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The girly`s ......giggle box


Hello all,
from Illinois


Hello all,
I am having a great time with the race.  everone is Great.  I love all the new shows that I would probably never had watched.  Being old and set in mt ways you know. Also for last 5 weeks I have been packing up our home of 16 years and moving to be closer to grandkids.  They are age 27 down to 20 months.  Time is a ticking away so me and grandpa is moving to Solo, MO.  I am so excited, that I was tempted to just pack up my dogs, my Barbies and Beanie's, and Computers and leaving all this junk.  lol
no such luck.  But poor grandpa is disabled and sons are out of state, but I am making headway getting everything packed.  I have about4 45-50% done.  I know doesn't sound like much, things accumulate over time. But hopefully my sister and nephew will be here Mon. & Tues. to help.  Then the following Monday I will pick up the big moving truck, and with the help of my youngest son and daughter-in-law and Savannah my youngest granddaughter load our stuff and get the show on the road.  They are day and night managers of a Dunkin' Donuts near Wisconson.  Thank god that my oldest and middle sons and family live within 25 miles of the home we bought.  So there will be help on the other end.  

Also me and hubby bought a 33' travel trailer with slider in LR that makes it bigger than the LR in the house I have lived in for almost 16 years.  I want to try being a Snowbird.  Largo, FL is planned for April, my husbands big Sister and family live there so we are planning to try out the TT then.  I want to go to Maine to see other middle son who is in Coast Guard. But I will be so nervous driving our new Chevy Silverado Ext w/3rd door and Travel Trailer, and tow car all the way to MO.  It is about 300 mile move.  

Oh, I almost forgot about moving my dogs, I have a 15 year old German Shepard/Wolf mix named Duke, who has cataracts and arthritis, and then there is Katie, she is a basset hound. Katie and Hootch blessed me with more than 60 puppies, thank god that was only 6 whelps before I had our vet make her Hootch'ies play toy.  She is 16 years old and her mate of 14 years passed away on Oct. 10th this year, he would have been 19 years old on the 21st of December.  He was the perfect Basset Hound, smart, beautiful and oh, so happy.  Long ears, short bow-legs and big voice.  He is really missed. But I am almost glad, because he had had 3 strokes the last year or so, he had trouble using his hind legs sometimes.  He was completely blind the last 7 years or so. But that dog amazed everyone, he was so happy in his fenced in yard with his double-wide doggie house.  I almost felt guilty making him move.  Of course a lot of well meaning people offered their advise "to just put him down".  But my vet said   that since he wasn't in pain, he was so happy, that the next time someone offer's advise, that thanks but he is fine.

Well better finish my work.
see ya all later!

