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The girly`s ......giggle box

Reply #620 waterlilybarb's post

I had to fix my dog he had stopped running, but he's back on his way now (hopefully he's keep on truckin)
I'm so pshyched for the new season to start, I'm like a kid on Christmas eve and will be that way all weekend.....rubbing hand's in anticipation........LOL I'm on episode 21 of Heroes, working my way up to the season premier on Monday Yippee!!
Have a good night sweet pea!! See ya tomorrow!!!


Check your dog again.
A Fine Member of the Mod  Squad!


Reply #622 dognxtdoor's post

Ummmm, actually now you're running toward the dog catcher!!......LOL But we'll pretend for the sake of saving you, that you got away!! I really wouldn't want you gone, you're waaaay to much fun + I love ya!!


Reply #622 dognxtdoor's post

I see that Gary has been a bad influence on you.   That's like something he would do...and proudly, too.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply #624 waterlilybarb's post

Yes, he better watch out, someday my powers may be increased and these little tricks might come back to bite him in the butt!!!!


Reply #625 gypsiegirl66's post

  I can just picture it.

I see you've got up a few more episode guides for ER.  You'll be caught up in no time, and then be able to keep up with the new season...which is MUCH easier to do.

I finally got a really good night's sleep, but am still feeling a little under the weather.  I even forgot about a funeral I was supposed to attend today.  That's how scattered my head is.  I'm only remembering now because I just had a phone call asking if i was going to be there.  Since it begins in less than an hour, and I've yet to change out of my PJ's...never mind shower, I had to say no.  I hate when my brain isn't working 100%...or my version of 100%.  I'll definitely have to remember to buy some more sympathy cards.  I ran out out them from the last funeral I attended.  This one is for another older friend...but one I wasn't as close to as the last one.  I'm hoping that's it for a while.  With 2 deaths and a birth, that's 3.  Don't they say these things always happen in 3s?  I'm not superstitious, I just don't want any more life altering events for a while.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Hey...I just saw this goes on in here?

Do we have to join in order to get kicked out?


Reply #627 Christy1994's post

Welcome Christy!  We're always happy for someone to join in.  You'll notice there is a lot of nonsense in this thread.  It's been around since before there was a Free Chatting forum.  We just chat about whatever strikes our fancy.  If you've scanned through, you've noticed that we've decorated and are always happy to offer a cuppa to anyone who drops in.  

BTW, the creator of this thread finally admitted defeat and handed it over to me...the ever present (and victorious) thorn in his side.   It's all in good fun, and like I said come by whenever you like.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply #626 waterlilybarb's post

Yes, I believe it's thing happen in threes, so hopefully you're all set on the life altering events for a while!
My night wasn't the worst I've had, I was asleep by 4am and up at 8am, so I did get some sleep. It did give me time to get a few more episode guides done for ER done, after I'm done those I still have to do NCIS. I definitely want to finish these before the new season start, I guess I better start working on NCIS then(since they air on Tues).
I can definitely relate to being scatterbrained, oh how I can relate! I say we're two peas in a pod, Dan's pic might be more accurate than he thought......LOL

I'm glad to hear you got a good night sleep, sweet pea!!   


Reply #629 gypsiegirl66's post

You're right about that pic.   Sadly, I hear the housework, I'm off for a while to make my home a bit more homey.

p.s.  It's funny you called me sweet pea, because that's one of my expressions...especially for little 'uns.  Again, Dan was pretty spot on with that pic.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply #627 Christy1994's post

ok This section is dedicated to Girls/women, Dogs, and magical creatures. You have to be one of those 3 to post here. Also please list your favorite sci-fi shows starting with stargate  and your in. I brought some fresh coffee cake everyone.
Edited now with picture


Reply #631 gabsimom's post

I was just about to logout when I saw your smilin' face.  And you HAD to go and bring fresh coffee cake too.  How am I supposed to get anything done with such temptresses as yourself and others I'll not name.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply #627 Christy1994's post

Hey there Christy, it's always nice to have a new girlie drop in. Barb's right, we are full of a whole bunch of nonsense, but we have a whole lot of fun, fun ,fun.
                                             I brought the hot cuppa......



Reply #632 waterlilybarb's post

Well, the coffee cake was de-lish!  Now I really MUST go and get some things accomplished before I don't feel well enough to do anything.  Gotta take those windows of opportunity when they come.

See ya later gals.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply #632 waterlilybarb's post

lol here is your coffee to. Just the way you like it.


Reply #635 gabsimom's post

Hey I already brought the coffee It's not as pretty as your's though!   


Haha nonsense is my thing

I'm just a girl...not yet a woman (and I really don't like Britney Spears)

Favourite sci-fi shows....ohh that's easy
and some others
haven't had time to check Stargate out yet Planning to do so soon, but school is SO annoying...

and YAAAY thank you guys for the cuppa although I'm usually high on the cola caffein


All great shows. Right now I am enjoying Coka light in Tunisia, Thats Diet Coke in the US. But my new favorite is Apla Soda Mmmm.


Reply #637 Christy1994's & gabsi's post

Oh, I love Angel and the rest are great too!! You definitely have check out Stargate, just step through the Iris!!

Gabsi, They're called Coka Light in Costa Rica too!!  What is an Alpa Soda though?? I'd like to try me one of those!! Seems I'm always the last to know everything. As usual!!



Well, I finished ALL of the NCIS Episode Guides!!!!

Awww nut's, I guess I shouldn't be dancing a jig yet, I still have more ER episodes to doooooo!!

