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help on viewing

help on viewing

HI everyone,
Don't know if anyone else has had this problem,but if you have ever suffered from "jumping video or a sound jump,i have found the best way round it,its not a solve all, but it does make it easy to watch a show which does jump.
When you first start the show,real player will appear,well i quickly change it to theatre mode,and  that mode has fast forward and fast backwards along with the normal slider control. this seems to work much better in this mode than the normal mode we mostly watch the shows in.  i hope this helps in some way,as i say its not a perfect solution but it seems to work every time with losing the show altogether,which has happened to me a few times



hiya barb,
nice to catch you again, well, as you can see i didn't read or search the help list before;its just that after i had the problem,and found how to view the shows without losing my temper,lol  i had to write it down quick. i didn't mean to steal anyones thunder!!


