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Revenge Season 1-4 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

This looks good. Hopefully we'll get it when it starts to air.


I caught this when I was in New York last week and thought it was great so went back and watched it from the start. Another one to add to my top shows!


Reply 81#81 kellemanske's post

Yes, you are correct and even in this last episode Ash was defending Tyler saying he was ill. She didn't like how Emily was speaking about him. I think Ty left a lasting impression there!

Great last episode. Looking forward to next week. I think they are going to have to start making us dislike Daniel a bit more or we're not going to go off the Jack/Emily idea if we're invested too much in Daniel.


Oh don't you know Victoria will have gotten off the plane or something like that. No way her character is killed off.

Yeah Bala, it's not going to be his is it? Good way to "reset" almost everything though!


Finally, he knows! I don't think they could have dragged that out into another season!! Hmm, I feel like Conrad being part of the consortium/initiative was a real last minute write in by the writers. I don't buy it. And Patrick showed up!


Oh and Niko found her Father's sword under Aiden's bed. He's a gonner!

I don't think Emily slept with Conrad either. There's something else going on there.


Reply 329#329 arksongbird80's post

I know, I think I might be out on this show now. It's just gotten too ridiculous!!


Reply 332#332 bala's post

Yeah, I'm kind of ok with how it ended. I actually think the 2 of them ending up dead would have played more to the obvious ending. I did not expect that about the heart at all and so that was so out of nowhere. I'm glad it's ended though. At least they got to give it an end. I don't think I could have stuck with another season!!

