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The girly`s ......giggle box

Hellooo Girlie's!!

I'm not sure whre were posting now, so I thought i'd leave a little note to say hi.

I hope you're painting Tunisia red with color Tina, and really living it up!!

Barb, how's that new nephew of yours? Getting in plenty of auntie time. They must be getting ready to go home if they haven't been discharged yet. It's been a few day's now, if I remember correctly. Boy, time flies by, way toooo fast. I have to put on my jogging shoes and I still can't keep up........Geeeze!!


Reply #581 gypsiegirl66's post

Hola chica!

Yes, they were discharged least they were supposed to be.  I've been in bed with a migraine for most of the day and haven't spoken to my sis, but am sure she would have called if they kept her longer.  He'll be 4 days old at 4:10am local time.  It does go by MUCH too quickly.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply #582 waterlilybarb's post

Glad to hear they're home or on there way. Sorry to hear your head is banging  I was fortunate in that department, to just have a little twinge most of the day. Still not fun, at least it wasn't a banger. I was able to get out and do some things done, that I have needed to get done for a while and that felt sooo good. I always feel better when I get things done, that have been on the back burner for too long. .


Reply #583 gypsiegirl66's post

I know what you mean.  I've got a few of those things that need doing, myself.  Hopefully I'll be up to getting them done in the next few days.  

Just catching up on the posts this evening.  Looks like the Customer Service link is going to be operational.  That will be great, especially if they can provide tech support.  Some members seem to have such difficulty with viewing's hard to know what else to suggest sometimes.  Live CS will be great.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply #584 waterlilybarb's post

Oh I totally agree!! It so hard from our viewpoint sometimes, we aren't here for hours after a post (for one thing) and we can't talk back and forth to talk them through the problems. That is going to be a HUGE addition to the site, especially with the new season coming up. We are all going to be so busy, having that extra help will be well appreciated!!


Reply #585 gypsiegirl66's post

It's amazing how fast this site has grown.  When I first stumbled upon it, back in March, there was only the flash player and about a dozen shows.  They've grown leaps and bounds in such a short time.  I actually watched Prison Break during the test for the VIP channel.  That was the only show used for the original test.  I saw a couple of episodes...wasn't for me, but I sat through them to give good viewer feedback.  Some of the newer members don't realize how far the site has come.  They only know it from VIP and expect everything to go like clockwork.  Thankfully there are others who appreciate the work that goes into maintaining a site like this.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply #586 waterlilybarb's post

I have always appreciated finding this site, even on it's worst day's. I just try to stay patient. I had one night when I couldn't access my VIP point's and had really bad insomnia (in CR) and no book, that I got a little frustrated. But, I PM'd LBJ and he helped me out, within hour I was up and running. I am just now realizing, how much it really takes to run this site. It not only takes a lot of great peep's, but a lot of patience from everyone.


Reply #587 gypsiegirl66's post

Very true.

Hope this finds you well today.  I'm feeling a bit better...but still have the lingering effects of the migraine.  Won't be on long, as the light from the screen might reignite the pain.  

I'll look for you later.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply #588 waterlilybarb's post

Hey just got this, I was on earlier just for a few. Not one of my good days I must admit myself, but PB is starting at 8pm EDT and I just can't miss that!!
Hope that head of your's was able to avoid that constant drummer beating to his own beat and that you have found peace today.
I'll be around till PB starts and then after!


Reply #589 gypsiegirl66's post

So, did the season premiere live up to your expectations?  I love when the new shows begin.  I feel like a kid in a candy shop.   Next week is Heroes turn...and I have high hopes.  I'm fairly certain I won't be disappointed.

The drummer in my head was quiet for part of the day...until the eejit drumming from the neighbours music got it thumping again.  It's the main thing I hate about apartment dwelling...inconsiderate, noisy neighbours.  I'm slightly medicated right now...not enough to completely kill the pain, but enough that I'll be able to fall asleep (she says with fingers crossed).
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply #590 waterlilybarb's post

Well, I hope you get a great nights sleep, I don't think I'm going to be gettin much tonght (just a feeling). I'm going to be trying very soon, so my finger's are crossed tooXX!!

I thought the Premier was excellent and can't wait till next week!! I am just as excited for Heroes, so we'll have a lot to talk about, YAY!!


Reply #591 gypsiegirl66's post

I'm so glad it was a good show.  That always makes for a nice end to the day.
I'm getting so excited about Heroes, I posted a new thread.  Tonight they aired last season's everything is fresh in my memory for next week.  I just figured out what my super power is...I'm a super geek!
We can be nerds together.   Tina has already owned up to her nerdiness, but I don't know if she watches Heroes.
I think being a nerd is the newest cool thing.  What do you think?  We'll start a trend, and ALL the kids will want to be just like us.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply #592 waterlilybarb's post

Okay, now we have to pick a spot, I'm getting dizzy.........LOL

Excellent Idea!! I had already given to that fact, once I got hooked on Sg-1 and realized that Heroes and Angel both were Sci-Fi, I had too!! We are the new Nerds of the Century


Reply #593 gypsiegirl66's post

We'll show them!  Nerds of the new millennium don't wear pocket protectors and other such stereotypical nerd gear.  We're smart, confident, good-looking (if I say so myself ) women, who know a good thing when we see it.  I'll leave you figuring out what our Nerd Uniform should be.

Off to bed for this tired chica.  Have a good night, my nerdy chum.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply #594 waterlilybarb's post

Now way will we be wearing any of that, I will have to think on that though

Nighty-night my little Nerdette!!


I am a certified sci-fi loving mmporg player computer loving techno-geek
"To be nobody but yourself in a world that's doing its best to make you somebody else, is to fight the hardest battle you are ever going to fight. Never stop fighting."
E. E. Cummings


Of course I watch Heroes, What kind of Prada and Gap wearing nerd would I be. Because true nerds like a great deal and like to look good doing it.


Hello Nerdette's

Well, I've had a busy day on and off the site, hope you are both are getting things done too. Oh, I forgot (how could I) that Tina is still burning Tunisia up.....LOL.
Although, I have a new  Prada in my closet and a Coach too, I can't seem to let go of my old Chanel it's still in "like new" condition and is just so me. Plus, I'm getting my first pair of (I'm thinking) Dior sunglasses (something in that line) I've never had a pair that cost more than $20 (only cause I lose them), but now feel it's time. That with my line Donald J Pliner shoes (and like), will top off my wardrobe.  


Reply #596 silver1978's post

Welcome to the coffee klatch!   Nice to have another card carrying nerd among us.

As for you, Tina & you, Gypsie, you're both far better dressed than I.  I'm mainly a jeans & T-shirt kinda gal, though it's getting cooler, so sweaters will replace the T-shirts.  I do have very cool shoes though.  Not that I can always wear them...mobility being transient at times...but I look good when I can.  As for the sunglasses, I found a nice pair of frames on sale at a fashion store, and had my prescription put in.  Since I wear them indoors, because of the migraines, they have to look good with just about everything, and they do since I get compliments on them all the time.

I'm not quite the label whore (totally joking) that y'all are.  I'm a good (though reluctant) bargain shopper.  My goal is always to buy good quality garments for the least amount possible, and in the shortest amount of time.  I really don't enjoy shopping.  There are some designers I really admire, but it's doubtful you'll ever find their clothes in my closet.  In Canada, it's just too expensive.  Occasionally I shop across the border, and can find nice designer labels for REALLY good prices.  That's mainly where the shoes come from.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply #599 waterlilybarb's post

Well, I must say I used to love to go shopping , but like you my mobility has me mostly housebound. Thank goodness for the internet, you can find some great deals there too. I am jean and T girl myself, but shoes and purses are my where my weaknesses lye. Although, I'm not wearing anything other than a flat (now-a-day's), unless I have one of hubbies functions and even then, there are time I must bow out. I have fallen in love with the new Puma side-lace sneaker, it was only available in EU and other countries (out of the US) when I bought my last pair 6mos ago. Standing a full 5' 0' tall I do miss being able to add a few inches on to that....LOL Not to mention, I weigh maybe 94lbls fully clothed and soaking wet. So finding anything other than jeans and a few tops that aren't in the "little girls" section can be a challenge.........LOL . If only that were the least of my problems right? At least, I saved all my favorite clothes from when I was younger. I guess you could call me a clothes whore, I do like those designer names,. Not so much for the name though, but because I've learned they're the ones that last. Okay, I like the names too, you got me

I too want to say welcome to silver, come and join us anytime. We welcome all nerdettes, to join in the fun. Have you discovered your powers yet?   

