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Season 7

Episodes 1-2: Answering Fire (Oct. 11-12, 2003)
When a suspected terrorist attack causes an explosion at a hotel, the death of a highly respected government minister appears to be the key to the motive behind the attack. However, Sam soon discovers that an old acquaintance of hers was also at the scene, and as she delves deeper into the case, has to deal with her attempted rape which occurred many years ago. Determined to get to the bottom of the minister's death, she conducts a second autopsy, but her findings are soon undermined by an independent pathologist, who appears to have a stronger link to the case than meets the eye. To make matters worse, the investigation team threaten to strike Sam off if she supports the dead man's family at an inquest.

Episodes 3-4: Fatal Error (Oct. 18-19, 2003)
Sam becomes under intense scrutiny during an official inquiry into the deaths of two brothers while they were in prison. Her findings are soon challenged by Leo, who is brought in by the Crown to perform a second autopsy. Meanwhile, a series of murders that are taking place ly heavily on a suspect who has recently been released from prison. He served time in prison after being convicted of killing his wife – and the evidence against him was given by Sam during one of her very first cases. During his time in prison, he continued to protest his innocence – but did years behind bars change him for the worse? Sam soon comes to believe that someone is stalking her, and the police have trouble locating the ex-convict.

Episodes 5-6: Running on Empty (Oct. 25-26, 2003)
When a sports agent is found dead, the police suspect suicide. However, Sam is not convinced, and when the post-mortem reveals that she was in the early stages of pregnancy, and that she had severe bruising to her arms, signs of a sexual assault appear to convince Sam otherwise. Matters are complicated further, however, when a client that she was having an affair with is also found dead. Tests reveal the father of her baby is Caucasian, which rule out her client, but appears to implicate her husband for the murder, despite his alibi. However, Sam is soon sidelined from the investigation following a disagreement with DI Jayne Hurst, and Harry's efforts to determine the time of death prove unreliable.

Episodes 7-8: Beyond Guilt (Nov. 1-2, 2003)
Sam, Leo and Harry are alarmed when the home office assign them to re-examine the work of independent pathologist Peter Sachs. Between them, they investigate three of Sachs' cases - the murders of Craig Proctor, Brian Morris and Zoe Adams. Although Sam and Leo suspect Sachs is acting suspiciously, Harry refuses to believe that he is in the wrong. Sam discovers that Sachs has been using a new method of determining time of death, and against her better judgement, uses Sachs in order to provide evidence to determine the time of death of Eddie Doyle, who was murdered due to being a witness to Craig Proctor's murder.



[ Last edited by codebreaker at 8-18-2012 04:43 ]
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Season 8

Episodes 1-2: A Time To Heal (Sep. 5-6, 2004)
When the bodies of two men are exposed during a landslide in Ireland, Sam is forced to make a long overdue painful journey home. The subsequent investigation suggests the pair died during the sectarian violence of the 1970s. However, a secret closer to home soon comes to light. Sam discovers that her estranged son, whom she had at 16, is still living in Ireland – and the investigation soon leads her to his doorstep. The investigation reveals evidence of RUC corruption, and Sam is soon startled when the evidence points to the involvement of a member of her own family. As the police pull out all the stops to track down the killers, Sam makes an announcement that stuns her colleagues.

Episodes 3-4: Death by Water (Sep. 12-13, 2004)
Leo and Harry's professional rivalry erupts following Sam's departure. They find themselves dealing with the case of several children living on the coast who have experienced unexplained breathing difficulties, leaving one boy, Peter, dead. While Harry believes that the case is simply nothing more than mass hysteria, Leo suspects something more sinister. Meanwhile, a man, Nick Garner, is found dead in his car with a stab wound to the chest. When a link between the stab victim and the ill children begins to emerge, Leo becomes determined to discover who is responsible before any more fatalities occur. However, it may be too late, as a baby, Ella, dies after being refused hospital care. Harry discovers the truth behind Nick Garner's death, and Leo realises that a boatyard may hold the key to the children's symptoms.

Episodes 5-6: Nowhere Fast (Sep. 19-20, 2004)
After being promoted into the Professor's position, Leo is surprised to be united with Dr. Nikki Alexander. Nikki, a pathologist whose expertise lies in solving Iron Age mysteries with modern day techniques, finds herself covering new ground when she ends up bringing her expertise to bear on a modern murder. The case in question is the death of a jockey crushed by his mount during a race. Harry and Leo suspect it was simply an accident. However, when two of the horses' owners are killed in a helicopter crash, evidence emerges that both the horse and the pilot were drugged. Harry and Leo suspect syndicate member Matt Gibb was responsible for the deaths of his co-owners and the jockey, and Nikki's skills help expose the cracks in his story. Gibb confesses to drugging the horse but denies any involvement in the helicopter crash, leaving the pathologists divided over whether to believe him.

Episodes 7-8: Body 21 (Sep. 25-26, 2004)
The team are approached by the survivors of a major train crash, which resulted in the death of twenty-one people. Looking for answers as to who and what caused the crash, they ask Leo, Nikki and Harry to attempt to identify 'Body 21', one of the twenty-one victims who has yet to have been named. However, determined to investigate the actual cause of the crash by using backdoor methods, Leo begins to uncover a tangled web of lies. He begins to suspect that Army Major Mark Wiltshire is involved, after his stolen Landrover is what is known to be the cause of the crash, but an alibi places him in the mess hall at the time of the incident. Working with the survivor's group, the team attempt to re-create the layout of the train prior to the crash occurring. The investigation delves deeper when one of the surviving passengers commits suicide. Harry and Leo soon discover that the identification of the last victim could lead to revealing the cause of the crash, and that the solution lies on discovering an unknown romantic affair and a marital betrayal.



[ Last edited by codebreaker at 8-18-2012 04:43 ]
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Season 9

Episode 1: Ghosts: Part 1 (Jul. 25, 2005)
The team is shocked when Leo Dalton's wife and daughter are killed when a fancy sports car careens out of control and smashes into a café. The police are puzzled by the cause of the crash but believe the driver may have been involved in a identity theft ring when they find several several passports and ID cards in the vehicle. Meanwhile, Nikki must perform urgent autopsies on two bodies found floating in the river. When she finds fingerprint evidence linking one of the bodies to the car accident, it becomes apparent that the two cases are linked and the police may have been less than forthcoming about their investigation.

Episode 2: Ghosts: Part 2 (Jul. 26, 2005)
Unsatisfied with the progress of the case, Leo Dalton takes matters into his own hands trying to get in contact with an identity theft ring. The information he gathers assists the police and they work together. The death of one of the gang members, and a vital clue, lead police to identify the their leader, but in the end, the solution brings little solace to Leo.

Episode 3: Choices: Part 1 (Aug. 1, 2005)
The team investigates deaths and injuries resulting from a drive by shooting outside a club. The forensics team determines that the bullets were home-made and it would appear that someone in the crowd returned fire. The police want to solve this quickly before it escalates into a gang war. Curiously, the bullets fired by both sides were made using the same equipment. Nikki attempts to determine the cause of death for a badly decomposed body found in a crack house.Leo continues to have difficulties dealing with the recent death of his wife and daughter.

Episode 4: Choices: Part 2 (Aug. 2, 2005)
With the murder of the club manager, the pathologists also determine that the club owner shot his own girlfriend, likely by accident. They also identify an unlikely suspect in the shooting of the club manager. Harry and Nikki confront Leo over his abusive and unprofessional behavior.

Episode 5: The Meaning of Death: Part 1 (Aug. 8, 2005)
Harry investigates the death of a woman who drowned in a backyard pool. She was apparently struck on the side of the head and her husband claims that her expensive necklace is missing. Leo and Nikki investigate the death of Lucie Philips, a kidnap victim who was taken a week previously. The girl's father tried to pay the ransom but the money was never collected leading the police to believe that the kidnappers may have had other motives. They also investigate the murder of a pizza deliveryman that has similarities with the Philips crime scene. A third murder leads the police to suspect that they may be seeing the work of a serial killer. Nikki's grandmother dies bringing her into contact with her estranged father.

Episode 6: The Meaning of Death: Part 2 (Aug. 9, 2005)
Leo and Nikki find yet another victim who was apparently bound and buried alive. However, they continue to have difficulty finding a common link among all of the victims. The investigation focuses on the editor of a philosophical journal who had an intellectual disagreement with one of the victims but the case is more complex than first imagined. Harry discovers that his drowning victim was pregnant which may have indirectly contributed to her death. Nikki's father is released from prison and promptly disappears.

Episode 7: Mind and Body: Part 1 (Aug. 15, 2005)
The team investigates two deaths, the first a suicide where someone jumped to their death and the second where a paranoid schizophrenic dressed as a vicar goes on a rampage stabbing innocent bystanders. Their suspicions are aroused when they learn that both men were receiving treatment at the same clinic, January House. Leo assists the police in their investigation of a building society employee who is forcibly taken from his house and subsequently found dead in his own car. Harry is asked to perform an autopsy and provide a second opinion in the death of a young woman. The death was ruled a suicide, but the mother refuses to accept the verdict.

Episode 8: Mind and Body: Part 2 (Aug. 16, 2005)
The Director of January House tries to take his own life on the clinic grounds and the pathologists suspect they may have a case of adulterated prescription medication. Harry's repeat autopsy reveals that the young woman was also under medicated, but she had no contact with the clinic. The police suspect the wife in the case of the building society employee and Leo sets out to disprove her time line.



[ Last edited by codebreaker at 8-18-2012 04:44 ]
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Season 10

Episode 1: Cargo: Part 1 (Jul. 16, 2006)
When a boat carrying illegal passengers is found crashed in the Thames, the team investigate.

Episode 2: Cargo: Part 2 (Jul. 17, 2006)
The team follows the trail of the people traffickers, and has to find any remaining survivors before a highly contagious disease breaks.

Episode 3: Terminus: Part 1 (Jul. 23, 2006)
Harry investigates a case of hit and run where the victim was a 16 year old boy from the nearby housing estate. Working with Sgt. Susan Fenn, they attempt learn if this was an accident or intentional. Harry takes quite a liking to Susan and is shocked by a sudden turn of event. Leo examines a death resulting from a house fire where the lady of the house died. He is puzzled at why she was unable to leave and the police immediately suspect the husband, who was in a nearby park with the children, of murder. Nikki looks into the case of a young woman who collapses at her hen night. She had recently had minor surgery and was taking pain killers, but there is surprising information to be found about her background.

Episode 4: Terminus: Part 2 (Jul. 24, 2006)
The pathologists busy week continues with a variety of cases. Nikki examines a death in a telemarketing office. Several workers were vying for promotion and the police suspect foul play. Harry deals with the case of a professional footballer who committed suicide. He realizes there is a link to another case he is working on. Leo deals with the case of a drunk who died on a bus. There is little information about the man and the case becomes more of a puzzle when the autopsy reveals that he wasn't drunk at all.

Episode 5: Body of Work: Part 1 (Jul. 30, 2006)
Harry is shocked when his former university girlfriend, Penny Harris, is brought in dead. She drove her car into a tree and the police initially suspect suicide but the autopsy reveals that the medication in her system was ground rather than in pill form, so they conclude she was likely murdered. Her husband tells the police that he thought his wife was having an affair and her parents react strangely to the news. Leo assists the police in the death of Jimmy Triangle, a conceptual artist whose latest work dealt with the death of conceptual art - and includes his own body, as he is shot through the head. The question is whether the shot was self-inflicted or not.

Episode 6: Body of Work: Part 2 (Jul. 31, 2006)
Nikki and Harry continue to investigate the death of Penny Harris. Harry is shocked to learn that she had apparently at some point in her life had a child but her husband denies any knowledge of such. Another death in the Harris family allows them to narrow the suspects and identify the killer. Leo continues to look for clues and the police think they have solved the case through fingerprint evidence, but Leo is able to prove that the suspect has been framed. The victims penchant for videotaping his activities provides a vital clue.

Episode 7: Supernova: Part 1 (Aug. 6, 2006)
Alison Garland is a 14 year old schoolgirl found dead on the school grounds just after lunch. She appears to have slit her wrists and committed suicide, but there is also evidence that she had sexual relations just earlier that day. As Leo Dalton looks into the case he learns that Alison was also a school bully and was a very unhappy young woman. Harry assists the police in the stabbing death of a car dealer. The evidence suggests that he was stabbed in his garage and his body then dumped. The case takes a radical twist when they find that the knife found by Alison's body was also used to kill the car dealer. Nikki assists the police in the death of an elderly woman who appears to have been maltreated.

Episode 8: Supernova: Part 2 (Aug. 7, 2006)
A third murder is discovered on school grounds and Leo realises the killings are connected to a sinister teenage pact. Meanwhile, Nikki proves her elderly victim died of hypothermia - but there is still a guilty party to be caught.

Episode 9: Schism: Part 1 (Aug. 13, 2006)
Harry and Nikki deal with the case of a young woman who is found dead in an animal shelter. Her dead body has obviously been posed and the autopsy reveals she may have been tortured before death. Information from police intelligence suggests that they may be dealing with a group of radical animal rights activists. It all becomes quite personal for Harry when Nikki is taken prisoner. It's also a difficult time for Leo who has been asked to appear before a medical council hearing and testify on the propriety of a close friend's medical research. Harry has been offered a prestigious chair at an American university, but has had difficulty discussing the issue with his colleagues, especially Nikki.

Episode 10: Schism: Part 2 (Aug. 14, 2006)
Harry and the police desperately search for Nikki as they continue to find more bodies. The animal rights activists' target is a well known pharmaceutical firm that is undertaking research on behalf of the government. Leo finally decides on a course of action in testifying at the medical council hearing.



[ Last edited by codebreaker at 8-18-2012 04:44 ]
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Season 11

Episode 1: Apocalypse: Part 1 (Aug. 28, 2007)
The pathologists investigate when a military helicopter crashes into a refugee detention center. Harry and Nikki actually witnessed the crash and were first on the scene but the case is complex since the center was Ministry of Defense property leased to the Home Office. The team is shocked at the conditions they find in the center and Harry, who has a close friend in the RAF, is shaken when a government Minister attributes the accident to pilot error.

Episode 2: Apocalypse: Part 2 (Aug. 29, 2007)
Harry is convinced that the RAF is trying to cover up the real reasons for the crash. This is re-enforced when the dead pilot's father tells him that no one liked or trusted the particular type of helicopter that crashed. When given a chance to perform the post-mortem on the pilot, they find a possible physical cause however. In examining one of the dead refugees, Nikki concludes that he had undergone plastic surgery. She attempts a facial reconstruction to see if they can identify him.

Episode 3: Suffer the Children: Part 1 (Sep. 3, 2007)
Leo Dalton investigates the death of a young boy whose body is found in the river. He was badly abused and his hands and feet were severed. The child is found to have been HIV positive and the pathologists determine that he may have been the victim of a ritual killing., perhaps as part of an exorcism that went too far. When the skeletal remains of another child is found, Leo believes the police have focused their investigation on the wrong man. Nikki Alexander investigates the apparent suicide of Father Anthony Reid who appears to have jumped from his apartment window on the grounds of a well-known Catholic school. He had colon cancer but those who knew him question that he would take his own life. Harry Cunningham looks into the case of Austin Chambers who is found floating in his swimming pool with an obvious ligature mark on his throat.

Episode 4: Suffer the Children: Part 2 (Sep. 4, 2007)
When a second person, Vincent Fricks, is found dead with ligature marks around his neck, Nikki and Harry not only find a connection between the two dead men but also with the school where Father Reid committed suicide. They also find another common link between the three. Leo Dalton continues his investigation into a local church that combines Christian with African beliefs and customs. He manages to find physical evidence linking one of the dead boys to the church.

Episode 5: Hippocratic Oath: Part 1 (Sep. 10, 2007)
Harry Cunningham investigates when a car accident reveals two bodies inside one coffin. The coffin contained the body of 80-year-old Ethel Mortimer, who was supposed to be there and also that of James Featherton, a high tech sales rep who also had a heavy cocaine habit. Leo Dalton and Nikki Alexander have to deal with the death of a young child who died post-operatively. The pediatric surgeon in the case, Alice Huston, is well known in her field but may be prone to undertaking aggressive surgeries. The pathologists find a connection between the two cases when Featherton's girlfriend is found to be a nurse on Huston's surgical team.

Episode 6: Hippocratic Oath: Part 2 (Sep. 11, 2007)
With Claire Kowalski missing and Nikki Alexander unconscious from a blow to the head, Harry and Leo investigate exactly what is going on at the hospital. Harry discovers that a member of Huston's surgical team is not who they claim to be and has actually stolen the identity of someone who died six years before. Blackmail is at the center of it all and it turns out Alice Huston is hiding a secret. However, the killer is identified only by looking to old friendships and the calling in of an old debt.

Episode 7: Double Dare: Part 1 (Sep. 17, 2007)
Nikki Alexander finds herself working on a case from her past. Four years previously, she had been instrumental in getting 17 year-old Anna Holland acquitted of a murder charge. She had been accused of egging on her boyfriend in the murder of a young mother they chose randomly. Now, while under police protection, her body has been found in a burnt car. The autopsy reveals that she had been stabbed but had died from carbon monoxide poisoning and so was burnt alive. Nikki also receives a surprise visit from her estranged father who wants her to perform a second autopsy on a friend who recently died.

Episode 8: Double Dare: Part 2 (Sep. 18, 2007)
Nikki Alexander begins to have serious doubts about her conclusions four years previously when her testimony helped acquit 17-year-old Anna Holland of murder. Anna's mother had withheld information from the police and as Nikki reconstructs the scene of the crime, she realizes that the blood spatter evidence no longer holds up. The police focus on the dead woman's husband but the pathologists find that a series of unsolved murders may have a bearing on the case. Nikki is also annoyed with her father, who has conned Harry Cunningham into completing a second autopsy on his late wife.

Episode 9: Peripheral Vision: Part 1 (Sep. 24, 2007)
Harry Cunningham is asked to review a case in a insurance dispute. The insurance company is refusing to pay out on an policy when the autopsy results show that the woman was intoxicated and likely was responsible for the fall that killed her. Her family insists that that is impossible as she was an abstainer. Nikki Alexander investigates when human remains are found buried in an field. The locals believe the body to be that of Clara Young, who had disappeared 18 months before. The remains are found on the site of a travelers or gypsy caravan site and the police are convinced that George Wood, one of the camp residents is responsible, but Nikki's evidence proves otherwise.

Episode 10: Peripheral Vision: Part 2 (Sep. 25, 2007)
George Wood is released by the police but he is soon found dead in his caravan. Although made to look like a suicide, it is clearly a murder. The case gets even more complicated for Nikki and the authorities when she determines that there are the remains of two victims in the field, not just one. The evidence in the George Wood murder points to someone with connections to the police. Harry Cunningham believes that the dead woman in his insurance case was likely suffering from dementia and looks to prove the cause



[ Last edited by codebreaker at 8-18-2012 04:44 ]
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Season 12

Episode 1: Safe: Part 1 (Oct. 1, 2008)
Following a court appearance for drunk driving, Leo is required to perform unpaid work as a punishment, assisting AJ, a community worker on a run-down,largely black-occupied housing estate in South London. AJ is hoping to divert boys away from crime by encouraging them to do sports, and, though initially dismissive of Leo as a white intruder, comes to respect him after he has saved the life of Errol, a former gang member now anxious to keep his little brother Levi out of trouble. Errol has been stabbed in the leg by members of a gang from a rival estate and Leo stops him from bleeding to death. Earlier in the week a young girl called Shana Block was stabbed to death at a funfair and her murder recorded on a mobile phone. As Shana lived on the estate police sergeant Wallace involves Leo as a go-between with the suspicious residents.

Episode 2: Safe: Part 2 (Oct. 2, 2008)
The examination of the latest body from the housing estate proves it to be that of Errol Harris who was asphyxiated while being tarred and feathered. The policeman in charge of the case, DS Nick Wallace, is exasperated at the lack of physical evidence the pathologists are able to provide him as without concrete proof of who is involved in the killings, he knows they will never get a conviction. Leo Dalton thinks that the key to getting information is Errol's younger brother Levi who is actively being recruited to join the gang. Tragedy ensues however after the police question the boy. Finally at their wit's end, Leo comes up with a piece of evidence that has been available from the very beginning of the case.

Episode 3: Death's Door: Part 1 (Oct. 8, 2008)
The team is called in to identify the corpse of a woman whose face was surgically removed after death. Janet Mander, a Home Office anthropologist, cannot link it to similar murders but, after Nikki has reconstructed the face, Holly, a medical student on work experience with Harry,recognizes the woman as Fran Price, an investigative journalist. Pargeter, her agent, is evasive and Supt. Barker, the investigating police officer, does not help as he is obsessed with the idea that Leonid Polyak, a Russian criminal Fran helped to put behind bars, has ordered a hit on her from his prison cell. Whilst Leo gets closer to Janet, Harry is concerned when he sees Barker entering Holly's flat and later she is found murdered in her bed.

Episode 4: Death's Door: Part 2 (Oct. 9, 2008)
Everyone is affected by Holly Farr's murder. The pathologists find that she was tortured and beaten but died from having her throat slit. The police believe that her death is related to that of Fran Price and the recent leaks of forensic evidence to the press may have led the killer to her. Supt. Barker decides to put armed policeman to guard each of the three pathologists but Harry Cunningham, who saw Barker go into Holly's house, is suspicious of his true motives. When a prominent Russian, Oleg Kolik, seeks asylum in the UK saying he is the true target of the Russian assassins, Harry thinks that Fran Price may have been targeting him in her new book. When Leonid Polyak is murdered while being transferred between prisons, he decides it's time to put his job on the line in the pursuit of justice.

Episode 5: Terror: Part 1 (Oct. 15, 2008)
The team is called in after Mr. Stickley of the Police complaints Board feels that something is not right about an armed police raid on a house where several people were killed, including one of the officers and a mystery woman. A young Muslim called Melik has been badly wounded and lies in hospital. Mr. Stickley believes the policeman was killed by Rhys Allen, a colleague who was having an affair with the deceased's wife. Melik's sister Isra confides in Nikki that all the 'suspects' were unarmed and not terrorists and fears of a cover-up by the authorities are not helped by the aggressive attitude of Inspector Transfield, particularly when Nikki is attacked and evidence stolen from her laptop.

Episode 6: Terror: Part 2 (Oct. 16, 2008)
Harry Dalton and DI Helen Okoroafor manage to identify the dead woman from the scene of the raid - who turns out to be a DS who was working undercover and who the police refused to identify when the pathologists submitted her DNA sample to them. While DI Tranfield continues to search for the terrorist cell that he is sure is about to strike, Nikki Alexander continues to try and piece the evidence together from the scene of the raid but clearly there are pieces missing. A re-creation of the shooting shows her what happened and also identifies the only person in the right position to have shot the police officer.

Episode 7: Judgement: Part 1 (Oct. 22, 2008)
Harry Cunningham investigates the death of a young Orthodox Jew. He accedes to the family's request that he not use invasive procedures in his examination and finds that the young man was savagely kicked and beaten to death. DI McKenzie has a suspect in custody but from what medical and forensic evidence Harry is able to find, with Nikki Alexander's assistance, it's obvious that the family is lying about the young man's whereabouts the night he was killed. Leo Dalton meanwhile investigates the death of a young student who died from a drug overdose. Leo is uncomfortable with what he finds, particularly that she had sex with one of the men at a party when her boyfriend was in the next room. He thinks she may have been given GHB.

Episode 8: Judgement: Part 2 (Oct. 23, 2008)
With a second member of the Orthodox Jewish community dead, Harry performs a complete examination. This time, Harry does not hesitate to use all examination methods at his disposal and finds forensic evidence that clearly links a third member of the Hassidic community to both deaths. After DI MacKenzie makes the arrest however, Harry realizes he may have inadvertently contaminated the DNA evidence leading to a false result. Nikki retests all of the evidence and together they figure just who the attacker was. Leo Dalton meanwhile tries to prove that the dead student had been given GHB. He concludes that someone also tried to administer CPR.

Episode 9: The Lost Child: Part 1 (Oct. 29, 2008)
The half-naked corpse of a twelve-year-old boy is found in his school grounds and Liam, the child in whose company he was last seen, has disappeared. Nikki is particularly involved because the school's head teacher,Noel Hopkins, is the teacher who, years earlier, encouraged her interest in science.

Episode 10: The Lost Child: Part 2 (Oct. 30, 2008)
A severely mutilated corpse is found on a railway line, belonging to a known paedophile in his twenties, Francis Neil. Noel Hopkins is arrested, following revelations years earlier of an affair with a young pupil Nikki believes to be Francis but he is released due to insufficient evidence, though he is sacked from his job and his house torched, his saviour being Danny, father of the dead boy Michael. It is ultimately revealed that in fact Liam did not exist - he was the 20-something Francis, obsessed with Michael, and both were victims of the paedophile ring. Ultimately Nikki helps Noel to overcome prejudice and regain his job.

Episode 11: Finding Rachel: Part 1 (Nov. 5, 2008)
Stephen Harrington, a friend of Leo, is concerned that his daughter Rachel, an aid worker, has gone missing in Zambia. Leo and his colleagues fly to Africa where Rachel's corpse is discovered. It seems that she was investigating the deaths of local villagers and may have been silenced. In the absence of the local coroner, the team get involved but find that uncooperative police officers are not exclusive to Britain.

Episode 12: Finding Rachel: Part 2 (Nov. 6, 2008)
With another aid worker now dead, the pathologists are trying to piece together just what Rachel was up to. Dr. Andrews tells them that Rachel had been trying to trace the source of an infectious disease that she believed had been affecting many of the local villagers. She had originally believed that the disease was water-borne but all tests had proved negative and was therefore looking at other possible sources. Yet another death however strikes the local ex-pat community. With tensions rising, Nikki finds herself in jail and and Harry getting the cold shoulder from the local coroner.



[ Last edited by codebreaker at 8-18-2012 04:45 ]
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Season 13

Episode 1: Intent: Part 1 (Jan. 7, 2010)
Insurance investigator William Byfield is found gassed in his car after he has sparred with Nikki over a claim for terminally-ill suicide Sally Craven. He was also perturbed about the suspicious death of one Stephen Connelly, which leads to Leo being accused of falsifying the post mortem by William's successor, Clare Ambler. In fact Connelly's details never reached Leo and his widow, bereavement counsellor Rebecca, is not only uncooperative with Clare but is Harry's current girl-friend and overly friendly with coroner's officer David Levin. When it appears that William Byfield was murdered Harry suspects Rebecca of being involved.

Episode 2: Intent: Part 2 (Jan. 8, 2010)
Now Leo is under investigation by the police over the discrepancies in Stephen Connelly's file. He think he's found the solution when he notices similarities between the Coroner's file on Connelly and another case he had worked on. Harry is convinced that his new lover Rebecca, Connelly's widow, has nothing to do with the apparent forgeries Leo has found. He believes that the fraud is taking place at the Coroner's office and focuses on David Levin, who had access to the information. After Leo is assaulted outside his home, he is hospitalized and in a coma. On the edge of death, Nikki and Harry learn they may have a major decision to make. When the police find Leo's blood in Rebecca Connelly's home and Levin's body in the boot of her car, they are convinced they have the killer. No one however realizes the true deception that is taking place.

Episode 3: Voids: Part 1 (Jan. 14, 2010)
Left wing writer Tom Flannery rings for the emergency services when he finds his investment banker wife Bridget dead at the foot of their stairs, lying in an unnaturally large pool of blood. Both Harry and Detective Superintendant Jenkins find the death suspicious as some blood seems to have been cleaned from the wall, making a 'void', but then Jenkins dislikes Flannery's anti-police strand in his writings and she knows Bridget was insured. Nikki believes the death was an accident until Bridget's sister Muriel tells her that the first Mrs. Flannery also died after falling downstairs.

Episode 4: Voids: Part 2 (Jan. 15, 2010)
At the coroner's inquest into Bridget's death Nikki and Harry give conflicting evidence though it turns out that a young policewoman made the 'void' when she slipped on the blood and touched the wall to steady herself. Disturbed mental patient Diamanda Yannis,who had previously attacked Tom's daughter Anna, a nurse, was seen at the Flannery house, covered in blood but she dies after a fight with police. Harry has the first Mrs. Flannery exhumed, proving that someone killed her. Tom admits to Nikki it was him,during a drunken argument over his wish to marry Bridget. He also claims that he killed Bridget but Nikki believes he is shielding somebody else.Is he?

Episode 5: Run: Part 1 (Jan. 21, 2010)
Ruth Gardiner falls to her death from a squat in a high-rise block and Leo - unlike D.I. Neill - realises that she was murdered though Neill seems reluctant to launch a public appeal. Ruth's father tells Leo she left home two years earlier, he assumes to join a cult, but had phoned recently to say she was retuning to him.Reading of the death car salesman Phil tells his girlfriend Danielle that he is an undercover cop working with Ruth - who was staking out a resident in the flats. Danielle meets with Leo, telling him Neill is corrupt and anxious to shut down Phil's operation,which is to expose sex trafficking. Phil - real name Peter Carmody - takes Alex Webb, an apparent suspect,to a caravan where he will be safe. Harry, meanwhile, discovers that a recently deceased family friend had had an affair with his mother.

Episode 6: Run: Part 2 (Jan. 22, 2010)
Carmody goes on the run and Danielle is killed. The same man's DNA is found in her flat as on Ruth's corpse. Leo's partner Janet persuades him that Neill is not dishonest and Neill discovers that Carmody is a car salesman working with Webb. A failed police college entrant some years ago, he has persuaded his wife and mother - as well as Ruth,Danielle and Webb - he is an undercover cop though when Janet interviews his mother she says that he was a fantasist since childhood. Clearly he is a loose cannon, rubbing out those who discover his secret and must be found. Harry discovers that his father was a bully, driving his mother to having an affair.

Episode 7: Shadows: Part 1 (Jan. 28, 2010)
The team attend at the apparent suicide of student Jason Renfrew at the local university. The Dean tells Leo Jason complained to her about racist bullying and he is found to have swallowed a chip containing photos of the alleged bullies, as well as having a handgun in his locker. Soon afterwards a gunman goes on the rampage, killing several people including the policeman investigating Jason's death. Nikki and Harry are trapped in a classroom with some students, one of whom, the mortally wounded Matt Frisk, was one of Jason's tormentors. Commander Somerville leads the police team who release them though it is Harry who finds the severely injured gunman. However, he fails to spot the bomb planted on campus.

Episode 8: Shadows: Part 2 (Jan. 29, 2010)
Harry suspects that Scott Weston, the injured gunman, was shot by another person and it becomes obvious that two guns were used in the massacre. Scott's mother tells Dean Mears that Scott and Jason were good friends, Scott looking out for the more fragile Jason. Meanwhile Nikki is held prisoner in the deserted mortuary by unbalanced Neil Corrigan, who appears to have planned the massacre with Jason - who chickened out and killed himself - and then framed Scott. Ultimately video evidence reveals what actually happened, as well as locating the bomb.

Episode 9: Home: Part 1 (Feb. 4, 2010)
The pathologists travel to South Africa, Nikki Alexander's childhood country. Nikki has been there for a short while and with the help of a now imprisoned official from the former regime, they've uncovered the grave of five activists who were eliminated. The problem is that they find a sixth body in the grave. Nikki is also developing feelings for the man who has hired her. Meanwhile, Harry is working with a local pathologist investigating the murder of a young girl. Leo is a bit late in arriving as he was trying to help a young girl who had requested asylum in the UK. He arrives in South Africa only to learn that the young woman has been deported.

Episode 10: Home: Part 2 (Feb. 5, 2010)
Nikki thinks that the sixth body is that of the long missing son of her former nanny, whom she goes to visit. Harry accompanies Sara and her policeman husband as they recover the dead body of Nyasha, killed as an 'example' whilst Daya is returned to the sinister orphanage. Mandisa, the official who took Kudzai there, tells Leo it is a safe haven but it is really a brothel,trading in illegal immigrant girls with no families and the two girls found in the harbour were killed there by brutal patrons and then dumped. Leo leads the police to the brothel and the girls are saved. Nikki, however, faces a far more bitter truth as she realizes Anton has not been honest with her.



[ Last edited by codebreaker at 8-18-2012 04:45 ]
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Season 14

Episode 1: A Guilty Mind: Part 1 (Jan. 3, 2011)
Pathologists investigate three deaths in one night in the same ward and suspect hospital staff of their murder.

Episode 2: A Guilty Mind: Part 2 (Jan. 4, 2011)
In her efforts to help Naomi, Nikki believes that Silverlake was self-medicating with an untried depression cure though his widow denies it and a representative of the pill company, posing as a health inspector, tries to have Nikki taken off the case. After she is arrested for shop-lifting and feels perpetually tired, Nikki is referred to a psychiatrist who diagnoses depression. Naomi is highly supportive throughout but, at the hospital, the police make a frightening discovery which questions Naomi's motivation. Even after the real murderer is punished another death occurs, leading to closure for Nikki.

Episode 3: Lost: Part 1 (Jan. 10, 2011)
Nikki's archaeologist friend Patrick is excited when a woman's body,apparently a thousand years old,is unearthed on a Yorkshire moor. However dental records show she is a more recent murder victim and Leo,who once worked in the area,believes she is Jodie Fisher,who went missing in 1985. Three other girls were murdered and the killer,Karl Bentley,caught and jailed. Leo,unsuccessful in his efforts with Janet to make a baby and applying to adopt,reencounters Jodie's mother,old flame Carol,before visiting Bentley,who creepily says that his actions were 'out of love'. Then another woman is killed.

Episode 4: Lost: Part 2 (Jan. 11, 2011)
Janet travels to Yorkshire with Leo where she identifies the murder of the fresh victim,Kelly Summers,as being a copycat of the Bentley killings,suggesting that Bentley had an accomplice still at large. This is confirmed when Sonia Hardwick,the investigating officer,finds a letter to Bentley from a boyfriend in the original file. A television crew visits the Fosters' farm house,where Carol's husband Bill snaps,attacking a journalist. He is arrested and interviewed by Sonia regarding his relationship with Karl Bentley. Between them Sonia and Leo deduce that Bentley had a male lover responsible for the unsolved murders and that that man is Bill Fisher. They are only partly right. Harry,meanwhile,has to baby-sit the teenage son of an irresponsible old college friend.

Episode 5: First Casualty: Part 1 (Jan. 17, 2011)
At Hillsdon Army base,a training camp for soldiers fighting in Afghanistan,young soldier Mark Blakefield is still recovering from the death in action of his friend Danny Ferris and argues with Lieutenant Lockfield,who was having an affair with Danny's girl-friend 'Cats' Felton,a fact which Lockfield's wife Claire has also discovered. Cats' body is pulled from the river some time after she was talking to the lieutenant and Nikki suspects foul play. Then Lockfield is shot,an apparent suicide,but Harry,accompanying Inspector Suzy Harte to the base,finds from the post mortem result that the man was murdered.

Episode 6: First Casualty: Part 2 (Jan. 18, 2011)
Nikki links Cats to the Lockfords via her phone and,at her flat,sees photos of her with her boy-friend Danny,whose father identifies her corpse. The police catch a man skulking at her flat,Dennis Croft,a former soldier cashiered for drug peddling who says there was a cover-up over Danny's death. At the request of Danny's parents a further post mortem is carried out,ultimately proving that he was killed by 'friendly fire'.Consequently it transpires that Lockford was not seeing Cats for sex but seeing her right financially. CCTV evidence shows that Cats' death was due to a bizarre accident but who killed the young lieutenant and why?

Episode 7: Bloodlines: Part 1 (Jan. 24, 2011)
Harry is in Budapest with Anna Sandor,a lawyer committed to women's rights who wants him to perform a second autopsy on Sofi,a pregnant Romanian prostitute drowned in the Danube. Anna disbelieves the official version that Sofi killed herself but the body is quickly cremated and Anna is murdered.Harry is pursued by the gangsters who killed her,hiding out with street dweller Janos,who tells him not to trust the police.Leo answers Harry's distress call and flies out but Anna's doctor father believes Harry murdered her and detective Orban tells Leo Anna was pregnant by Harry. Harry breaks into Anna's office,finding links to a brothel run by the same tattooed men who pursued him. He and Janos flee but the men shoot them. Leo suspects police duplicity in the gang's ability to locate Harry so quickly.

Episode 8: Bloodlines: Part 2 (Jan. 25, 2011)
Nikki flies to Budapest and is called to a secret meeting with Leo to avoid Orban. Harry appears,having faked his death to pursue his enquiries. From another prostitute Marina he learns that the gang use the girls to produce babies for influential people who,for various reasons,cannot have children of their own. If the girls are HIV positive like Sofi,they are killed,a fact that Anna had uncovered. Harry approaches Anna's father who says he knew what was happening but wanted to shield Anna from it,before dropping another bombshell. With the British ambassador and other dignitaries involved in the plot,the pathologists have to trust Orban if they are to bring an end to the racket.

Episode 9: The Prodigal: Part 1 (Jan. 31, 2011)
Nikki and Harry are called to the Dutch Embassy in the wake of a gunman killing three people,including police constable Barlow and the brother of ambassador Van Buren,though the latter officially died three years earlier. Van Buren's son Jacob went missing fifteen years earlier and now his grandson Jack is missing, Jack's mother Klara and young policeman Whitehead being among the wounded. Curiously the CCTV cameras were switched off at the time of the shooting but,recovering in hospital,Klara claims the murderer was Jacob. The news coverage has a strange effect on telephonist Mary Olivant,who is found hanged,though Leo finds the death suspicious. He is also wary when another pathologist,Sabiston,whom he once trained,is called in to carry out the post mortems at the ambassador's request.

Episode 10: The Prodigal: Part 2 (Feb. 1, 2011)
Mary Olivant turns out to have been the Van Buren's nanny at the time of Jacob's disappearance and a body unearthed near to where her corpse was found is identified as that of the little boy. Diederick Van Buren had been paying her thousands for years but she had recently seen Klara and told her the true fate of her brother. The so-called bodyguard was actually Diederick,allegedly working for MI6,and the pathologist who pronounced him dead three years earlier was Sabiston,working with Superintendant Mansfield in a cover-up on behalf of the embassy. Harry finds Jack,who has gone into hiding and who saw all that happened on the night of the shooting,for which reason he is protecting the killer.



[ Last edited by codebreaker at 8-18-2012 04:46 ]
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Season 15

Episodes 1-2: Death Has No Dominion (Apr. 1-2, 2012)
The team attend a triple murder at a farmhouse, where the investigating detective, DI Connie James, wastes no time making her presence felt. The pathologists soon make a breakthrough when DNA found at the scene matches that of a mysterious female serial killer – although Nikki has cause to question the direction they are heading in. The case is proving difficult for Leo, however, whose mind is in turmoil following the suicide of an old friend. Harry persuades Connie to disobey orders and test DNA evidence from the original investigation, and Janet is called in to help build the personality of the female serial killer. Leo is still troubled by the suicide of his friend Lizzie Frazer, prompting Nikki to dig deeper into the murder of the woman's sister ten years before. The episode is partly based on the Phantom of Heilbronn case.

Episodes 3-4: Domestic (Apr. 8-9, 2012)
Harry is disturbed to be called to a crime scene at the home of a family he knows, and finds the bodies of the mother and her teenage daughter, while her stepson lies in a coma – although her toddler has been left unharmed. The police suspect the woman's husband to be the killer – but the pathologist is not so sure of his guilt. The double-murder investigation reveals more about the tangled lives of the inhabitants of Magnolia Drive. Harry makes a significant discovery about the dead woman's stepson Charlie, found lying in a coma at the crime scene, while Leo sets out to recreate the shape of the mystery weapon, with the help of forensic scientist Gill Bailey.

Episodes 5-6: Paradise Lost (Apr. 15-16, 2012)
Nikki is furious with Leo when he re-examines a child abuse case by her former mentor, leading to conflict between the pathologists. But she soon has more to worry about when a workman at the centre reveals how his mother is being manipulated by a convicted serial killer into searching for his hidden teenage victims. As the team tracks down the detective who originally worked on the Arnold Mears case and examine the church he visited as a boy, the killer is furious that the police have been made aware of the undiscovered bodies. Eventually, he agrees to talk, but only to Nikki. Can she outwit the scheming convict and compel him to reveal the whereabouts of the corpses – and Annie?

Episodes 7-8: Redhill (Apr. 22-23, 2012)
There is little sympathy when child-killer James Wade dies in his cell, but Leo's encounter with dying ex-prison inspector Rachel Kruger compels him to investigate the notorious Redhill jail – only to come up against a wall of silence. Meanwhile, Harry meets Wade's sister Miriam and agrees to help find her brother's killer. Harry and Nikki dig deep into DI Bridges' past and soon make a significant discovery. Leo is determined to get at the truth about the murder of ex-prison inspector Rachel Kruger and decides to follow violent officer Kessler – but before long he finds himself in dangerous territory.

Episodes 9-10: Fear (Apr. 29-30, 2012)
Leo visits old college friend Sean Delaney at his psychiatric care centre in Essex, where one of the patients was found dead in her bed. Although the coroner ruled a verdict of sudden death syndrome, Delaney is not convinced and asks Leo to investigate. Suspicion soon falls on the dead girl's father, who has lost the family fortune and his wife – but the pathologist runs into problems when the local detective sergeant gives him a less-than-warm welcome, making it clear she is suspicious of his motives. The team delves deeper into the circumstances surrounding Eve's death. Leo confronts the girl's mother and comes close to what actually happened the night before her daughter died, while Harry and Nikki track down the nun who performed the exorcism - and are shocked by what they find. Psychiatrist Sean turns his attention to Eve's brother John, who believes he is also possessed by the demons that haunted his sister - is history about to repeat itself? Or, more crucially, does anyone care?

Episodes 11-12: And Then I Fell In Love (Aug. 3-10, 2012)
Nikki sees a barefoot girl being knocked over by a car, marking the beginning of a case that takes the team into the harrowing world of sex grooming and prostitution for underage girls. The police know the teenager has been abused but the question is, by whom? Suspicion soon falls on her stepfather. Meanwhile, an early-morning bath saves Harry's life, and two puzzling corpses are brought in to the centre – a heavily tattooed man and a decomposed body found at the airport. Nikki uses facial reconstruction to identify the decomposed body found at the airport, and she and Harry make a crucial connection between the dead girls and sex-grooming victim Shannon, who is later returned to her family. But when her stepfather learns about her ordeal, he vows revenge on the men who abused her. Meanwhile, Harry finally makes a go of things with Nikki – after a tortured love affair. As they move in together, their happiness is shortlived when Harry decides to move to New York to take up a professorship.



[ Last edited by codebreaker at 8-18-2012 04:46 ]
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I can do the following episode guides

Accused (UK) Season 2 done
Melissa and Joey Season 2 done
Drop Dead Diva Season 4 done
Damage Season 5 done

[ Last edited by codebreaker at 9-13-2012 13:40 ]


Season 2

Episode 1: Tracie's Story (Aug/14/2012)
Simon Gaskell works as a college English teacher who specialises in poetry and also has a secret. His alter ego is a transvestite called Tracie Tremarco, who is looking for love. Tracie falls head over heels in love following an altercation with some men out on a stag night. Tony and Tracie become smitten with each other and hesitatingly their love affair begins. Tony also has a secret though, he’s married to a local beautician called Karen. Before long Tracie becomes entangled in a triangular love affair that leads to a shocking crime of passion and the dock.

Episode 2: Mo's Story (Aug/21/2012)
Mo Murray is taking a stand against drugs, gangs and gun crime in her local community, but she now stands alongside her mother Maureen and her 17-year-old son Jake in the dock. The reasons why are revealed before the verdict comes in.

Episode 3: Stephen's Story (Aug/28/2012)
17-year-old Stephen Cartwright stands charged with a having commited a serious offence, as his anxious father Peter watches on in the courtroom. It is several months earlier and Peter is attempting to help his sons Stephen and Dom face the imminent death of their beloved mother. After the palliative care nurse Charlotte shows up Peter is grateful of her help. Stephen is not so sure about the efficient nurse assigned to see his mother through her final days. After she passes away, Stephen becomes more suspicious of Charlotte’s motivations. Stephen’s anxieties and depression intensify causing more problems.

Episode 4: Tina's Story (Sep/04/2012)
Tina Dakin stands accused in the dock as she awaits to hear the verdict. Several months earlier and Tina is feeling overstretched at home and at work. She and her husband are finding it hard to make ends meet. Tina accompanies a new inmate, Stephen Cartwright, into the young offender’s institution where she works as a prison officer. She senses that something isn't right though as she shows him his cell. She tells her senior officer Frank about her concerns. After an emergency elsewhere requires her attention, she returns her worst fears have become a very real tragedy. It appears that Stephen has taken his life. Tina’s troubles get worse though when a series of betrayals and cover-ups result in her becoming the victim of a terrible crime.

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  • waterlilybarb Treasure +2 thanks , will post ASAP 8-20-2012 19:44
  • waterlilybarb Points +5 thanks , will post ASAP 8-20-2012 19:44


Season 2

Episode 1: I Can Manage
Mel is feeling the pressure of balancing the massive home renovation with her duties at work. Determined to have the house fixed as quickly as possible, Joe convinces a reluctant Mel to put him in charge of the construction. But Joe's management style only makes things worse. Meanwhile, Lennox is thrilled when her school wants to put on her original play, but the reaction is not quite what she had hoped.

Episode 2: If You Can't Stand the Heat
Mel is charmed by her "cabinet guy," but is less charmed by Joe's reaction to him, leading them to a fight about being too involved in each other's lives. However, their decision to give each other privacy does not turn out as planned. And Lennox is horrified at being appointed to her school's "spirit committee," until she meets the club's president.

Episode 3: Good to Go
Mel and Joe are shocked to discover that Lennox's boyfriend Aidan spent the night, and Joe is even more taken aback at Mel's reaction to the situation. Meanwhile, Ryder's girlfriend Holly declares it's time for him to start shaving.

Episode 4: All Up in My Business
Joe takes over Mel's finances and becomes convinced that her credit card statements reveal she is having an affair with a married man. Lennox tries to get along with her friend's new boyfriend, but is at a loss when he reveals his crush on her, and Ryder stresses about what to get Holly for her birthday.

Episode 5: The Knockout
Mel punches a man when she sees him hassling Ryder, leading her to become known as " Battling Burke," which delights Mel's campaign manager (Mazar) and helps her image. But Mel's new persona has unintended effect on Ryder. And Lennox attempts to befriend a new girl at school, but the girl takes advantage of Lennox's kindness, which dismays Joe.

Episode 6: Breaking Up Is Hard to Do
Mel wants to dump her boyfriend, but she needs Joe to improve the guy's self-esteem beforehand. Elsewhere, Holly asks Lennox to keep a secret from Ryder.

Episode 7: Mixed Doubles
Joe tells Mel she is way too picky when it comes to dating, and offers to set her up with his friend. But in return Joe wants Mel to help him score a date with her charming friend Ariel, leading to an uncomfortable double date for the group. Also, Lennox decides to start her own blog called Lennox Explains It All after being kicked off the school website, but it consumes all of her time, leaving her boyfriend Haskell feeling ignored.

Episode 8: The Donor
Mel's pal wants Joe to be her sperm donor, and Mel and Joe try to change her mind. Elsewhere, Lennox and Haskell purchase a rare book, but they clash about how to proceed with their investment.

Episode 9: Eat, Pray, Date
Mel's date thinks he's eating her cooking, but the food is prepared by Joe. Elsewhere, Lennox's friend becomes interested in Ryder.

Episode 10: Pretty Big Liars
Ryder decides he wants to invest in stock, and turns to Joe for advice. But Joe is adamant that Ryder's stock pick is a bad idea and decides to show him how risky investing can be by not buying it. But when the stock turns out to be a winner, Joe scrambles to hide the truth from Ryder. Meanwhile, Mel is smitten with her new boyfriend Sam, who happens to be Haskell's father, but must keep her happiness under wraps when Lennox and Haskell break up.

Episode 11: A Pair of Sneakers
Despite Mel's objections, Joe teaches Lennox how to drive—but then Lennox has a minor car accident and Joe tries to hide it. Meanwhile, Mel and Ryder have a secret of their own.

Episode 12: Mother of All Problems
Mel is displeased with the advice Joe gives her mom, who's in town for a rare visit. Elsewhere, Lennox's gym teacher mistakenly thinks Lennox is pregnant.

Episode 13: Wherefore Art Lennox
Lennox gets a job with Mel and falls for an intern who reports to Mel's political rival. Elsewhere, Joe does some consulting work online.

Episode 14: From Russia With Love
Joe's Russian girlfriend visits him and causes tension in the household. Meanwhile, Ryder limits his diet to vending-machine food to comply with an experiment Lennox is doing.

Episode 15: Mel Marries Joe
Mel is shocked when Joe offers to marry Elena in order to keep her in the country, and refuses to take part in his scheme. But when it looks like everything will fall apart, Mel takes charge in order to protect both of them. But will Joe really go through with the wedding?

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  • waterlilybarb Treasure +2 thanks , will post ASAP 8-20-2012 19:46
  • waterlilybarb Points +5 thanks , will post ASAP 8-20-2012 19:46


Reply 3372#3372 waterlilybarb's post

Barb the watch it now link on Melissa & Joey takes you to the realplayer site


Season 2

Episode 1: Slave to Love
Keisha finds herself in hot water with the FBI for staying loyal to Malcolm, and ends up being rescued by a past love. April starts a new career as a club promoter, and is looking forward to dating now that her divorce is final. The girls and Omar deal with saying good-bye to Val while Keisha's childhood friend, Raquel Lancaster, returns to Atlanta's social scene to start a new chapter in her life after breaking off her engagement.

Episode 2: I Didn't Mean to Turn You on
Keisha is still in hot water with the IRS and prevails on her past love, Sean, to get her out of it, much to Malcolm's consternation. Keisha's frustration with Malcolm builds to a boiling point when she discovers he's still involved with his ex-wife. April takes the girls roller-skating and falls head over wheels for a guy wit ha fixation on a certain body part. Raquel starts to take professional as well as personal chances when she attempts to buy the boutique and reunites with her forbidden first love. Omar and Derek adopt, but are at odds over their different parenting styles.

Episode 3: No Ordinary Love
While Keisha contends with an unexpected development at one of her real estate listings, she also contends with trying to completely break it off with Malcolm. Raquel and her first love, Antonio, get hot and heavy until he reveals some shocking news that may prove too much for her to handle. April wonders if she's lost her dating mojo and worries about her bond with Keisha. Omar gets engaged to Derek, but has second thoughts.

Episode 4: Ex-Factor
The girls attend the lavish Kappa Boule Ball where Raquel meets an intriguing guy, but also learns a family secret that shatters her foundation. April secretly dates a stripper. Keisha is surprised to run into Malcolm at the Ball and is shocked to learn why he is there.

Episode 5: The Fabric of Our Lives
Keisha loses big in a poker game to Luke, a sexy gambler, but vows to win it all back no matter what it takes. Raquel dates a former professional football player whose beauty is only skin deep. April continues to date Jack the stripper, but struggles with the realities of his profession. Omar and his sister Presley's boyfriend, Marcus, almost come to blows when Marcus says the wrong thing.

Episode 6: Deuces
Keisha learns a secret about Malcolm's new girlfriend, Taylor, which ultimately threatens Keisha's own relationship with Malcolm. Raquel is attracted to a much younger man and weighs the pros and cons of dating him. April babysits a bad boy R&B singer to ensure he shows up for a gig she booked. Omar's family troubles continue when the homophobic Marcus proposes to Presley. Shelly's past relationship with a bad boy threatens her current one with rising political star James.

Episode 7: Eat, Play, Love
Keisha has a whirlwind relationship with a captivating British military officer who has a surprising secret. Raquel goes out with Charles, the intriguing guy she met at the Kappa Boule Ball, then meets sexy auto mechanic Nate, and decides to date them both. April runs into her ex-husband Darryl and is shocked to learn the identity of his new girlfriend. Omar avoids going to his class reunion because he thinks he's a failure.

Episode 8: Is This Love?
Keisha's platonic relationship with Sean unexpectedly heats up and she considers going all the way with him. Raquel finds dating two guys at the same time complicated when she runs into Nate while on a date with Charles. April develops feelings for her close buddy, Reggie, and debates whether or not to act on them. Raquel hires Morgan, a vivacious, fun single mom, to work at the boutique. A sordid incident from Shelly's past becomes public and threatens her relationship with James, as well as his campaign for city council.

Episode 9: The Business of Friendship
Raquel and Charles' game playing creates a rough patch in their young relationship. Raquel and Keisha have business dealins with Nicolette, a former supermodel with her own clothing line and a combative reputation. As Winston re-appears to wine and dine Keisha, Malcolm contacts her wanting to break their silence. April and Reggie find their transition from friends to lovers to be easier said than done. For the first time in his life, Omar deals with romantic rejection. Morgan's decision to be the initiator of a date has unforeseen consequences.

Episode 10: Fast Love
Malcolm re-enters Keisha's life with an offer to sell his father's mansion. During the property's auction, Keisha finds herself caught between battling divas, Sharon Love and Laila Twilight, whose competition escalates as they each try to be the highest bidder. Raquel worries Charles isn't interested in her because he keeps finding excuses to delay intimacy. April's relationship with Reggie hits a snag when she complains about his lovemaking skills. Omar's new man's addiction to social media threatens their budding relationship. Morgan learns the hard way to think before she speaks when her mouth gets her into trouble at work and at home.

Episode 11: Stormy Weather
While a tornado threatens to touch down near the boutique, Raquel gets trapped in an elevator with Charles, who shares a surprising revelation. After an eye-opening encounter with Malcolm, Keisha finally commits to Sean, only to discover he's been committed elsewhere. April and Reggie's last-minute vacation plans are cancelled by the storm; as they wait it out, a new storm brews between them. Omar finds a unique way to cope with cabin fever. Morgan celebrates her three-week anniversary with Jobari but learns something about him that threatens their future.

Episode 12: All or Nothing
Keisha's doubts about Sean disappear when he comes to her rescue after she's victimized. While shopping for a birthday gift for Charles, Raquel encounters Gavin, a sexy musician. Their strong connection makes her re-examine her relationship with Charles. April manages to find closure from her break-up with Reggie, but it's short-lived when he returns with an unexpected proposal. Omar falls for a young designer whose ambition knows no bounds. The attention of an older man forces Morgan to ponder whether age is truly just a number.

Episode 13: Still In Love With You
Keisha's relationship with Sean is threatened when Malcolm asks for her help with a problematic situation. Raquel thinks her breakup with Charles must have been fate when Antonio reappears in her life. A distrusting April is wooed by Reggie, who pulls out all the stops to get her back into his arms. Omar finds his private life going public when he dates a comedian.

Episode 14: Finally
Keisha comes face to face with a stalker and is subsequently forced to make a difficult choice between the men in her life. After meeting Charles' current flame, Padma, Raquel realizes that she must confess her love or possibly lose him forever. When April meets Reggie's family, she learns something about him that rocks her world. Morgan is swept up in romance with a mysterious Middle-Eastern businessman who offers her an opportunity of a lifetime. Omar's new crush threatens his budding relationship with Parker in ways he could have never imagined.

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  • waterlilybarb Treasure +2 thanks - will post ASAP 8-23-2012 16:46
  • waterlilybarb Points +5 thanks - will post ASAP 8-23-2012 16:46


I can do both for

Copper done
The Exes done
Gates done
Major Crimes done
Political Animals done

[ Last edited by codebreaker at 10-18-2012 17:36 ]


About Political Animals

Political Animals Premiered on USA on July 15, 2012

About the Show:
POLITICAL ANIMALS is USA Network's highly anticipated Limited Series Event that pulls back the curtain on the polished facade of a former first-family as they navigate the complex world of political and personal ambition.

Sigourney Weaver stars as former first lady and current Secretary of State Elaine Barrish Hammond who is attempting to keep her family together while simultaneously dealing with crises of the State Department and fending off the hungry DC journalist (Carla Gugino) who is bent on destroying her career.

Exploring themes that resonate in the current political landscape and taking viewers beyond the glossy ads and well-written public speeches, POLITICAL ANIMALS will reveal a vulnerable family on the verge of falling apart.

From Warner Horizon Television and acclaimed television and film producers Greg Berlanti ("Brothers & Sisters") and Laurence Mark ("Julie and Julia"), POLITICAL ANIMALS also stars James Wolk ("Shameless"), Sebastian Stan ("Gossip Girl"), Ellen Burstyn ("Requiem for a Dream"), Ciaran Hinds ("Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy") and Brittany Ishibashi ("The Mentalist").


Actor’s name

Character’s name

Sigourney WeaverElaine Barrish
Carla GuginoSusan Berg
Ellen BurstynMargaret Barrish
Ciaran HindsBud Hammond
Jimmy WolkDouglas Hammond
Sebastian StanThomas “T.J.” Hammond
Brittany IshibashiAnne Ogami
Adrian PasdarPresident Paul Garcetti
Dylan BakerVice President Fred Collier
Meghann FahyGeorgia Gibbons


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[ Last edited by codebreaker at 8-27-2012 19:28 ]
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  • waterlilybarb Points +10 thanks - ready to post 8-27-2012 11:07
  • waterlilybarb Treasure +2 thanks - ready to post 8-27-2012 11:07


Season 1

Episode 1: Pilot (Jul/15/2012)
Drama focusing on the political and private lives of former first family members. In the opener, the Secretary of State tries to protect a dark family secret and deals with a hostage crisis in Iran.

Episode 2: Second Time Around (Jul/22/2012)
Elaine sends Bud to negotiate for the Iranian hostages, putting him back in the spotlight and interfering with Douglas' engagement party. Elsewhere, Douglas finds out Elaine plans to run for office again; T.J. turns back to old habits and hits a new low.

Episode 3: The Woman Problem (Jul/29/2012)
Elaine makes an announcement to her family; the Hammond men visit a pollster during an impromptu fishing trip; Garcetti enacts a plan that puts Elaine in conflict with her longtime mentor; and Susan shares her top-secret story with Alex.

Episode 4: Lost Boys (Aug/05/2012)
Elaine faces a diplomatic crisis upon her return from overseas and spars with the Garcetti camp. Elsewhere, T.J. recalls the events leading up to his suicide attempt and deals with his family's disinterest in his club's opening; Anne reveals too much; and Douglas struggles to cope with his betrayal.

Episode 5: 16 Hours (Aug/12/2012)
In the aftermath of T.J.’s overdose, Elaine finds herself torn between staying by her son’s side and handling the rescue of a Chinese submarine. Bud discovers the truth behind T.J.’s suicide attempt last December, and takes matters into his own hands. In exchange for keeping Susan quiet on T.J.’s overdose, Elaine grants her unlimited access to the submarine rescue mission, placing her at the front of the action, and leaving Douglas to cross a boundary that could

Episode 6: Resignation Day (Aug/19/2012)
In the Season 1 finale, Elaine's plan to resign hits a snag and her resignation letter leaks to the press. Elsewhere, Douglas confesses his betrayal and makes a rash decision; and a surprising event leaves everyone at a crossroads.



[ Last edited by codebreaker at 8-27-2012 19:28 ]
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About Major Crimes

Major Crimes Premiered on TNT on August 13, 2012

About the Show:
The detectives in the Los Angeles Police Department's Major Crimes division are still reeling from the departure of Brenda Leigh Johnson and the realization that Captain Raydor is now in charge. Unlike their previous chief, Raydor is determined to lead the department with a more team-oriented approach, sharing the credit with the people with whom she works. Raydor's hardest job, however, will be gaining the full trust and confidence of her detectives, who aren't quick to forget her long history of internal investigations targeting them and their previous boss. Especially troublesome is Provenza, who has a difficult time taking orders from someone he doesn’t think knows as much as he does.


Actor’s name

Character’s name

Mary McDonnellCaptain Sharon Raydor
G. W. BaileyDetective Lt. Louie Provenza
Anthony John DenisonDetective Lt. Andy Flynn
Michael Paul ChanDetective Lt. Michael Tao
Raymond CruzDetective Julio Sanchez
Kearran GiovanniDetective Amy Skyes
Phillip P. KeeneBuzz Watson
Robert GossettCommander Taylor
Graham Patrick MartinRusty Beck
Jon TenneyFBI Agent Fritz Howard


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[ Last edited by codebreaker at 8-27-2012 19:31 ]
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  • waterlilybarb Treasure +2 thanks - ready to post 8-27-2012 11:08
  • waterlilybarb Points +10 thanks - ready to post 8-27-2012 11:08


Season 1

Episode 1: Reloaded (Aug/13/2012)
The department is still reeling with the recent departure of Deputy Chief Brenda Lee Johnson, creating a tough transition for the newly appointed head of Major Crimes, Captain Sharon Raydor. But there is little time for adjustment as the department rushes to reach a plea bargain when a string of grocery store robberies turns fatal. After proving to be a valuable source for the case, undercover police detective and military veteran Detective Amy Sykes is transferred to Major Crimes. Meanwhile, Raydor takes a big step to protect teenager Rusty Beck after he runs away from his foster family.

Episode 2: Before and After (Aug/20/2012)
Growing pains within Major Crimes become apparent as the division works to obtain justice in a brutal homicide that turns out to be more complicated than expected. Raydor struggles to gain the respect of her colleagues while also trying to supervise Rusty 24/7. The changes within the department may become more than Provenza can accept.

Episode 3: Medical Causes (Aug/27/2012)
The facts become blurry in a case involving a fatal car crash at a nightclub. Meanwhile, Rusty can finally look forward to his mother’s return.

Episode 4: The Ecstasy and the Agony (Sep/03/2012)
A homicide case involving the Israeli mob and a self-proclaimed "intuitive life strategist" leads Major Crimes to partner with the FBI. Provenza opens up to a suspect in a rare display of vulnerability. And Rusty’s first day of school doesn’t go as planned.

Episode 5: Citizens Arrest (Sep/10/2012)
In a case involving a kidnapping-turned-homicide, the squad is pressured to work quickly before anyone else is hurt. DDA Andrea Hobbs becomes a valuable resource in the case. Meanwhile, DNA evidence proves that Rusty is more closely connected to the justice system than anyone might have expected.

Episode 6: Out of Bounds (Sep/17/2012)
When a fatal shooting occurs in gang territory, Capt. Raydor makes a bold move that could jeopardize her career and put Det. Sykes in harm's way. Meanwhile, Rusty makes it clear that he doesn’t care to meet his biological father.

Episode 7: The Shame Game (Sep/24/2012)
In a case where political agendas rise to the forefront, Major Crimes has a tough time keeping important confidential facts from leaking.  Making matters even more difficult for Capt. Raydor, the Department of Children and Family Services makes a shocking discovery concerning Rusty.

Episode 8: Dismissed with Prejudice (Oct/01/2012)
When a murder conviction is overturned after eight years, Tao is forced to question his past actions. And Rusty struggles to be himself during his first outing with his father, Daniel Dunn.

Episode 9: Cheaters Never Prosper (Oct/08/2012)
A man from Las Vegas is found dead after an apparent overdose, but the facts become unclear as gritty details begin to unfold. Meanwhile, a series of strange events leave Rusty and Raydor wondering if Dunn can be trusted.

Episode 10: Long Shot (Oct/15/2012)
When a peaceful ceremony turns deadly, Major Crimes and the FBI team up to track down a dangerous sniper. And Raydor negotiates a deal that even Provenza can get behind.



[ Last edited by codebreaker at 8-27-2012 19:32 ]
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Season 5

Episode 1: Turn! Turn! Turn!
Desperate they may lose her forever, Sookie and Lafayette struggle with what to do about Tara, while also cleaning up after Debbie Pelt. Meanwhile, Bill and Eric, cleaning up a mess of their own, are visited by the Vampire Authority, one of whom is Nora, a woman from Eric's past. In search of the missing Marcus, Alcide's werewolf pack comes after Sam. With Bill away, Jessica enjoys her new freedom by partying with some local college kids; Jason is visited by the recently turned Reverend Steve Newlin; Terry's PTSD is reignited by an old Iraq War buddy, Patrick; Alcide turns up at Sookie's to warn her about the recently resurfaced Russell Edgington.

Episode 2: Authority Always Wins
Eric and Bill try to keep their wits about them when they're put through the interrogation wringer at the Vampire Authority headquarters in New Orleans. Meanwhile, Pam recalls her first meeting with Eric in early 20th-century San Francisco; Alcide turns his back on Marcus' wolf pack; Emma's grandmother comes between Sam and Luna; Steve Newlin wants what he thinks belongs to Jessica; and Jason's womanizing comes back to haunt him.

Episode 3: Whatever I Am, You Made Me
The search for Debbie Pelt becomes official when her parents come to Bon Temps to ask Andy to look for her, but Sookie is afraid of what they—and Alcide—might find out. Meanwhile, Roman mulls Bill and Eric's proposal to do away with Russell Edgington, though Salome has her own separate vetting process; and Jason has an uneasy reunion with an influential teacher from high school.

Episode 4: We'll Meet Again
Pam tries to be a good maker for her new progeny, but wonders what's to become of the relationship with her own. Meanwhile, Bill and Eric try to find out who else knew about Russell Edgington's disposal; Roman searches for a traitor in his inner circle; Sam is visited by some old friends; Terry and Patrick hunt for a former comrade; Alcide breaks some bad news to the Pelts; and a judge takes Andy and Jason to an exclusive club.

Episode 5: Boot N' Rally Ally
Jason is disturbed by a dream; Bill and Eric hope Sookie will help them look for Russell Edgington.

Episode 6: Hopeless
The Authority comes for Bill and Eric; Roman maps out his strategy for dealing with Russell.

Episode 7: In The Beginning
Salome reveals her true allegiances while Bill and Eric get a powerful taste of sacred blood. A revelation at Hot Wings causes Sookie to wonder what her life would be like without faerie powers. Meanwhile, Sam sniffs out several shifter shooters; Hoyt finds camaraderie in a new group of friends; Alcide prepares for the worst in his face-off with J.D.; Andy attempts to reconnect with Bud; Lafayette finds an unlikely ally searching for Jesus’ body in Mexico; Lettie Mae pays Tara a visit; and Arlene takes a sentimental journey as her concerns towards Terry deepen.

Episode 8: Somebody That I Used to Know
The Authority revels in a new direction; Sookie and Jason visit the site of their parents’ deaths; Luna gets stuck on Sam.

Episode 9: Everybody Wants To Rule The World
The start of the vampire holy war is a cause for celebration for Salome and the Chancellors, but Eric may decide to go AWOL; Sookie learns more about her parents' death from a deceased relative; Andy and Jason investigate the rise in shifter murders; Alcide recalls his induction into the pack; Arlene is drawn into Terry and Patrick's strange journey; Steve Newlin gets a new pet.

Episode 10: Gone, Gone, Gone
Bill launches a public-relations campaign about the rise in vampire violence that's favorable to the Authority, though Nora has a hard time selling it to Eric. Meanwhile, Jason discovers a mysterious scroll that could help explain his family's history; Pam and Tara contemplate orders from the new sheriff; Sam and Luna look for Emma; and Russell plans for his future.

Episode 11: Finally
Sookie probes an ancient family secret with help from a faerie elder; Jessica is an unwilling participant in Bill's ongoing religious conversion; Alcide reconnects with his father; the military uses a video of Russell and Steve Newlin as ammunition; Sam and Luna hitch a ride into the Authority.

Episode 12: Save Yourself
In the fifth-season finale, Eric makes one last attempt to thwart the Authority and save Bill from losing his humanity. Meanwhile, Alcide prepares for another battle with JD; Sam and Luna try to escape the Authority; and Andy deals with the fallout of a pact.

Recent Ratings
  • waterlilybarb Treasure +2 thanks - will post ASAP 8-27-2012 11:08
  • waterlilybarb Points +5 thanks - will post ASAP 8-27-2012 11:08

