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The girly`s ......giggle box

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Reply #660 silver1978's post




Hey sweet pea, when I saw you earlier I took a pic, hope you don't mind if I post it


I hope you're feeling better and that you were able to get that head fixed.
I'm sending you a little something for the pain!!!



Reply #657 dognxtdoor's post

now now, eating the entertainment is NOT cool...but maybe 20 years from now...
when he's old and can't'd be putting him out of his suffering


Reply #658 gypsiegirl66's post

A smile on the inside is even better than one on the outisde

And I got all those posts from photobucket...but still I"m soo behinf on picture research I'll have to look for some pic sites soons!


Reply #660 silver1978's post & Gypsiegirl

OMG that's JUST hilarious!!!!!!!!!!! I *heart* zazu!

I missed'cha

I have an idea...let's all do the robot dance


Reply #663 gypsiegirl66's post

Well, thanks for the offer, but on a day like I had, those are about as effective as:  

Today is MUCH better.

Christy, I'm glad to see you making yourself at home in here.   It's nice to have some young blood.

p.s. And Gypsie, of course I don't mind you posting my pic...only wish I was looking more myself, rather than my head exploding.  Honestly, I'm much cuter when I'm all in one piece.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply #667 waterlilybarb's post

I was afriad of that, that's about how well they work for me. Then I suggest you dress warmly and stick your head in here for a while

It's only a temporary relief, so you have to do it over and over again, not to worry about the effects.......


They will where of in time!!!
At least after, you should back to your old self.........LOL!!


Reply #668 gypsiegirl66's post

It actually looks quite inviting.   

I try not to go out in the snow in my undies though.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply #669 waterlilybarb's post

Doesn't it, I told you to dress warmly. That last pic was of me, after one of my worse bangers.
I cleary was out of my mind........


Reply #670 gypsiegirl66's post

Too cute!
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Good morning everyone. Thought I would get up early, make some breakfast and watch some shows!

And even though I don't really drink coffee, brewed some up just for you all!

"To be nobody but yourself in a world that's doing its best to make you somebody else, is to fight the hardest battle you are ever going to fight. Never stop fighting."
E. E. Cummings


Reply #672 silver1978's post

Today, that looks fabulous!  I wish I could click one of these buttons and have that breakfast pop out of my computer.  I'm not usually a big eater in the morning, but pancakes sound great today.  For some reason a rather peckish today.  Thanks for sharing.  The coffee looks yummy too.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply #673 waterlilybarb's post

Thats rather odd, because usually my breakfast consists of a Diet Coke but today I really felt like having something carb-ridden so we had french toast. Maybe its just that time of year?
"To be nobody but yourself in a world that's doing its best to make you somebody else, is to fight the hardest battle you are ever going to fight. Never stop fighting."
E. E. Cummings


Reply #674 silver1978's post

Thank you, that all looks fantastic, I too am not much of a breakfast eater though. Especially today, I spent far too long trying to fix my other puter yesterday and half the day on the phone with Dell tech.
Today I'm paying for it and my head feels like it is going to explode   I'd love the coffee though, the caffeine might help a tad You do make an awfully inviting  presentation though!


Reply #675 gypsiegirl66's post

Poor girl!   Try sticking your head in the ice floe above.  It just might help a bit.  I'm about to head offline for a while...trying to keep the beast at bay, myself.  I think I'll make myself a're right, caffeine can help.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Pressure Cooker Warning

Hi, my fellow nerds. Just a quick warning about pressure cookers. My mother in-laws exploded the other day. Thank God we are alive. I have 2nd degree burns on my left arm. My son had just left the room when it happen. It was one of the scariest thing I ever experianced and I do not recommend it to anyone. My mother in-law has always cooked with one and this is the 1st time this has happened. I suspect the replicators  had something to do with it. Barb I could use a cuppa to calm my nerves if you have any.


Reply #677 gabsimom's post

Here ya go hun, why don't ya sit down and tell me all about it. We'll enjoy a cuppa together, I need one too. That sounds just terrible, my mom-in-law had  that same thing happen years ago. It was an awful experience. Thank goodness your little one had gotten out just in time. But how are you my dear?


Reply #678 gypsiegirl66's post

Thanks I needed that. I'm done crying. Mmm chocolate. Did You watch heroes yet? So good


I know it's not coffee but one of these may settle your nerves, hope I chose the right colour!

