Hi Lise and welcome to the site.
It doesn't really matter where you are, so that won't be an issue.
Have you made sure your connection speed is correct and increased your timeout seconds? You can do so by:
1. In RealPlayer, click the Tools menu, and then select Preferences. The Preferences box opens.
2. In the Category pane, click Connection.
3. Under Network Time-out, increase the time-out settings by 10 seconds.
4. Click OK.
5. Try to play the clip again.
6. If you still have problems, increase the time-out settings by another 10 seconds and try again. Keep trying until the clip plays or it becomes obvious that increasing the time-out settings will not resolve this problem. Increasing this time also increases the time you wait for a time-out message to appear.
Let me know how you get on.