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The girly`s ......giggle box

Reply #534 waterlilybarb's post

I finished Season 1 of Sg-1, but me thinks me's gonna to take a break and re-watch Heroes  It seems from your quiz, that there is a lot I missed. Not to mention, it will get me ready for the new season..........Yippee


Reply #541 gypsiegirl66's post

The quiz is based on the Graphic Novels found at
If you haven't read them yet, they are a great way to find out some background info on the characters.  I love them...they've kept me going through the summer break.  Feel gree to take a stab at the quiz, it's open for a week, and I love to give out points.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply #542 waterlilybarb's post

Thanks for the info, I had no idea about these!! I'll definitely check them out and will give my best shot at the quiz. If you haven't noticed, I have just a little bit of a competitive streak in me. I think it comes from years of being a gymnast, I guess you never lose that strive to be great. Even when my body is hurting so badly, it's still there .


Reply #543 gypsiegirl66's post

I hear that!  I try not to be TOO competitive, but I was an athlete too.  It's a hard habit to break, but a little goes a long way, so I try to keep it in check so as not to be too obnoxious with it.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply #544 waterlilybarb's post

Absolutely, there is nothing worse than being too competitive. That makes for a sore loser and that is something that I'm not, but like you said a little not only goes a long way and it's good for the spirit


Where are all my Sci-Fi nerd friends?? I know that Tina is on vaca in Tunisia, what a lucky girl. Oh how I would love to do that trip someday. However where is My waterlily?? Barb, where have you been?? You didn't go through the Iris and not invite me along on the mission? Did you? You better not have.......


Reply #544 waterlilybarb's post

where are you I'm soooooooo blue

read above


Reply #546 gypsiegirl66's post

Sorry, things have been a little crazy the last few days.  I've had a migraine...really sucks, and a friend of mine passed away unexpectedly, so I had a funeral to attend.  She was 87, but in fairly good health.  For her sake, a quick heart attack is not a bad way to go, but it's still hard on her family.

No lovely trips to Tunisia for me either.   Today, I slept much of the day away...a much needed sleep, I might add.  I logged in briefly to check out the quizzes.  I closed the Farscape quiz, but had a couple more takers for the Heroes quiz.  YAY!  I get to give away points.   That always makes me feel good.  Like a little gift.

I'm up to episode 8 of season 3 now in Atlantis.  I'm trying to finish the season before the new one begins.  I suppose I should go over to the thread that lists the premiere dates, so I know when that is.   Tonight was the final performance show of Canadian Idol, so I spent a couple hours on the phone voting for my favourite.  You see, I'm not just a sci-fi nerd, I'm an all around nerdy girl.   Tomorrow night is the big finale, and I'll find out who wins.  The two finalists were both good, but one is definitely more ready for an actual career in the music industry.  He's a good singer and musician...has a firm sense of who he is as an artist and is mature enough to handle the pressure.  But, you never know.  Tomorrow night's show should prove entertaining and interesting.

That's my ramble for the night...sorry I missed you again.  I might pop back in later, if I watch an episode, so I'll see if you're around.  If not, I hope you have a good rest and I'll catch you tomorrow.   Don't be BLUE, if you can help GREEN like me.   It's not they say, but it sure makes for an interesting life.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply #547 waterlilybarb's post

Oh so sorry to hear about your friend, she did live a long life though. A MI is it is a good way to go, it is still so hard to lose a family member and a friend.
I know exactly what you mean, it always good to get that long needed sleep. I hope that you get some relief from those bangers, at least for a few days......oh, wouldn't that be nice.

I'm glad you were able to give away some point's and you got a little smile . I checked out the Heroes Graphic Novels, but I'm just not in the right frame of mind to read all of them right now.......too many migraines lately  

I've been watching Design Star (the winner gets a design tv show on HGTV), they had there final competition Sunday and we'll find out the winner next Sunday. One did better in the final challenge,but one has clearly done better in the overall competition. I think they they would both make great host's on their own show, but do have my favorite. I've been voting online, using three different e-mail addy's. So, I guess my nerdiness has always been in me, it just must have been lying dormant.

I guess us nerd's will just be stuck here, while Tina is off on her adventure. I'm watching over Big Love for her while she's gone, hope I don't let her down.

Well, I hope I see you later, I'm off to check out the site and watch a show. As you can see I'm trying out the green thing and it's not too bad......we'll see how it goes. I'm more prone to be purple, but maybe green is just what I need


Reply #548 gypsiegirl66's post

  Green is good, but you're right, you seem more a purple kind of gal.

I just watched another episode and will be watching #10 next.  I checked your list of Fall Premieres and Atlantis starts back up on the 28th of September.  I'll be ready for it.

Tina told me you were holding down the fort for her over in Big Love.  I'm sure you'll do a great job!

Sorry to hear your heads been is not too bad for me, but the weather is changing I know I'm in for some rough days.
My head is like a barometer.  I get migraines when the air pressure changes, especially when it changes quickly and drastically...which is often the case here.

Glad to know I'm not alone in my nerd-dom.  It's funny, I used to be rather cool (or thought I was )...I don't know what changed, or if WE are just SO cool, even we can't recognize it.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply #549 waterlilybarb's post

I think that WE are the coolest, I've always been cool. I don't think any of my HS friend would disagree, even if they knew the shows I've gotten hooked on. Once you're cool, you never lose just are or your not

Yes, my head too is like a barometer, I lived my whole life in Maine and went up and down like a yo-yo. Lately though, I think my barometer is broken, it seems these bangers have taken on a life of their own. I'm glad to hear you've had a few good days though.

Glad to hear you're catching up on Atlantis and will be ready for the Fall Premier. I just finished episode 5 of Sg-1, but I'm also watching Grey's and starting 24 again too. Just call me an all around TV junkie, I can watch anything I guess. Watching a Drama, an Action and a Sci-Fi all at the same time, what does that say about me?? Uuugghh!!

Anyway thanks for the offer of help for Big Love, I'm sure I'll be calling on you. I posted a new question last night, but since the show is over the thread is a little slow. Not to mention, I am a little long winded and I think I may have confused people. There were actually two questions in the post, by the time I finished......oops

Well, we were right I am a purple gal (green was fun), but purple is me....... see ya later girlie!!


Reply #550 gypsiegirl66's post

I think it's good to have a diverse choice of entertainment.  I like lots of different shows too, but I'm caught up on them right now.  I'm just trying to make sure I'm ready for the new season.  Other than the obvious, I'm especially looking forward to Numb3rs, Boston Legal (Shatner never fails to make me laugh), ER, Men in Trees, and Heroes.  Those I can watch on TV.

I'll be looking for Atlantis and Battlestar Galactica here, since I don't get sci-fi channel, and will most likely catch 24 here also.  I love it, but one episode a week is painful.  I'll probably wait until their season is halfway through before I start it, so I can a watch a few episodes at a time.  So many little time.   I REALLY have become a TV junkie.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply #551 waterlilybarb's post

Ya know I've never watched Numb3rs or Boston Legal, not sure why either. I'm also a criminal/justice junkie, I love Cold Case, Shark, NCIS,  and a lot that are not on this site like, Without a Trace, L&O-SVU. I was bummed when Crossing Jordan was canceled, I also liked Justice (that was on Fox last year and was canceled too). I'll have to check Number3rs and Boston Legal out, I still don't know why I haven't yet......LOL  

I am so looking forward to ER, Heroes and the above mentioned, but my favorite is
Prison Break. Oh how I love that show, I got hooked on that in Costa Rica last year. I was stuck at home sick and there was few things on TV in English. They were having a marathon of PB Season2 (which I didn't know was Season 2). I thought, I'll watch it (thinking I'd hate it) and by the 3rd episode I was hooked. They showed 10 episodes that day and were showing regular episodes once a week after (I was there I think 4-5 more weeks). When I got back to the US I not only found out that there was a Season 1, but found out that CR was 4 episodes behind the US. Back then I had to go to to downlaod the episodes for $1.99 each, so I did for the four I was behind and ordered the box set of season 1. Ya know, I'm not sure I would have got so hooked on it, if I had started from season 1 (I loved it), but that was after I knew all the characters and al. Have you ever watched it? Wow, I've really gotten all long winded again haven't I, sorry.......LOL

Yes we are a couple of junkies aren't we?? My mom has no idea how I can talk about tv shows and people on tv shows as if I know them personally. She always says "You do realize you're talking about a person that doesn't exist"...........LOL. Like I'm an idiot or something.


Reply #552 gypsiegirl66's post

That's Mum and I watch shows together over the phone.  Our favourites to watch together are Boston Legal (all those Denny Crane-isms by Shatner) and Lost.  We call at every commercial break...have a quick..."What do you think?...Can you believe that?...Wasn't that funny?"...then, "It's back on, I have to go."

I have seen a couple episodes of Prison Break, couldn't get into it.  I was also bummed when they cancelled Crossing Jordan.  I loved that show, and I missed the last bummer.  NCIS is another show I enjoy, and will watch more regularly now that Gilmore Girls is gone.   They aired at the same time here, so GG won out, but when it was a repeat I watched NCIS, and also watched the repeats of it (new to me) during the summer.

I don't worry about it.  When I was well, I didn't watch nearly as much TV, since my life was much busier.  Now, I still have other interests, and when my head isn't thumping I read a great deal.  I also stay in touch with my friends and help out where I can, so the extra hours watching the boob tube, as my uncle called it, don't cut into real life.  They just fill the time in between.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply #553 waterlilybarb's post

I love to read and do a lot of it, like you when my head isn't banging. I really only read mysteries, they are my favorite. I never used to watch TV (never had the time), now I watch a lot of it. I have my friends and I do a lot of traveling, but even then I don't get the enjoyment i used to get. I was thinking about writing a book someday, but that won't be in the near future. This is who I am and I have to recognize my limits. That's okay with me today, occasionally it's not okay and I have a few days that I'm bummed out. That's life, as they say.


Reply #554 gypsiegirl66's post

I TOTALLY understand where you are coming from.  It's funny you say you want to write a book, that's something I've been wanting to do as well.  As for reading, mine is varied.  For novels I prefer fiction, but I really just enjoy a well told story, whatever genre.

It's important to recognize your limits, I well know, but equally important not to impose extra ones on ourselves.  This is something I'm ever mindful of.  Take one day at a time, and do what I can each day.  I figure everyone has their down days, no matter what their circumstances, so I take mine as they come.  Thankfully, these days, I don't get down too often.  I'm grateful to have a naturally positive outlook, or life could look bleak some days.  As it is, life is pretty good, all things considered.

p.s. Thanks for posting a reply in PB.  I'm sure that member will be happy to see a response.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply #555 waterlilybarb's post

Ohhh now that my gut is stuffed, like a fat little turkey.....I'm back.

Yes, I too have been blessed with a very positive and upbeat personality. My bummed days, are like some peeps I know good day's. Like you, I take each day as it comes and with Gods help, I cross every bridge as they come. That is the only way (I have learned) to get through life, that works for me.

That is funny that you also would like to write a book, seems like we have a lot in common. As far as the reading of books, I prefer fiction and you know my genre, but I didn't know I liked Sci-Fi either. So who knows!

I'm kinda wishing the pool guy didn't come (he put chemicals in), I really feel like a swim.  That's something else that helps me a great deal, I swim almost everyday. Just having that one physical outlet, really makes a huge difference.  

No problem on the PB (I was headed there at some point), better to get to him sooner than later. Thanks for the heads-up!!


Reply #556 gypsiegirl66's post

I'm jealous now...of the pool.  I love to swim, but haven't had a chance at all this summer.

The finale of Canadian Idol was on tonight and my guy won!  YAY!   My votes were not in vain.   It was a very entertaining finale, as well.  Bon Jovi, Avril Lavigne, and last year's idol, Eva Avila performed as well as the top 10.  Great performances and a really good outcome.  Made my day...that's for sure.   It takes so little, really, to put a smile on my face.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply #557 waterlilybarb's post

Excellent, I'm glad your guy won!!  It takes very little to put a smile on my face too!! I'm so easy to please it's funny. My hubby tells everyone at Christmas, not to worry about what to get me for a gift. He says "She loves everything, I've never seen her get a gift she didn't like"......LOL


Reply #558 gypsiegirl66's post

Sounds like a nice fella.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply #559 waterlilybarb's post

He is the best and he is my rock. He isn't here much, he travel for his job. He works for the government, he's a real busy guy during these times. It's been this way for a long time, twenty years (so I'm used to it).
Boy I've been on this site all night, I haven't even watched one show. Sometimes this is all I'll do for hours, is sit here and read and post. I kind of like this almost as much as I like the shows.....LOL  I think it's fun, call me crazy if you want!!

