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Numb3rs Season 4-6 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

I loved Primacy! It's probably one of my favorite episodes ever. I love Amita as a character, she's very well rounded, and multi-dimensional even though she's a secondary character (another reason this is one of my favorite shows). Her whimsical quirk, being a gamer, was another awesome facet to her personality. I also really liked the episode in the 2nd season that focused on her too, the one about the organ harvesting.

Primacy was a good episode because it seemed to take all of the factors into account, and show us the progression of each character. Larry's emergence back into the real world, Alan's burgeoning new life as a student/possibly buying a condo, Charlie's book hitting top 100 and doing interviews, Amita's quirky side-life as a gamer, Don's relationship with Liz, and even Colby's non-dating thing... it really showed the cast as an ensemble, which is how it should be more often, especially on a show with around 10 main characters.

Primacy was also ROFL! there were so many funny moments that balanced out all the angsty crime; like:

Larry: Charles, you look like someone just stole your chalk.

Colby: Does it have anything to do with your deceptive upper body strength?

[ Last edited by  BBmulderscully at 11-11-2007 03:27 ]
"What is that called when everything intersects?" <> "the Bermuda Triangle."

