, Just because Steve Jobs tells you that you need something does not mean its great (Sheep). All those lies Apple told people about the Iphone 4 saying this is new and we invented this, I was soo glad when Nokia won their lawsuit for patent infringment


Reply 821#821 casper27's post

Well don't let any of the ifollowers hear that.  iSteve is an igod made flesh.  His cute little black iturtlenecks and his oh-shucks i I I I am so great iattitude has every iboy and igirl become an irobot.
I am not asking you to dye your hair red and call me Mulder, I would simple ask that you could consider the possibility...


Reply 822#822 sanggye's post

So true, the pinicle for me was when isteve decreed that flash was not needed, not neccessary and his top pick of web pages did not need it even though 89% of web pages use it and indeed more than half of all iphone are jail broken to get it.
Most people I know only buy the iphone because they can jailbreak it to do some of the stuff they need, if Apple really wanted to stop jailbreaking they easily can but why would they??


Reply 823#823 casper27's post

long time no see Craig what have you been up to ?

sorry i didn't respond quickly with amount new shows added i have got a busy month


Well i am going to be busy next month so i won't be online much


Reply 825#825 bala's post

What you going to be doing??


Reply 826#826 casper27's post

Hopefully gainful employment i am really excited


Reply 827#827 bala's post

Well done mate hope it works out for you


Reply 828#828 casper27's post

Thanks the hardest thing i really want to do well,  with most job i had in past there were low wage job so it didn't bother me if i lost them, this one a great job and good pay which i am hoping will last but only time will tell.


Reply 829#829 bala's post

Good luck with the job


Reply 829#829 bala's post

Good Luck and congrats
I am not asking you to dye your hair red and call me Mulder, I would simple ask that you could consider the possibility...


Woohoo am so excited

Dragon*Con starts tomorrow, all registered, now trying to decide what events to goto.  To many collide with each other, though 10 am tomorrow it is "S*%$ my Captain says" an hour long with the Captain himself, William Shatner.
I am not asking you to dye your hair red and call me Mulder, I would simple ask that you could consider the possibility...


Reply 832#832 sanggye's post

Have a great time.  Can't wait to hear about any interesting things you see/hear there.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 832#832 sanggye's post

Have a great time looks really cool. Have you seen this? ... sion-now-available/

Its an electronic pocket programme for the event.


Reply 827#827 bala's post

Missed that post yesterday.  Hope all goes well with the new job.   It's a lot easier to be excited about work when it's a job you like (and pays decently).
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 834#834 casper27's post

Thanks, they also have an app for android and iphone, works really good, you find events and bookmark them and they show up on you schedule.  I am getting old, so left early tonight (I am living only about 10 miles from Downtown Atlanta)  William Shatner was great, some stories about him and Nemoy (who has retired from acting and cons I guess) and a few others.  Saw Eureka with Carter,  Vincent, Zoe and the Doctor who does the alot of the science of the show (he also did BSGs) and they had Eddie McClintock from Warehouse 13.  Interesting tidbit, SyFy did not cancel the show, Comcast did and SyFy is trying to get it renewed.  We need letters to Comcast and Syfy.  Final season is filmed, they finished 4am yesterday and it has a true finale, no ending on cliffhanger.

Tomorrow big on my events is Felicia Day and Wil Wheaton
I am not asking you to dye your hair red and call me Mulder, I would simple ask that you could consider the possibility...


Reply 836#836 sanggye's post

Cool!  I would love to see/hear Shatner.  He's such an entertaining guy and tells the best anecdotes.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Originally posted by waterlilybarb at 9-2-2011 22:21  
Missed that post yesterday.  Hope all goes well with the new job.   It's a lot easier to be excited about work when it's a job you like (and pays decently).  
Thanks but i posted that comment more than a few days ago . Everyone is nice work so far going fine can't wait to get my first pay cheque for this job next month


Reply 838#838 bala's post

I know you posted it a while ago, but I was referring to when I was reading posts in the thread.

Glad to hear it's going well and the people are nice.  I've had jobs that weren't the greatest but having nice people to work with made it not only bearable, but fun.  I've had other jobs that paid pretty well but the people were miserable and I hated every minute I was there.  Good workmates and/or bosses really do make a difference.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Norton VS Kaspersky

As most people know few months ago i bought a new laptop it came with 60 days trial for Norton internet Security which i liked but the 60 day were up so i uninstall it and tried Kaspersky one which has only 30 days but so far i like it more than norton because it more features.

If you ever needed choose i would go Kaspersky . Also because i am a  barclays customer i get 1 years free .

