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Small Post at 3-27-2015 01:40 Show All Posts
Season 3

Episode 1: Whitechapel Terminus (Nov/14/2014)
It's now 1894, a train robbery has taken place resulting in a disastrous consequence. Detective Inspector Reid is on the case with his usual team unknowing that there is a greater plot unfolding under his eyes.
Episode 2: The Beating of Her Wings (Nov/14/2014)
The discovery of a captive girl brings Inspector Reid to Long Susan's doorstep once more. Avoiding what is and hiding it from those she believes might react negatively. Reid must control himself as the truth is revealed before he does something he'll learn to regret.
Episode 3: Ashes and Diamonds (Nov/21/2014)
The mysterious death of a clairvoyant unlocks the heart of a deceptive scheme.
Episode 4: Your Father, My Friend (Nov/28/2014)
An unsolved case from Whitechapel's past set Reid and Drake on a path of destruction.
Episode 5: Heavy Boots (Dec/05/2014)
A destructive gang of youths unleash hell upon the streets, but it?s not until daylight breaks that the true horror of their brutal work is revealed. The trail leads the team of H Division into the heartland of one of the city?s oldest trades - the London Breweries - where conflicted loyalties reign, and grief and anger create a potent concoction.
Episode 6: The Incontrovertible Truth (Dec/12/2014)
The recovering Reid arrests Lady Vera Montacute, an aristocrat who enjoys slumming it, who has been found unconscious in a Whitechapel lodging house next to the corpse of flower seller Ida Watts. Both women were drugged and Ida's cousin Tom Denton, a known thief who drugs his victims, is also brought in. He explains that he procured Ida for sex with Lady Vera and her husband, who arrives at the police station demanding his wife's release. Lady Vera admits to the murder but the modern finger-printing device proves that hers was not the hand upon the fatal weapon. When Abberline intervenes Reid realizes that he may not be able to make an arrest after all.
Episode 7: Live Free, Live True (Dec/19/2014)
John Currie, a chemist, is murdered, with evidence that he was an abortionist who treated his clients with dangerous lead compounds. His apprentice points the police to a deserted surgery and a strong box, containing evidence that the doctor who owned the surgery was experimenting in sterilization. Dr Frayn persuades Susan to employ Dr Rolle, who will conduct medically supervised terminations to prevent girls visiting back street abortionists but it is too late for Mary Tait, mutilated by Currie and the cause of a fight between her boyfriend Edwin Havelock and her adopted father George Tait. Reid discovers that both George and Rolle have very dark secrets, which lead to the solving of Currie's murderer. Having outwitted a fraudulent property developer Susan is still pursued by Fred for more news of the train robbery loot and then confronted by her father Theodore Swift, who has fled from America.
Episode 8: The Peace of Edmund Reid (Dec/28/2014)
American Journalist Ralph Ackerman comes to Whitechapel on the trail of Swift, whose corruption he exposed in the States but Swift catches and kills him, later murdering Best, to whom Ackerman had given his story. Before shooting Best Swift reveals that he is dealing in arms sales to anti-Imperialists. From Best's research the police deduce that the stolen money was Swift's which he was illegally moving to England but they can find no trace of it. Jackson however finds evidence of Swift's guilt on Ackerman's body and tells Susan he knows she shot Reid but she stops him from going to the police by announcing that she is pregnant with his child. A suspicious Drake arrests Jackson and the truth comes out. Susan and Jackson help to exact justice on Swift but their own futures are now in doubt, given their illegal activities. Reid however having seen the case through and been reunited with his daughter is able to find peace at last.