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The Flash (2014) Season 1-4 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

2x21 The Runaway Dinosaur

Using his mothers car to impress his date was amusing and Joe testing Will to see if he had powers was understandable



2x22 Invincible

Dr. McGee knowing Barry is the Flash was great and I suppose Laurel having a bad double-ganger was predictable but Will coming to the Flash's rescue was amusing



The finale was okay -

but overall:

After the first season there were actually episodes that I re-watched. But, this season has just been endless, mindless talking and unforgettable actions. Yes, there were a few good episodes in 2. But, I wouldn't waste my time to watch them again.

Nothing has been a shock. I knew Jay was Zoom from day one....and by golly no one should be surprised that 'The man in the Iron Mask' would be Henry.


2x23 The Race of His Life

Zoom threatening Barry's friends in order for Barry to race him was bound to make him angry after what happened to his father and Jay Garrick from Earth Three being his fathers double ganger made sense


season 2 bloopers



3x01 Flashpoint

After all Barry went through to save his mother only to go back and try to make things right was disappointing but having consequence was predictable



Reply 229#229 codebreaker's post

I have to agree this was bad another speedster vilian we had 2 in past two seasons


3x02 Paradox

Barry trying to reconcile the difference was never going to be easy and forcing everyone to have dinner together was a nice start but Cisco wanting his brother back knowing what Barry has been through was sad



3x08 Invasion

This 2 part of cross-over event which i really think is beginning where Barry introduced everyone to each other but Oliver trying give Barry the leadership was amusing since Oliver was technically giving the order . The thing i didn't expect was how it was going connect events in season 2 with legend of tomorrow .

There put few Easter eggs in these cross-over events so if you haven't been following them you might miss some of the connection.

Brainwashing everyone but Barry and Oliver was amusing since there were outnumbered.

What a way to end the episode with Ray,Oliver, Digg,sarah and Speedy being abducted onto Alien ship.


3x03 Magenta

What Frankie did to John was karma as I'm sure he did a lot worse if he was that angry when diner wasn't on the table but glad they stopped her from destroying the hospital



3x04 The New Rogues

Barry's reaction to almost being caught kissing Iris by Joe was amusing and talking to him about it wasn't any better, the Mirror Master was impressive especially the way he trapped The Flash



3x05 Monster

The monster disappearing just as quick as it appeared was different and Caitllin going to her mother made sense but her reaction was a little disappointing and Julian was lucky Barry was there to stop him making some stupid mistakes


