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Merlin Season 1-5 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

Am I the only one who likes Merlin and Arthur as a couple lol. Gwen's true love is obviously Lancelot.
Lucky Spencer = Hotness


Am I the only one who likes Merlin and Arthur as a couple....this show is so gay I LOVE it!! So many pretty people
Lucky Spencer = Hotness


Reply 17#17 arksongbird80's post

It's not creepy, it's freaking hot. Makes this fangirl very happy.  Merlin and Arthur sitting in a tree K I S S I N G
Lucky Spencer = Hotness


I don't want Morgana to die, she's freaking AWESOME!!!! I don't even consider her evil, she's trying to free her kind, Merlin on the other hand keeps saving a crazy, evil, and child murderer Uther. I can't wait for the season finale!!!!!
Lucky Spencer = Hotness

