I'm thinking I'm going to have to go back and rewatch this season. I've got so many questions.
Okay so they painted themselves into a corner by killing Matt Smith at the beginning of this season. If he's a fixed point and will die, they have no itention of bringing back another Dr. That's SUCKS....

Or!!! Will they give themselves a loop hole...hmmm I have faith.
Barb: I agree, seeing the Book given by the doctor was fabulous. So happy!!! And she was imprissioned for killing the doctor so I agree, what exactly did they imprison her for...... hmmm....
Anyone else notice how Amy isn't really chomping at the bit to find her "baby". If I was a new mother there would be NOTHING you could do to keep me from finding my child. She was left by the doctor so he could look, fine. But I would be pressing to find my child, especially seeing how she turns out. Psycho path. Yuk.
I didn't know time lords could change color.
I absolutely love that they make references to previous companions periodically. Makes it feel more like a unit and not just a new doctor, new season!!!!!
Last edited by arksongbird80 at 8-28-2011 13:12 ]