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Reply 109#109 spratt89's post

I just read this. It's so so sad. My heart goes out to them. It's very very hard when a parent loses a child. I think it's something they never get over.


This is the audio of Christian Bale's "rant" acted out by some guy. Warning, contains expletives.


Reply 363#363 spratt89's post

My heart just goes out to the boys and of course Liam and her Family. It's just so so sad and again a seemly stupid tragedy.

That symbol is the Claddagh. Most people wear it as a ring. Usually when the heart is turned in towards your own heart it means that your heart is taken and pointing outwards means your heart is not taken. Lots of people of Irish heritage or Irish living abroad would wear the Claddagh Ring as a wedding ring or an engagement ring:

The ring has three distinct elements each with its own symbolism:

    Hands - symbolising Friendship
    Heart - for Love
    Crown - signifying Loyalty


Reply 569#569 spratt89's post

I just saw it on Sky News. They are saying unconfirmed so far, but it looks like it's true; That he suffered Cardiac Arrest.


Reply 617#617 spratt89's post

Stories like this really bother me. Ok so lets say for arguments sake she was totally at fault here and started the attack. He should have walked away. We all know men are physically stronger than women so he should have walked away. She hits him, he might come up with a bruise, he hits her, he'll probably break something. It's like saying the reason a parent attacked a child is because they hit them over not being allowed to get their way. When someone is physically much stronger than another person, it's never ok for them to get physical back. The police described his attack as "second degree assault", "menacing" and "criminal mischief" they are not "defensive" adjectives.

The other thing that bothers me is that women, who suffer from domestic violence, nearly always retract their statement when the cold light of day comes around and they try to protect their aggressor. It's very sad, but true.

Either way, this is very very sad.

