Hey all,
so I just watched the whole series and by episode 11 i was SO hooked. Episodes 17 and 18 were brilliant entertainment. I was laughing out loud on 18

. Why did the series makers wait so long before introducing humour into the relationship story?!?!?! Why did we have to wait til the last five or so episodes to have chance to finally bond with the boss and the IT girl?!?! It was so good when these things finally arrived....
There are so many places that this show could still go, I like that bar downstairs from their office where all the FBI drink. In the last episode where you see the couple Emily and Matt bickering we also (finally!) see the open office where everyone sits and the scene's funny because you see fellow workers pretending not to listen in to their argument!!
Also in the last 10 episodes all the actors playing in the hostage situations are all stronger, you feel for their characters, their situations and suddenly the show becomes richer. The city of LA and the surrounding area is also used a little more and I felt like I was finally being introduced to a pinpointed location with real people living in it as opposed to 'hey we're doing a cop show so lets just film it in LA cos thats where our studios are'. I dont think that I've ever watched a tv show filmed in LA that truly claims the area and the real communities living in it so this show should do it in season 2!!! I love this show and would definitely watch a second series.
The actress that plays the hispanic wife in 1x18 was so funny, I've seen her in something else but i cant remember and it's really bugging me!!!!

And when the mother-in-law turns up - classic.
Anyway, phew, I should probably stop blabbering on now heheheheheh