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Grey's Anatomy Season 5-8 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

I just got a chance to watch the two episodes. I have to say that overall I'm a little dissapointed !

George and Lexie, I am so against this. Here we go again, arrrgghh. I wish they could just leave them as friends. I agree Meg. There was definitely a moment there between Sloan and Lexie (on his side) when he said he tells people how he feels about them.

Alex and Izzy. Yeh it was really nice at the start when they were getting on really well but talk about him over reacting. Jeez ! The path on this one will be rocky. I don't think the Denny scene was out of place, I think it went with the overall theme of the show about not always getting the "happy ending"

Rose/Derek. Well, she was just very unprofessional there, but at least she had the good sense to transfer at the end. I mean, if she can't handle the breakup, she can't be on his surgical team. It's as simple as that. Do you think the "fake" pregnancy was Shonda having a dig at all the fans speculations??? I think so !!

McRambo (that's what I'm calling him ) was great. I think there was great chemistry between him and Christina. Looking forward to seeing more of him, which I'm sure we will !!

[ Last edited by shinny at 9-30-2008 17:33 ]


Just got to watch this episode. I agree with everything you have said above !! I have to admit that I also want to see an end to the mer/der saga. They need to evolve this relationship a bit more. Then they can have the normal couple issues if they need story line ideas, but not this will I or won't I dance by mer !!!

Lexie + Sloane I like, Lexie + George I do not like !!! I think that because Lexie is a really nice person underneath it all, she could bring out Mark's good side a bit more. I think how this will play out though is that Lexie will pursue George, but he will rebuff her. All the while Mark will be becoming more of a friend and will be there to pick up the pieces. That's how I'd write it anyway !!!!


I agree with all of the comments above. This was the best episode of Season 4 so far. It had a lot of the old chemistry.

I'm glad George passed too and I think it was only natural that he wanted to let the others know: he studied with them all along. I think Lexie's reaction was a little self indulgent to be honest.

Hahn and Callie hilarious !! They are just so funny, but clearly it's something huge for both of them. Bailey was brilliant in that whole scene !

Ah the scene with the boy and George going to the wrong theatre was so funny. I think George has made that little boy want to be a doctor !

Bala, you are hilarious, it's not a given that men like blood, guts etc just because they are men !! How do I know that? Ask the many men who pass out when their wives are giving birth

Personally I love it


5x05 "There's no I in Team" Sneak Peak


Just got a chance to watch the new episode.

First off, Meg we totally called that Sloane & Lexie connection way back at the start, lol !!

Right, back on track. I really feel sorry for McRambo. Seriously, imagine being in the front end like that, seeing all that he is seeing and having to do and then coming back in to mainstream practice. War will change a person and often they find it very difficult to go back to who they were before. I hope he realises this in time and can "Turn Back" like that poor guy who died said.

I love seeing Denny back, I wish they hadn't killed him off in the first place. Maybe they realised that too late and had to think of creative ways to bring him back. Yeh, he kept saying "I'm here for you Izzy" - That could mean that he knows something is going to happen to her (or if she has the brain tumor, is happening to her) and so he's there to help her through it. Most likely, if it's a brain tumor, it's a manifestation of something that's going wrong in her brain or "Faith" as the Native Indian guy said.

I love how the show has gotten deep again.

By the way, Sadie is also an Ex Home and Away actress !! She was Angel, married to Shane, for any of you who used to watch the show. I've not really seen her in many American shows. I remember she was in charmed, but that's about it. So, she'll always be Aussie Angel to me !!

FF to 4.03 and she's in it again later too.

[ Last edited by shinny at 11-15-2008 14:00 ]


Reply 145#145 bala's post

Bala where you asleep during that episode? lol (I'm just teasing)


Reply 166#166 themegababe's post

Lol, I was thinking that same. It was funny when she asked "Am I really that bad" and he said "No, I am" - Derek is going to be pissed at him !!!

I think at this stage they need to come clean with what is going on with Izzy. Even one more episode of this will drive fans crazy. It's time they explained why she is seeing him. I hope they don't do a "Dallas" style thing and it ends up that Izzy was in a Coma or something all the time !!! But, it better be good too !!


Reply 169#169 bala's post

I'm just glad that it's not Lexie and George! I really hope they kill that storyline !


Reply 171#171 bala's post

Yeh, but that lasted all of 2 minutes so I was ok with that !!


Reply 173#173 bala's post

I don't mind if they have a "fling" but not a full on relationship. I couldn't handle that. I don't think they are suited. I honestly think Lexie and Sloan would make a better couple!! Maybe she's the one who will make him a better person, who knows?


Reply 177#177 cshapiro's post

I agree, there needs to be balance between realism and fiction. The scales are definitely tipping more towards fiction, at the moment!


I've just managed to catch up with the last 4 episodes (it's amazing how quickly you can fall behind!)

Anyway, I agree with cshapiro about Derek's reaction. It was majorly over the top. I guess though that Grey's is more about the Drama and less about the Medicine and I think if you accept that then it doesn't seem so bad.

I'm glad that Izzy has finally realised something is wrong with her. At last !! So, is it going to be related to the mole? I mean, how would melanoma make you hallucinate? Maybe they can relate this some how, but I guess it will be something extremely unusual. Or did the Dermatologist Dr find something else underlying? I guess we will have to wait and see.

I haven't watched PP yet so it was nice to see Addi back. I thought it was a bit insensitive of Derek's friends to be talking about the song that he wrote for Addi when they got married. It's like, get over it, they are not together anymore !!

Sorry cshapiro but I found the fight scene hilarious!! Totally over the top and all, but I still found it funny. Mark picked a bad time to tell Derek, that's for sure. However, I think it was a bit extreme of Derek to warn Mark off Lexie in the first place.


This was a great episode. I'm glad it's all finally out there and being dealt with. This story dragged on a little too long!

Of course Derek was going to go back, it's in his blood and something I doubt he'd ever be able to deny.

I agree Kim, about the intern storyline and them trying to keep them in the picture. I just think they could go about it a better way. Besides Lexie there is no relationship for the viewer with the other interns, so we just don't care about them.

The scenes with Callie, Hunt and Derek were good but the scene with Derek and The Chief was just great.


In fairness, you can't really blame Christina for backing away. Would you want to sleep with someone who might strangle you in your sleep?

I have to admit that I'm kinda going off McRambo. Not because of this and what he did to Christina, but just his character in general. Hopefully we'll see a different side of him now that Derek is trying to help him. Although, I think he needs cognitive help also.


I just caught up on the past few episodes and I really enjoyed them. It's hard to know how the izzy storyline will go when we don't really know if she plans to leave for real. We'll just have to wait and see. I'm sure they will leave us hanging somewhat though!!

I can't wait for the 2 hour season finale !!


What an amazing season finale!

There was just so much going on in those two episodes. I didn't see George being the John Doe either, so they really got me there !! But...lol....I did notice that John Doe reacted more to Meredith's touch in the OR which I found a bit strange at the time. Then when he did it the second time I got really suspicious and then he circled 007!!! Amazing stuff.

Poor George had to listen to them all talk about him when he was on the table that time, just after they brought him in, but at least he got to hear how much they all loved him because they were worried about it enlisting.

So they left us with a cliffhanger, no surprises there.

It was good how they showed George and Izzy "on the other side" but I think that Izzy will come back. She seemed to hear the sounds of them working on her, but we didn't get them from George.

I guess we'll just have to wait and see!!!

10/10 though for these two.


Reply 18#18 codebreaker's post

Yep, I'm a mess after it, lol!!

I knew that we'd see Meredith at the very very end breaking down about George and I think it was right to do it like this because that's just how I expected her to deal with it.

Looks like the Chief was supposed to be in that accident so he could have an epiphany about the two hospitals merging. I just hope he's as loyal to Derek as Derek was to him.


Losing Nurse Olivia wasn't a big thing though, she hasn't really been in any main story lines for some time.

I liked the ending too, it was nice that they could just forget about their worries for a while.


I agree that it was a good episode. Izzy needs to realise that her survival was very rare and that she needs to look at the facts of her patients and not to think they can all survive, because they won't.

Loved the bear scene with Alex at the start. Hilarious.

It was nice to see Meredith giving part of her liver because of Lexie. It shows how much she really does care for her sister.


I agree about Izzie, I was kinda sick of all that. And you know what struck me during this episode with the new people. There was no chance of new hook ups. Everyone is already loved up!!

So now that Alex is "free" maybe we might see him hooking up with one of the Mercy girls. Plus, did anyone pick up a vibe between Christina and the Dr who rugby tackled the guy to the ground??? She's not happy with Hunt either....


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