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Grey's Anatomy Season 5-8 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)


Did that really happen !   I knew this man was mad about his wife being killed or unplugged, but OMG ! to do a rampage like this OMG ! .  this is the best 2 hours of my life I have ever seen on Grey's


It's still giving me goose bumps even though I saw it on tv from my pvr .   and Merideth losing the baby that just shows you waht shock can do on the body.


Yes how they got rid of mercy west people without hurting thier feelings was priceless.

but this finale was one that really had me on th edge of my seat and I almost had nightmares from it.  Alex saying Izzy name could be because of him being under a lot of stress from being shot. it might not be serious.  

Owen coming in to help Yan well that was something to see he almost got himself killed. What happened to his Army training I thought he would have stopped the gunman.

SWAT was dissapointing if it was a cop type show they would be able to pin point the gun man along time ago and shoot him from the outside. and they only shot his shoulder they should have got him in between the eyes.


Bailey really went the mile and glad Yang is back in the OR she really needed that fishing trip


Henry got that job he said, so why would they let him die when he got a new job and trying to get his own insurance.

It totally made me cry this one, the one survivor on a plane crash really makes you think, Merideth not getting fired only becuase it was Cheif's wife. and I am wondering about Yang and Hunt man she might learn to like having a baby with spending time with Zola.

