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The Gentleman's(and not so) Club

Reply 766#766 bala's post

Originally posted by sanggye at 5-30-2011 14:12  
one employer tell me, "Self-employment is just another word for unemployment."  Might have to Incorporate
How rude!  I know a lot of self-employed people, and they generally work longer and harder than those working for someone else, especially when that is their sole source of income.  

The others are right, Bala.  I've been out of the job market for at least 6 years now, but haven't been completely idle.  I'm ever hopeful that I'll be able to return to even occasional work at some point.  My resume isn't fantastic, but by including volunteer work and skills I've picked up (not always from a job), I've gotten most jobs I have applied for over the years.  It helps to be personable, as many will hire someone with less experience but easy to work with over someone who has more qualifications but comes across poorly in the interview for jobs that don't require all that experience.  Even now, though I'm not in a position to take any job, I get offers of work because of my demeanor.  I have a friend who has had the same experience - she gets offered work all the time just when she's out doing errands, even though she isn't currently looking.  You'd be amazed at how true the statement is: "You only get one chance to make a first impression".
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 781#781 waterlilybarb's post

Yes i'm easy going but unfounatly the biggest challenge is that even through i am quite friendly and easy going i come off as nervous through my body lanuage.


Reply 782#782 bala's post

As you gain more experience at interviewing, it should become easier, and you should be able to learn to control that.  I was almost phobic of speaking to anyone I didn't know when I was younger, but my Mum would make me practice by asking for assistance in shops (even if I didn't really need it) and other things like that.  It really helped me get over my nervousness and my body language eventually caught up.  Sometimes you've just got to fake it until it becomes natural.  Takes time & effort, but is worth it in the long run.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 783#783 waterlilybarb's post

Barb, you have really hit it on the head.  Time & effort is a big thing, also volunteering at places is a big help.  it shows perspective empoyers that you are not just sitting around waiting, but doing something.
I am not asking you to dye your hair red and call me Mulder, I would simple ask that you could consider the possibility...


finally got a laptop for myself - spend last 90 minutes set up all the stuff for it.

Samaung rf-511 laptop I5


Reply 785#785 bala's post

Nice laptop
I am not asking you to dye your hair red and call me Mulder, I would simple ask that you could consider the possibility...


Reply 785#785 bala's post

Just looked it up - very nice indeed.  I hope you have many enjoyable hours on it.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 787#787 waterlilybarb's post

Thanks guys, it's only been a day i am worried about how long it will last before problem start. i have always use destop this is my first laptop.


Reply 788#788 bala's post

I just watched a hands-on review video and it sounds impressive with it's internal specifications


Reply 789#789 codebreaker's post

yeah it's quite good for what i use it for i wanted a laptop handle the amount of tv shows and i was lucky that it came down in price from £699 to £629. ... r-09785389-pdt.html


Reply 788#788 bala's post

I've been using laptops for several years and haven't had any problems.  One suggestion - if you do use it away from a desk or other well ventilated surface, get a cooling pad for underneath.  It will keep it from over-heating& save the battery life in the long run.  I use mine on a tray table and keep the cooling pad under it all the time.  If I happen to use it on my lap or other softer surface, I notice the heat right away which reminds me to stick the cooling pad under it.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 791#791 waterlilybarb's post

Where do i get cooling pad from?


Any good PC shop should have one Bala, or you could try Amazon, Ebay etc.


Reply 793#793 shinny's post

ok i can't believe sale person didn't recommend this when i bought my laptop.


Reply 794#794 bala's post

I agree, they should be trying to tack on certain things to make a better sale for themselves as well. This one is an easy sell too because I agree with what Barb said in that it's a necessity!


Reply 795#795 shinny's post

This is what i like about being online i get recommendation from people who know problems ahead of time. . thanks guys for this


Reply 796#796 bala's post

Glad we could help.   I didn't know to get one when I got my first laptop either.  I just kept noticing how hot it would get and searched about it.  That's how I learned about the need for a cooling pad.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 797#797 waterlilybarb's post

I am also learning how use the diffrent features of windows 7, i  have been using XP for 4 years now. Right now i am adding gadget to my desktops. i got the basic one,  i just found a movie one which i think is great. ... 7&bt=1&pl=1

Thought i would share, if anyone know other good one please let me know.


Reply 798#798 bala's post

Enjoy it, Windows 7 is interesting, i still prefer XP for my windows machines, though I do use 7 at work.
I am not asking you to dye your hair red and call me Mulder, I would simple ask that you could consider the possibility...


Reply 799#799 sanggye's post

Well i also have a web cam having fun with the diffrent effects.

