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About The Diamond Queen

The Diamond Queen Premiered on BBC One on February 06, 2012

About the Show:
Andrew Marr presents a three-part documentary series looking at the life and reign of Queen Elizabeth II, with special interviews and remarkable archive footage.


Actor’s name

Character’s name

Andrew MarrPresenter


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[ Last edited by codebreaker at 6-22-2012 19:32 ]
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  • waterlilybarb Treasure +2 thanks - ready to post when you are 6-19-2012 16:53
  • waterlilybarb Points +10 thanks - ready to post when you are 6-19-2012 16:53


Season 1

Episode 1: (Feb/06/2012)
The series takes a look at The Queen’s grandfather, father and mother and the impact of the abdication. The series also explores the Queen's relationship with the Government.

Episode 2: (Feb/13/2012)
This week Andrew takes a look at The Queen’s efforts to modernise the monarchy over the last 60 years.

Episode 3: (Feb/20/2012)
Andrew takes a closer look at the defining moments of The Queen's reign, starting with her accession to the throne in 1952 and her Coronation 16 months later.



[ Last edited by codebreaker at 6-22-2012 19:33 ]
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  • waterlilybarb Treasure +2 thanks - ready to post when you are 6-19-2012 16:53
  • waterlilybarb Points +5 thanks - ready to post when you are 6-19-2012 16:53


About The Ex List

The Ex List Premiered on CBS on October 03, 2008

About the Show:
Bella Bloom (Elizabeth Reaser), a thirtysomething business woman, is shocked when her psychic reveals to her that she has already dated the man she is supposed to marry. The psychic also reveals the catch: if she doesn't reconnect with the man she is supposed to spend her life with, she will remain alone forever.


Actor’s name

Character’s name

Elizabeth ReaserBella Bloom
Adam RothenbergAugie
Alex BreckenridgeVivian
Amir TalaiCyrus
Rachel BostonDaphne Bloom


Watch It Here

How to become a VIP Member.


[ Last edited by codebreaker at 6-20-2012 10:29 ]
Recent Ratings
  • waterlilybarb Treasure +2 thanks - ready to post when you are 6-19-2012 16:54
  • waterlilybarb Points +10 thanks - ready to post when you are 6-19-2012 16:54


Season 1

Episode 1: Pilot (Oct/03/2008)
When a psychic tells Bella that she's already dated the man she is meant to marry, she makes a list of her exes and sets out to find her destiny.

Episode 2: Climb Every Mountain Biker (Oct/10/2008)
Bella reconnects with Jake, a former couch potato turned fitness freak, who plans various strenuous activities for their dates to prove he's changed. Meanwhile, Cyrus makes up a drinking game in which the gang must " google" their exes.

Episode 3: Protect and Serve (Oct/17/2008)
After being robbed, Bella agrees to go on a date with the police officer who responds to the scene of the crime. The police officer, Ronny, is an ex-boyfriend who Bella's father hated because of his " bad boy" image. Worried that it was her dad's fault that they broke up, Bella decides to give Ronny another try.

Episode 4: Do You Love Me, Do You Surfer...Boy (Oct/24/2008)
Bella runs into Jake, an ex-boyfriend with whom she broke up because he refused to move out of his mother's house. However, when Bella learns he's finally moved out, she agrees to go on another date with him.



[ Last edited by codebreaker at 6-20-2012 10:29 ]
Recent Ratings
  • waterlilybarb Points +5 thanks - ready to post when you are 6-19-2012 16:54
  • waterlilybarb Treasure +2 thanks - ready to post when you are 6-19-2012 16:54


It would be an insult to post The Diamond Queen and Birdsong in comedy so let me know Barb if they can go in drama


Episodes Season 2 Guide

1. Episode 1
Sean and Beverly's marriage has been destroyed because of Beverly's affair with Matt. Matt's friendship with Sean looksto be beyond repair. With their sitcom Pucks! about to premiere in America, the three of them are forced to find a way to continue working together.

2. Episode 2
Matt is missing his 'bromance' with Sean and attempts to restart their friendship by buying him the sports car of his dreams. The problem is though that Sean is not willing to forgive or forget that easily.

3. Episode 3
After network head Merc Lapidus's father passes away, Sean and Beverly are given a lesson in grief, Hollywood-style.

4. Episode 4
The ratings for Pucks are not looking good and the network wants Sean and Beverly to reduce Matt's part in the show to make way for his popular teenage co-stars.

5. Episode 5
Sean meets Labia, a massive fan of Matt. Morning suffers a huge plastic surgery disaster. Merc and Carol plan a weekend getaway to Mexico.

6. Episode 6
In an effort to try and improve flagging ratings, Merc asks Matt to get one of his former 'Friends' cast mates to make a special appearance on the show. Matt asks Sean and Beverly to write his speech for Merc's upcoming man of the year event.

7. Episode 7
The network ends up insisting that Sean and Beverly confront Matt about his weight gain. Matt ends up not being impressed. Beverly ends up agreeing to go out to dinner with Morning's brother Rob and the evening ends up turning into a date from hell.

8. Episode 8
Matt's life is still falling apart and he ends up he falling foul of his ex-wife. Beverly gets ready to go on a second date with Rob, but things have become more complicated since Sean has become aware that she is seeing someone.

9. Episode 9
It's the night of Merc's 'Man of the Year' event. His moment of glory ends up being ruined though when Carol tells him about Matt's affair with Jamie. Beverly and Rob grow closer. Sean is forced to decide whether he's willing to forget the past and fight for a future with his wife.

Recent Ratings
  • waterlilybarb Treasure +2 thanks - will post ASAP 6-22-2012 11:15
  • waterlilybarb Points +5 thanks - will post ASAP 6-22-2012 11:15


Reply 3164#3164 codebreaker's post

Barb season 1 guide is on page #104


Originally posted by waterlilybarb at 26-4-2012 21:13  
I found a source for the episode guides.  It's the Thundercats wiki.  If you click on the hyperlink for each episode it brings you to a synopsis.   
Barb I can now do the Thundercats episode guide done

[ Last edited by codebreaker at 6-23-2012 15:49 ]


Season 1 part 1

Episode 1: The Sword of Omens (July 29, 2011)
Lion-O, who is constantly being outdone by his adoptive older brother Tygra, undergoes the ritual of being chosen by the Sword of Omens to be the next king of Thundera. His father, Claudus, does not feel his son is ready, being too lenient and easily distracted by flights of fancy like the myth of ancient technology. Soon after, King Claudus welcomes the return of his friend Grune and holds a celebration in both his honor and in memory of the fallen Panthro. During the event, Lion-O defends a pair of captured Lizards and convinces his father to release them.

Episode 2: Ancient Spirits of Evil (July 29, 2011)
The next day, Thundera is attacked by Lizards who have acquired salvaged technology. It is soon discovered that Grune has joined the Lizards and that Panthro is being held hostage. Lion-O comes to his father's aid, allowing Claudus to rescue Panthro. But Panthro murders the king, then revealing himself to be Mumm-Ra (an ancient nemesis of the Thundercats) in disguise. Lion-O and Tygra are captured along with Jaga and Cheetara. However, due to his kindess to the Lizard prisoners that he had freed, Lion-O was given a key hidden in his meal, allowing him to escape with Tygra to mount a rescue. Mumm-Ra wants the stone in the sword which he claims is his, and tortures Jaga to get him to remove a curse that prevents evil from touching the Sword of Omens. Lion-O and Tygra rescue Jaga and Cheetara, who is now revealed to be one of Jaga’s Clerics, with Lion-O grabbing the sword to blast Mumm-Ra out into open as the rising sun's rays harm him. Forced to leave Jaga, who sacrifices himself to ensure their escape, Lion-O, Tygra, and Cheetara undertake the quest to find the Book of Omens.

Episode 3: Ramlak Rising (August 5, 2011)
Following the events of the previous night, Lion-O, Cheetara, and Tygra hold a funeral pyre for King Claudus, with Lion-O etching the Thundercats symbol into the broken statue of his father. Determined to get revenge on Mumm-Ra, Lion-O sets out for the Sea of Sands with a reluctant Cheetara and Tygra in tow. As they leave Thundera, WilyKit and WilyKat approach the trio, asking to join in the journey until they find El Dara. Lion-O refuses, but the twins follow anyway. They reach a desert-like ocean, but are captured by a boat crewed by a group of Fishmen. Their captain, Koinelius Tunar, is obsessed with tracking down and killing a creature called Ramlak, which sucked up the waters of the Fishmen's homeland. Lion-O begins to succumb to his own obsession, helping Tunar track down the creature despite the protests of Tygra and Cheetara alike. Eventually the Ramlak snags the ship with its tentacles and tears it to pieces, forcing Lion-O to forget his obsession and save everyone from drowning, while Tunar dies as he makes one final strike at Ramlak. Once everyone is safe, Lion-O is seemingly devoured by Ramlak, only to cut his way out with the Sword of Omens, releasing the stolen waters from its body. With their home restored, the Fishmen bid the group farewell, and Lion-O accepts the twins into the group after seeing their capability in battle. At Mumm-Ra's pyramid, it is revealed that Jaga is still alive, but now a prisoner inside a dark magic lantern, which Mumm-Ra claims will lead him to the Book of Omens.

Episode 4: Song of the Petalars (August 12, 2011)
As the Lizards keep getting closer to the Thundercats, Lion-O questions if they're fighting a losing battle. When they see a small armada catching up, they hide in a thorn-bush forest where they meet the Petalars. The Petalars have lived in the forest since their ancestors were swept there by a powerful wind. Lion-O meets a young boy, Emrick, who wants be a hero like him. The Thundercats join the Petalars in their journey to the Valley of Winds, guided by an ancient map. Lion-O realizes that Emrick ages quickly, after which Cheetara learns that the Petalars live for what is a day to everyone else, but is a lifetime to the Petalars, who do not know or notice this. At the gate to the valley, the group is ambushed by three Lizards. The Petalars, grateful to the Cats for aiding them on their journey, stun the Lizards long enough for the Cats to win. Slithe becomes impatient and orders the forest to be burned down. The ensuing fire cause an updraft allowing the Petalars to ride and escape. Emrick, now a dying old man, thanks Lion-O for being his friend and reminds him that what matters in life is how fully we live, before passing away. Now more confident, Lion-O leads the Thundercats against the Lizards outside the forest. When the Lizards are about to kill them, Panthro arrives in the Thundertank and easily dispatches them.

Episode 5: Old Friends (August 19, 2011)
Following the Thundercats' rescue by Panthro, Lion-O attempts to start a conversation with him as he makes repairs to the Thundertank. However, Panthro constantly attempts to avoid talking showing little respect for Lion-O's authority. Eventually, Panthro says he needs to get Thundrillium to recharge the Thundertank from a nearby Lizard-controlled mine run by Grune with the aid of the Driller. Initially, Panthro plans on doing it alone, but Lion-O, Tygra and Cheetara volunteer to come along. In response, he tells them not to slow him down. While searching for the Thundrillium, Panthro has flashbacks of his friendship with Grune ranging from meeting on the battlefield and saving Claudus from attacking Lizards, rising through the ranks as officers, being sent to recover the Book of Omens, and Grune's eventual corruption and betrayal to Mumm-Ra, unleashing the villain from his imprisonment. Panthro and Grune eventually meet up in the mine. But before they can have a showdown, the Driller appears to block the Thundercats long enough for Grune to escape. In the course of the battle with Driller, Lion-O uses the Sword of Omens to save Panthro's life and destroy the robot, but all its digging causes the mountain to collapse, with Cheetara only barely getting the Thundrillium they came for. After escaping the mine, Panthro says Lion-O has earned his undying loyalty. But when Lion-O asks if he can drive the Thundertank, Panthro says "Not a chance... my king".
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Season 1 part 2

Episode 6: Journey to the Tower of Omens (August 26, 2011)
While Lion-O practices with the Sword of Omens, Mumm-Ra forces Jaga to reveal the location of the Tower of Omens; which has the Book of Omens hidden within. In the Jungle, Snarf, while trying to fill his appetite causes a ruckus which reveals the entrance to a temple leading to the Tower. After entering the temple, each member of the Cats solves one of a series of deadly puzzles and reach the Tower's entrance. Lion-O uses the Eye of Thundera and finds a button that opens the way to the Tower of Omens, which Tygra opens with his whip. Mumm-Ra then reaches the Tower, having located it thanks to Jaga. A fierce battle takes place in the tower, during which Mumm-Ra transforms into his muscular winged form, where, just as Mumm-Ra was about to finish Lion-O off, Jaga sacrifices himself to save Lion-O and the others. Soon afterwards, the Cats claim the Book of Omens, where Lion-O discovers it is actually blank.

Episode 7: Legacy (September 2, 2011)
After recovering the Book of Omens, Lion-O is able to power it up and his soul is sent into the book. Lion-O meets Jaga's spirit, who explains that the book is a fusion of magic and technology, and that the book's laws of life, death, and reality are different, sending Lion-O into the book's data to see how history unfolded through the eyes of his ancestor Leo. In the past, Lion-O discovers that Leo is the commander of the cats, who serve Mumm-Ra as his jailers of the other Animals. Mumm-Ra is after the Warstone, which Lion-O recognizes as the Eye of Thundera. After discovering its location, Mumm-Ra sends forces to the planet below to recover the stone. At the same time, a riot breaks out in the prison bay. Leo and his second-in-command and girlfriend, Panthera arrest the Jackal and Lizard perpetrators where Lion-O discovers that they are planning a rebellion with the Animals. Leo uses his mages to construct the Sword of Omens and the Gauntlet. Captain Tygus recovers the Warstone, but it is taken by Leo who then proceeds to use it to complete the Sword of Omens. Leo then confronts Mumm-Ra, and learns about three other similar stones, taking one. Mumm-Ra uses the two remaining stones to create a battle armor powered by magic. Leo is able to force Mumm-Ra off the platform, giving him time to free the Animals, inspiring them to fight. Mumm-Ra returns to finish the battle, and seems to be winning, until Leo adds the stone he took to his gauntlet. After the battle, Leo overpowers Mumm-Ra and takes the other two stones, causing Mumm-Ra to become decrepit and old. The ship, damaged by their fight, is hit by a space storm and begins to crash. Mumm-Ra manages to put himself into an emergency capsule, but Leo and Panthera destroy the controls, trapping him inside. Lion-O is pulled out of the simulation, and Jaga reveals that the data had been corrupted by the crash, but there were enough survivors to start civilization. However, the other three stones were lost all over Third-Earth. He realizes that he must find the three stones using the Book of Omens, and unite the Animals once again. Lion-O returns to his body, waking up with the others standing over him concerned. Newly confident, he states that he now knows what they must do.

Episode 8: The Duelist and the Drifter (September 9, 2011)
Panthro and Tygra try to rig the Book of Omens to the Thundertank, their latest attempt damaging the entire tank. When in a nearby town getting supplies, Lion-O has an encounter with a Drifter who warns him to stay away from the town. Lion-O learns that the town doesn't accept Thunderian currency after what happened to Thundera. Lion-O enters a sword competition to get local currency and wins by slicing the stone block in half with the Sword of Omens. He soon gets challenged by the Duelist (a professional swordsman who collects the swords of the opponents he has defeated) to a sword match with the Sword of Omens as its wager. The Drifter reveals that the Sword of Hittanzo is the Duelist's best sword (which he claimed from its sword-maker) and learns that the Drifter was the sword's maker and he warns Lion-O that no one can beat his creation. When it comes to the match, the Duelist manages to overcome Lion-O and claim the Sword of Omens. Afterwards, Lion-O ends up gaining the unlikely assistance of the Drifter to make another sword. Once the sword is forged, Lion-O seeks out the Duelist at a nearby tavern and challenges him to a rematch for all of Duelist's swords with Duelist wanting Lion-O to put up his life as well. During the rematch, Lion-O does his best to evade the Duelist's attacks until the Duelist breaks Lion-O's sword. Upon following the Drifter's "willows are weak" philosophy, Lion-O uses this wisdom to disarm Duelist of his swords. Drifter says that he has what he needed to win in himself. When Duelist tries to attack Lion-O, the Drifter manages to successfully knock down the Duelist and send him out of town. Before going their separate ways, Drifter tells Lion-O that he will return the swords to their rightful owners. Lion-O reunites with Tygra and Panthro who wondered what took him so long.

Episode 9: Berbils (October 28, 2011)
Tiny robot bears called Berbils solicit the help of the Thundercats to save them from a slave trader named Conquedor who values their technical and construction skills. The Cats also decide to help rescue the enslaved Berbils and defend their village. Meanwhile, Panthro learns that he's not the only "wrench monkey" in the group when he bonds with Ro-Bear-Bill. Especially when they come up with a way to drive away the Conquedor, the Trollogs, and the Giantors. Later, WilyKit and WilyKat discover Candy Fruit, which appears to give them a sugar rush, helping them in the fight.

Episode 10: Sight Beyond Sight (November 4, 2011)
While driving through the desert, Panthro tells Lion-O that the Book of Omens has detected one of the three magical stones. During a race between the Thunder Tank, Lion-O, Tygra, and Cheetara, Wilykit and Wilykat accidentally sets off the missiles which they evade. Upon arriving outside a giant temple, the Thundercats end up meeting a group of Elephants led by Aburn and Anet where they ask where the magical stone is. Under the suggestion of Anet, Lion-O ends up using the Sword of Omens' power and is told that he must be in harmony with it. During the training, the Elephants' village is attacked by the insect-like Wraiths who are after their harvest. Following the Wraiths attack, Anet states that they have some food left to harvest. Ahnet tells Lion-O to be in harmony with the Sword of Omens and vows to get the stolen harvest back. When Wilykit is playing her flute, Aburn and Wilykat end up joining in on her performance which attracts the attention of the other Elephants who join in as well. Meanwhile, Lion-O climbs up a cliff leading to the Wraith's lair and loses his grip when they attack. Luckily, Lion-O uses his Claw to grip onto the side of the cliff as the Wraiths swarm all over him. He dives into a hole in a cliff and ends up discovering that the hole is actually their hive. Upon getting out, he uses the Sword of Omens to seal the cave in order to keep them out. Just then, a Stone Giant awakens and finds some dead Wraiths. Later that night, Lion-O returns and learns from Anet that the "universe is out of tune" and that their sounds is what kept the Stone Giant away. While the Elephants meditate, the Thundercats do battle with the Stone Giant where they discover with every attack, the Stone Giant reassembles. Upon trapping the Cats, the Stone Giant attacks the Elephants' village and starts eating the stone structures. Wilykit and the Elephants end up playing music loud enough for the Stone Giant to crumble. As the Elephants rebuild their village, Anet puts Lion-O through his harmony training again and is able to use the Sword of Omens' power to find one of the magical stones in a nearby hut. When the magical stone isn't seen there, Anet tells the Thundercats to go to the Forest of Magi Oar in order to amplify the Sword of Omens' power.
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Season 1 part 3

Episode 11: The Forest of Magi Oar (November 11, 2011)
When in the Forest of Magi Oar, the Thundercats send WilyKit, WilyKat and Snarf to search for firewood. After they return, they start a fire and lay down to rest. Lion-O confronts Tygra on his frustrations with the Sword of Omens not working. Tygra then implies that Lion-O is not the right person for the sword and shows his jealousy towards Lion-O's confrontations with Cheetara. Lion-O throws a piece of firewood into the fire that releases several assumingly evil spirits around them. After the Thundercats cannot defeat them, they meet the Wood Forgers, who have a talent of using paper magic in combat. The Wood Forgers led by Zigg lead them back to their home where they have a School of Paper Arts and a paper mill. They tell Lion-O of a monster bird known as Viragor. The Thundercats come to their aid when the Forest of Magi Oar is threatened by Viragor, and Cheetara loses her staff to the monster. Tygra manages to save her, which Cheetara seems surprised. Lion-O gets captured by the monster and abandons the Sword of Omens. Viragor then explains to Lion-O that he has protected the forest for decades and the Wood Forgers are slowly destroying the forest. He also learns that he couldn't use his sword against the spirits because it can only be used to defeat evil, suggesting that the spirits were friendly. Lion-O returns on Viragor to tell the rest of the Thundercats the truth, much to the Wood Forgers' disappointment. They then begin to fight, and after a few minutes, Lion-O and Viragor crash into the forest. Lion-O finally regains use of his sword and defeats Zigg. Viragor also makes Cheetara a new staff out of Magi Oar wood. Lion-O then uses "Sight beyond Sight" and finally locates the stone's next location.

Episode 12: Into the Astral Plane (November 18, 2011)
The Thundercats travel back to the Elephants' village in the Thundertank, following the true trail to the next stone's location. On the way, Lion-O, Cheetara, and Tygra try to explain what astral planes are to Panthro. Lion-O says he "finally has the hang of" his sword, and Cheetara congratulates him saying there is a reason the sword chose him. Lion-O then states "it's probably the same reason she will choose me" after Cheetara goes into the tank. Tygra then mutters to himself "And just like the sword, it's one more thing you don't deserve." Tygra thinks back to when he was a young guard attempting to help a young Cheetara find where the Clerics reside. Cheetara gets to the building and is let in by Jaga, but he tells her to work on her patience before she tries to be a Cleric and rejects her. Tygra's thoughts end and they stop near the village to find that it has been taken over by Grune's forces. Grune is frustrated and annoyed by the elephants forgetfulness when they keep telling him that the stone is in the hut. He gives them until the third moon rises to tell him how to get the stone. Meanwhile, Lion-O and Cheetara plan to wait until nightfall to use stealth to attack Grune and the Lizards. Tygra, however, thinks they should attack as soon as possible and use the tank, but eventually go with Lion-O and Cheetara's plan. This leads into a flashback with Cheetara still sitting outside of the Clerics' building. She smiles at Tygra, which gives him the confidence to approach her before being interrupted by Jaga's arrival and rejection of Cheetara once again. After several more days of rejection, Jaga decides that she has learned patience and welcomes her into the Clerics (although she was asleep). The flashback ends, showing the Thundercats in a field adjacent to the village. Lion-O talks to Cheetara about he and Tygra's competitiveness and worries of the "darkness" within his older brother. She responds that it is probably due to having always lived under his younger brother's shadow. Snarf runs up to the Lizards guarding the village and creates a diversion, leading them straight into Panthro and the fighting soon begins. During the fight, WilyKit and WilyKat go check on the elephants, who notice WilyKit which unintentionally blows their stealth operation. Grune then forces the cats to drop all of their weapons and tell him where the stone is. Lion-O agrees to show him where it is in order to save the elephants, and Tygra disappears, trying to do something on his own. Lion-O opens up the gate to the astral plane with the Sword of Omens. Grune then takes the sword and tells his forces to kill the Thundercats and the Elephants, but Tygra returns in the tank and rescues them. Lion-O then steals the sword back making Grune and his forces abandon the village and then prepares to enter the astral plane. Cheetara wishes him luck and kisses him on the cheek, making Tygra jealous and insists that he go in the gate as well, claiming the mission is too much for Lion-O to handle alone. Lion-O barely agrees, and lets Tygra enter first, but before Lion-O enters, Anet warns him that he had a vision; Tygra will betray Lion-O before the evening bell. After Lion-O enters, Mumm-Ra (disguised as a crow) goes through the gate as well.

Episode 13: Between Brothers (November 25, 2011)
Panthro scopes out the Lizard army and is worried that the Cats are outnumbered and cannot defeat them. Meanwhile, Lion-O and Tygra are searching for the stone in the astral plane. Tygra threatens to keep the stone if he finds it while Mumm-Ra lurks in the background, hoping that the brothers rivalry will lead to their deaths. Panthro explains to WilyKit and WilyKat that Grune lost his tooth when he ripped out his sabertooth while fighting Spidera, a mythical giant spider in her nest. Back in the astral plane, Lion-O and Tygra come across a scene from their childhood where Tygra dared Lion-O to cross a log over a deep pit in the Forbidden Ruins. Lion-O figures out that Tygra broke the log on purpose while he was crossing, and had previously thought it snapped on its own. Tygra gets a faux sword of omens and begins to fight Lion-O over the position of king. Tygra knocks Lion-O into the pit and then remembers that he ran to get help from King Claudus after Lion-O fell in the pit, and swears in the present that he will never betray Lion-O, helping him out of the pit. Back at the village, Cheetara holds off the Lizards from entering the astral plane while Panthro fights Grune one-on-one. After meditating, the Elephants finally decide to help fight off the Lizards and manage to drive them away. Lion-O and Tygra battle Mumm-Ra in the astral plane and Lion-O discovers that the stone is what holds the astral plane together putting it in his gauntlet. They defeat Mumm-Ra, but the astral plane slowly begins to deteriorate. Panthro, still fighting Grune, forces him into the closing gateway to the astral plane. Grune is sucked into the gate, but so are Panthro's arms. Later, they hold a celebration at the village, where Panthro is shown recovering with Snarf's help. Anet tells Lion-O that Tygra has yet to betray him because the evening bell has yet to ring. Cheetara confesses her feelings to Tygra, remembering his gift, the Day Astrid flower (each petal is said to have trapped a day of life in it) he gave her while she waited outside the Cleric's, giving her strength. She kept the heart of the flower since then in memory of his kindness. They then share a passionate kiss. Unbeknownst to them, Lion-O sees them and is devastated just as the evening bell rings.
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Season 1 part 4

Episode 14: New Alliances (March 24, 2012)
The ThunderCats have been running a series of ambushes to lower moral within the ranks of Mumm-Ra. Because there's no true fighting cause within the Lizard Army, there's been mass desertions and it's weakening Mumm-Ra's forces. To remedy this, Mumm-Ra gives orders to Slithe to recruit Kaynar (a Jackal) and Addicus (a Monkey) to be his new generals. At the Bird Nation, Addicus is about to be executed by being dropped from a high cliff upon his ropes being cut. He is denied a last meal by the Bird Nation as the executioner cuts the ropes. As Addicus falls, he is saved by Slithe as Addicus states that the Bird Nation "owes him a meal." Meanwhile, Lion-O is emotionally compromised after losing Cheetara to Tygra. Unable to figure out why Cheetara made such a choice, he vents his frustration towards her as he feels he was emotionally mislead and betrayed. Cheetara, unable to answer Lion-O honestly, says that the reason she behaved and acted as she did was because Jaga asked her to do so. Finding her excuse that he is just her job unacceptable, Lion-O informs her that her choices changed everything between them. In between, the Berbils worked to fine-tune a new pair of cybernetic arms for Panthro, but it required a few adjustments. At an underground prison, Kaynar is about to be placed in solitary confinement after killing 11 prisoners. Before Kaynar can be placed in his cell, the dog guards are shot by Slithe and gives Kaynar an offer to join up with Mumm-Ra. Kaynar asks if he can say "goodbye to some of his pals" as he moves in to dispose of the two dog guards. One night, the team spotted the Lizard Army escorting a group of deserters that the ThunderCats defeated earlier. Lion-O wants to "keep up the pressure" against the Lizard Army but Tygra thinks otherwise. Cheetara, who in the past shared Lion-O's outlook that the animals should be united and that they should keep up the attacks against the Lizards, suddenly decides that Tygra's racist outlook is better and tells Lion-O that an enemy that might turn on them the next day isn't worth the risk. Shocked that Cheetara would voice such a remark and angered that she has taken Tygra's side, Lion-O charges off alone and encounters Kaynar, Addicus, and Slithe. Tygra and Cheetara join to assist but after Tygra fails and is captured, Cheetara forsakes her duties as a Cleric and surrenders to save him causing Lion-O to lose to Slithe. Just as the trio face their executions, Pathro arrives in his newly upgraded Thunder Tank and newly installed cybernetic arms for battle. Panthro helps the three escape, but Cheetara's and Tygra's relationship continues to affect Lion-O's leadership and judgement.

Episode 15: Trials of Lion-O, Part 1 (March 31, 2012)
At a mountainous region, Lion-O seeks guidance from the Book of Omens for their next potential course: up. The ThunderCats make their way to the upper parts of the mountain, but the cats either opposed or share their doubts against Lion-O's judgement as their course easily puts them in danger; Lion-O is angered by the mutual doubts and disrespect of his group. Lion-O then had the group take a break after discovering some nearby Candy-Fruit; the group is ambushed by Slithe, Kaynar, Addicus, and the Lizard Army. The ambush worked, the ThunderCats are defeated. Lion-O attempts to fight back, but Lion-O lost both the Sword of Omens and the gauntlet (containing the Spirit Stone) after Slithe threatened to have Addicus hurt WilyKit. Lion-O manages to grab back his gauntlet, but Kaynar knocks him off the mountain and into the river. Unwilling to return empty-handed of the gauntlet to Mumm-Ra, Slithe commands his group to search and recover Lion-O's body while holding the ThunderCats captive. Trapped under the river by rubble, Lion-O suffocates, but the Spirit Stone activates to save him. Lion-O finds himself in the spirit realm, where Jaga tells him that he is dead; thanks to the spirit stone, he has the opportunity to be resurrected once he completes a set of tests designed to help him overcome his weaknesses. The first test takes place in a simulated slums of Thundera. A farce "WilyKit" and "WilyKat" appears before him, telling him he can pass to the next level by getting their key. The twins multiplied false clones of themselves and Lion-O has to figure out which are the "real" ones for him to retrieve the key. Lion-O eventually figures out to use on his other senses (mainly smell) than rely on his eyes to track down the "real" twins and successfully graduates to the next test. In the next test, a farce "Cheetara" tells Lion-O it's a race to the center of a grand labyrinth to gain the next key. Lion-O thinks the arrangement is unfair as Cheetara's speed would win, but she gives Lion-O a head start. Eventually, Lion-O takes inspiration after flight and takes a giant bird to help him cut through the maze and passed again. Back in the living world, the ThunderCats are shackled and being transported to Mumm-Ra. With Lion-O dead, Tygra is the new king and the group looks to him for survival ideas. Tygra later distracts the generals, while they beat him, the twins picked free of their bonds and helped the ThunderCats escape. At a disadvantage, Slithe's group retreats, but with the Sword of Omens in their possession; Tygra vows to get the Sword of Omens back.
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Season 1 part 5

Episode 16: Trials of Lion-O, Part 2 (April 7, 2012)
The surviving ThunderCats made it to Mumm-Ra’s temple (the original spacecraft that crash-landed on Third Earth). Half-completed his trials in the spirit world, Lion-O ends up in a test of strength against " Panthro," where he must knock Panthro out of the ring before the sands within the hourglass run out. Lion-O couldn't ring-out Panthro until he remembers that he is the king and simply orders Panthro out of the ring. Panthro states to Lion-O that his greatest strength is being a leader. Meanwhile, the ThunderCats quietly took out the external Lizard guards and Panthro help gain entry to the ship. A bad infiltration move, the alarm goes off and alerts the internal Lizard guards. Tygra was unable to make a decision with incoming company, but Wilykit quickly charms the guards with her ocarina enough for the ThunderCats to get by. The guards forgotten the intrusion and thought it was a false alarm. In his final trial, Lion-O ends up going up against "Tygra" (in the same arena where he previously lost to Tygra) in order to get the final key and regain his life. Lion-O realizes it's a test of his control over his emotions and was easily angered by the farce Tygra. Meanwhile, the ThunderCats moves through the ventilation shafts and sees Mumm-Ra attempting to extract the Eye of Thundera from the Sword of Omens with a spell with his Lizard Priests. Despite opposition of his decision, Tygra decides to attack in attempt to retrieve the Sword of Omens. Mumm-Ra uses a powerful electrical attack that neutralizes all the ThunderCats and had them detained. In the spirit world, Jaga tells Lion-O that he failed and that Mumm-Ra has obtained the Sword of Omens and captured the ThunderCats. Desperate to save his comrades, Lion-O offers his soul to Jaga as a sacrifice to return him to the living. Jaga tells him that the Soul Stone will return him to his body until sunrise, where his soul will be sent to Limbo for all eternity afterwards. When Jaga asks if he understands the consequences of returning to his body, Lion-O accepts the deal. He awakens under water and makes his way to the surface. Lion-O then grabs onto a bird in order to get up the cliff. Spotting the drawings left by Wilykit, Lion-O follows her trail until he reaches to Mumm-Ra's temple. Within the holding cells, Tygra is unsure of the next move and regrets questioning Lion-O's decisions as they always worked out. While others are in doubt, Wilykit still thinks that Lion-O will come for them. Sometime later, Lion-O infiltrates Mumm-Ra's temple, where he finds Slithe, Kaynar, and Addicus. Lion-O manages to trick them into one of the cells and proceeds to free the other ThunderCats. The group was happy for his return, but also wondered how he survived; there wasn't time to explain and he focused them to reclaim the Sword of Omens. Mumm-Ra makes a second attempt to remove the Eye of Thundera out of the Sword of Omens until Panthro blows down the door. While the other ThunderCats fight the Lizard soldiers, Mumm-Ra transforms and battles Lion-O, who uses the Spirit Stone's power to block Mumm-Ra's attacks. Lion-O successfully reclaims the Sword of Omens and uses its beam attack to weaken Mumm-Ra. The ThunderCats then escapes from Mumm-Ra's ship to a safe distance. As the sun begins to rise, Lion-O tells everyone that he must go. Baffled to his words, the ThunderCats wanted answers as Jaga's spirit appears to explain that Lion-O had paid the ultimate price. Jaga explains that the trials were to test Lion-O's skills and heart. Thus, Lion-O is given a second chance in life to lead the ThunderCats to victory. Still confused over what's happening, Lion-O begins to fill the group about his trials, starting from his death.

Episode 17: Native Son (April 14, 2012)
In a cold mountainous region, Lion-O and Tygra are in search of a new route. Following on Tygra's lead for a shortcut, the duo comes across a cave which accidentally leads them to the lost Tiger Clan. The tigers lead them to the tiger leader, Javan (Tygra's biological father). Upon meeting Javan, he explained their descendants, the tigers, continued to side with Mumm-Ra after the rebellion and were exiled by the other cats because of it; they prospered in their secluded society. The tigers were curious to know how Tygra became a prince among Lions and Tygra briefly explained his adoption into the Thunderian royal family; Tygra wanted answers for being sent away. Javan couldn't explain himself and merely said it was for his own protection (a cowardly and unbelievable decision by Tygra's stand) and the duo was suggested to leave before danger comes. Moments later, they were attacked by shadow creatures. After surviving the fight, Tygra had a better impression of his father and decided to catch up between father and son. Lion-O later tells Tygra that he couldn't find the tracks of the shadow monsters and that the tigers oddly aren't defending themselves. Tygra dismisses Lion-O's suspicions and considers it as a negative reaction and not being happy for him. Following his intuition, Lion-O uses sight beyond sight and discovers that the shadow creatures are the Tigers. Javan arrives and explains there was a infectious epidemic and that they sought aid from the Ancient Spirits for aid. The spirits agreed to save the tigers in exchange for Tygra's life as he would grow up to oppose them. Unfortunately, Javan couldn't bring himself to kill Tygra and sent baby Tygra away in a balloon. This resulted in the Ancient Spirits placing a curse on the Tiger Clan until Tygra was sacrificed. Javan tells Lion-O to take Tygra and leave before some of the other Tigers attempt to kill Tygra. Meanwhile, some of the Tigers led by Caspin decided to break the curse before the sun sets. To save Tygra, Javan makes up an excuse to anger Tygra, claiming he wasn't worthy to tiger society and being his successor. Successfully angered, Tygra is prepared to leave when the rouge tiger group comes after Tygra. Javan comes to Tygra's aid and kills Caspin in self-defense stating that it didn't have to be this way. Before dying, Caspin stated that it had to be this way since it was Javan's fault that the enitre Tiger Clan was cursed. Not long, the tigers began to change into the shadow monsters again and Javin confesses that his actions have "turned him into a monster" as he and the other Tigers transformed again and attempt to kill the duo. Lion-O and Tygra end up fighting the shadow monsters. In his shadow monster form, Javan grabbed Tygra and attempts to choke him to death. Tygra understood the measure his father gave up for him and forgives him and his humility ends up breaking the curse, causing the shadow monsters to regress back to the Tigers. Javin states to Tygra that the Tigers are neither dead or alive, something in between. Javan states that they can now go home as he and the Tigers fade away, but Javan leaves his whip behind for Tygra before disappearing. Gaining and losing his clan in a day, Tygra wonders if he'll keep losing those he cares about. Lion-O tells Tygra that he won't lose him and that they still must find a shortcut through the mountains.

Episode 18: Survival of the Fittest (April 21, 2012)
While Tygra and Lion-O continue their search for a path, the remaining team remains in the Thundertank at the bottom of the mountains. Bored and hungry, Wilykit and Wilykat whined about not having food before Panthro has enough of it and decides for the kittens to learn about survival. Deciding to join in, Cheetara sugests a boys vs girls match: Wilykit teamed up with Cheetara while Wilykat teamed up with Panthro in a hunt for a meal. Panthro attempted to teach Wilykat about tracking and use of traps with a male Chib-Chib as their target, but Wilykat couldn't bear the idea of killing another animal and helped the Chib-Chib to run free. Meanwhile, Cheetara shows Wilykit about masking their scents in attempt to kill a female Chib-Chib but Wilykit also ruined the hunt as she couldn't kill as well. Seeing that drastic measures are needed, Panthro and Cheetara decide to have the twins hunt on their own and forbidden to return to the Thundertank until they have food. In a flash-back scene, it's revealed that the kittens are the eldest of four children. Their father was a ambitious farmer that died in a tornado and it resulted their mother to make ends meet. Inspired by their late father's tale of a city of great riches, Eldara, the two decided to leave their home to search for it. Wilykat believe that their leaving would allow their mother to focus more on herself and their younger siblings until they return from finding Eldara with enough riches to set their family for life. However, their search lead them to starvation in Thundera's slums and they quickly learned that survival would mean compromising their ethics and becoming thieves. Back in the forest, finding the male Chin-Chib, the twins eventually relented to the idea of killing him out of survival until they realized the female Chib-Chib Wilykit saved is the other's mate and has two baby Chib-Chibs. As the two decide not to go through with destroying the family, a boar-like predator called a Comolbur arrived and attacks the Chib-Chibs. Unwilling to let the Chib-Chib family die, the kittens successfully distracted and tied up the Comolbur. Grateful for their help, the Chib-Chibs lead the twins to a trove of fruit. Successful in getting food, the kittens victoriously returned with sweet bounty and Panthro believes the two have potential to survive on their own.
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Season 1 part 6

Episode 19: The Pit (April 28, 2012)
The ThunderCats reach a city inhabited by dogs, who host a gladiator-style arena for both entertainment and judgement. The group learns of a cat fighting in the arena and goes to see for themselves, while Wilykit and Wilykat go to explore the town and get food with Snarf keeping an eye on them. The group watches a preview of what the dogs call entertaining and witness the cat, Pumyra, defeat the robot that the last fighters couldn't beat. They go to the leader, Dobo's, viewing platform to plead for Pumyra's release and learn two things, the first is she must win 100 battles to gain freedom and second, Panthro and Dobo are old friends. Lion-O isn't satisfied with Dobo's choice and decides to sneak into the cells and break Pumyra out, but as he tries to release her, Pumyra begins to yell at him with anger and rage because of him abandoning his kingdom and his people. This wakes the guards and Dobo appears, taking the Sword of Omen's and the Gauntlet, telling Lion-O that since he disobeyed his law, he would have to fight to earn his freedom as well against Pumyra. As Dobo returns the Sword and Gauntlet to Panthro and the others, he tells them that if Lion-O wins this fight he will go free. Cheetara and Tygra try to convince him to release them both, but he refuses. Panthro tells Dobo not to let their past affect his judgement. It is explained that Dobo and Panthro were teamed up in The Pit as a joke, a war prisoner cat and thieving dog, but they actually rise in battles and become famed fighters. But Panthro had escaped one night and left Dobo alone with all the enemies they made, Panthro regretted his choice but Dobo said it was the best thing that happened to him because it gave him the strength to become leader of the city but the betrayal caused him to lose faith in loyalty from cats. Meanwhile, Wilykit and Wilykat run into a fellow pickpocket raccoon named Tookit (who says he is a kleptovoyant) and while they were talking about how they were as good a thief as him, Wilykit finds his Flink missing and Wilykat's flute is gone too. The battle between Lion-o and Pumyra begins and Lion-o refuses to fight her but she has no issue fighting a weakling king. During the fight, Wilykit and Wilykat try to convince Tookit to return their stuff, but he refuses unless they can prove they are as good as they say they are. The group pleads for Dobo to stop the fight, but he refuses. Dobo says that this battle shows how loyal Cats truly are until Panthro explains why he left that night. Panthro tells him that the next battle was to be a death match against Dobo himself, Dobo asks if he ran because he was afraid he would have lost but Panthro says that he was afraid that might have won. Wilykit and Wilykat steal a cane, a button, and a blanket and return to Tookit and tell him they won and to return their stuff so they can hurry and return the random items, unfortunately it is too late and they are all being chased. Tookit uses the items Wilykit and Wilykat took to save them and gained some money in the end while taking his leave, just as the kids say he is not such a bad guy until they realize he still has their stuff. Back to the fight, Lion-O continues to stand up after taking a beating from Pumyra's attacks stating that he promised to stand by her. Pumyra learns he is truly a strong and caring king and refused to continue the fight, Dobo states that since both forfeit the match they must be sentenced to death. Until he hears his people telling him to let them live. After learning why Panthro left and witnessing the loyalty between Pumyra and Lion-O, he lets them live and grants them both their freedom. With old wounds fully healed and new friends made, Lion-O ask Pumyra where the other Cats that were taken by the lizards ended up and she replies "Mount Plun-Darr" as she points towards it's direction.

Episode 20: Curse of Ratilla (May 5, 2012)
Arriving at Mount Plun-Darr, the ThunderCats and Pumyra discover that the Thunderian slaves are being forced to excavate the Sword of Plun-Darr for Ratar-O and his Rats.

Episode 21: Birth of the Blades (May 12, 2012)
After defeating Ratar-O, the ThunderCats didn't have enough time to hide the Sword of Plun-Darr as Mumm-Ra and his Lizard Army already arrived. Short on time, Pumyra suggested to use the Sword of Plun-Darr to help lure away the Lizard Army through the mines while giving time for the refugee cats to escape. With a heavy sigh, Lion-O decided to split the team: himself and Pumyra distracting the Lizard Army while the remaining ThunderCats stand-by at the Thunder-Tank. As Lion-O and Pumrya ran through the mines, Mumm-Ra used his connection to the Sword of Plun-Darr to act as a tracking beacon; every time the two thought they were ahead, Mumm-Ra's forces always manage to corner them and they're forced to flee. In a flashback, the origins of both of the Sword of Plun-Darr and Sword of Omens were revealed: Before the events of Leo rebelling Mumm-Ra, it was revealed that Mumm-Ra was directed by the Ancient Spirits to collapse the star of Plun-Darr to harvest its ore to produce a weapon to channel the Powerstones' energy. After successfully destroying the star at cost of billions, the entire star system was reduced into a small collection of ore which Mumm-Ra collected to forge the Sword of Plun-Darr. Disillusioned with Mumm-Ra's methods to achieve peace, Leo secretly recovered the discarded shards of the ore to secretly forge the Sword of Omens. Back in the present, Lion-O and Pumrya split up in hopes to further distract their enemies, but Mumm-Ra captured Pumyra and regained his sword. Lion-O and Mumm-Ra then fought and Lion-O had the upper-hand, but he chose to save Pumrya's life over stopping Mumm-Ra retrieving the Sword of Plun-Darr. When sunlight starts pouring into the holes made during the battle, Mumm-Ra ends up retreating. Although the Sword of Plun-Darr was lost to Mumm-Ra, Lion-O gains Pumrya's respect. But gravity of their situation just increased.

Episode 22: The Forever Bag (May 19, 2012)
While the elder team members are busy at Mount Plun-Darr, Wilykat, Wilykat, and Snarf continue their search for Tookit. Upon bumping into him again, Tookit took the trio and introduced him to the Forever-bag as well as its children inhabitants Albo, Gusto, and Jenyo. Tookit manipulated the children he found and made them into his assistant thieves. By the time. Wilykit an Wilykat realized they've been played and forced to be thieves, the siblings schemed a way to win their freedom and the younglings. After stealing a prized jewel, the twins refused to give Tookit his prized jewel and tricked him into admitting his crimes and manipulating children to the Constable exonerating them in the process. Tookit was then arrested and remanded to The Pit, but he already has a means of escape with a pin he stole earlier and gives a wink.

[ Last edited by codebreaker at 6-23-2012 15:47 ]
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Season 1 part 7

Episode 23: Recipe for Disaster (May 26, 2012)
On their way back to Dog City to meet with the ThunderKittens and Snarf, the five adult ThunderCats stay in the middle of a forest - thinking about their next move while Mumm-Ra spies on them using his scrying pool. Cheetara asks Panthro and Tygra where Lion-O and Pumyra are to which Panthro replies the two are out gathering firewood, with Tygra tossing an insult towards his brother and Cheetara, saying Lion-O is "just setting himself up to be shot down again" and Cheetara expressing that she doesn't find Pumyra to be very "nice." At the same time, Pumyra helps a baby winged frog that had fallen out of its nest while Lion-O has trouble expressing his feelings for Pumyra and accidently gives her a flower which she has a terrible allergic reaction too. Later, the team meets a Wolo (now pronounced "wallow") named Ponzi who gives them a "miracle elixir" that he promises will solve all their problems, including Pumyra's swollen head. After Ponzi leaves, the ThunderCats are attacked by the demonic dinosaur Sycorax which Mumm-Ra had resurrected to serve as his vessel. When he attacks them, Lion-O accidentally breaks the bottle of elixir, which temporarily disables Mumm-Ra's vessel. Realizing its potential, the five chase after Ponzi to get more. However, as the Wollo thought they are disatisified customers out for revenge like others he scammed earilier, Ponzi inadvertently crashes his cart in an escape attempt with his entire supply destroyed in the process. The team agrees to help him make more, which will require the leaves of the rare Caracara Tree. At camp, Lion-O tries to get Pumyra to notice him by using a "love potion" Ponzi gave him. Tygra drinks it instead of Pumyra, causing him to temporarily act loopy and drugged only towards other male characters. Reaching their destination the next morning, the team proceeds to strip the Caracara Tree of its leaves for Ponzi to produce his elixir in the distiller. But complications arise when Ponzi's caterpillar-like pet, Lucy, devours all the leaves and begins to cocoon herself to the tree after she's yelled at by her owner. This in turn forces the team to face Sycorax/Mumm-Ra on their own once again while Ponzi attempts to use the last leaf in hopes it would be enough. During the fight, Lion-O saves Pumyra and, impressed with his combat skills, she thanks him by kissing his cheek. The elixir turns out to be a "bad batch" as Ponzi calls it and the fight goes Mumm-Ra's way until Lucy emerges from her cocoon in her adult form which resembles a Pokemon-style Mothra, and is able to crystalize the Sycorax due to the leaves she ingested. The Sycorax then shatteres as Mumm-Ra's raven form emerges from its remains and flies off. As the episode closes, Ponzi thanks the ThunderCats but declines their offer to travel together. Tygra recovers from the effects of the love potion and all ends well...for now.

Episode 24: The Soul Sever (June 2, 2012)
After making it back to the City of Dogs, Panthro is wondering why the Book of Omens is pointing to the sky. Lion-O runs into Jorma who had survived the attack on Thundera and has made it home. Upon studying the book, Jorma concludes that one of the stones the ThunderCats are after is somewhere in the sky. While exploring a secret scrap pile where new scrap metal falls from the sky, Lion-O, Tygra, Panthro, and Jorma are attacked by Necromech robots which end up stealing the Book of Omens. Jorma lends Flicker, a mini-bot that can track the energy signature of the book. Upon tracking the Necromech robots, Lion-O, Tygra, and Panthro discover that they work for a mysterious figure named Soul Sever. Tracking down the Soul Sever, an alien being converted into a cyborg before killing his benefactors due to their disapproval of his intentions, Lion-O learns that he plans to use the power of the Book of Omens in order to perfectly bind the souls of his deceased wife and children into robotic bodies. Though he wanted the three Cats to leave his domain, Tigra's attempt to steal the book back convinces the Soul Server to use them as test subjects. Though Flicker is damaged by Soul Sever after freeing Lion-O and Panthro, Tygra was not as fortunate as his soul animates a robot body. However, the metallic creature goes berserk as it use surrounding metals to upgrade itself and consumes the souls of Soul Sever's family from the pods just to continue to function. Realizing what he done, Soul Sever states that a powerful charge equal to the Book of Omens can short circuit the robot and restore Tygra's soul to his body yet expresses being reluctant as his family have no where to return to. But after Lion-O tells the Soul Sever that letting his family go is the only thing he can do for them, he lets Flicker use a GigaSpark. The plan works and Tygra returns to his body while the souls of Soul Sever's family pass on. After seeing how Flicker suffered for causing the surge which saved Tygra, Lion-O remarks on how technology's use is dependent on the users and their use. The Cats retrieve their book and find a potential means to reach the second stone. As for the grieving Soul Sever, flabbergasted by Flicker's sacrifice, he wonder if it had a soul as the small machine restarts.

Episode 25: What Lies Above, Part 1 (June 9, 2012)
The Cats find a way to reach the next Stone and arrive in the floating city of Avista which is ruled by Birds. The Cats meet Vultaire and try to convince him to give him the third stone that is found here before Mumm-Ra arrives. However, as a concerned Wilykat and Wilykit leave Avista to get help, Pumyra worsens the group's predicament when she abducts Vultaire and attempts to take the Tech Stone even after being told that Avista needs it for its people to survive.

Episode 26: What Lies Above, Part 2 (June 16, 2012)
After Pumyra's attempt to steal the Tech Stone ends in utter failure, the ThunderCats are tossed into an automated trash disposal that is set to drop them to their deaths. However, an attack from Mumm-Ra's army allows the Cats to convince Vultaire to reconsider killing them and instead let them help him fend Avista from Mumm-Ra's forces. Panthro and Pumyra operate Star Wars cannons to shoot down Mumm-Ra's air forces while Tygra aids Vultaire and the Avistan Guards by engaging the enemy in a Star Wars dogfight before Mumm-Ra arrives and wipes a bulk of the Avistan Guards. Vultaire accepts Mumm-Ra's offer to join him while Pumyra takes Lion-O to the chamber to take the Tech Stone. Mumm-Ra arrives and takes out Pumyra before Lion-O engages him in battle. During this time, the stones Lion-O obtained resonates with him and his Gauntlet arm is encased in Armour. The Tech Stone goes loose during the fight, causing the city to fall and as Lion-O and Mumm-Ra scramble to retrieve it. Pumyra picks it up and, in a treacherous turn of events, gives it to Mumm-Ra saying that Lion-O is her King but Mumm-Ra is her Master. Mumm-Ra calls Pumyra his beloved as she bends a knee to him and kiss his gauntlet before using the stone to boost his own powers. Horrified, Lion-O learns that Pumyra was mortally wounded during the fall of Thundera and died watching him, Tygra, and Cheetara leave the kingdom as she attempted to call them for help. Her hatred of Lion-O called out to Mumm-Ra and he used the Ancient Spirits of Evil resurrect her to serve as his lover and spy, enabling him to track the ThunderCats' every move. Even with the aid of the rest of the ThunderCats, Lion-O is unable to defeat Mumm-Ra. However, having gone throughout Third Earth to enlist the aid of the four groups Lion-O helped during their journey (consisting of the Berbils, the Fishmen, the Elephants, and the Dogs) and stored them in the Forever Bag for the trip back to Avista, WilyKat and WilyKit arrive at nick of time and sic their reinforcements on Mumm-Ra and Pumyra. In hopes Avista's fall kills everyone, Mumm-Ra and Pumyra retreat with Pumyra promising to kill Lion-O the next time they meet. Panthro steps up to land the city with the Avistans grateful for the ThunderCats saving them. Cheetara assures the Avistans that the Berbils will get Avista up and running again. Seeing Lion-O hurt from Pumyra's betrayal, WilyKit again assumes Cheetara's abandoned role of cleric and encourages her king, pointing out that the Animals are uniting under him as well as reminding him that there is still one stone of power to find. The season closes with WilyKit presenting Lion-O with his Sword of Omens and the young Lord holding the blade high.



Reply 3168#3168 waterlilybarb's post

Barb if it's easier I can PM it to you in one piece

Edit I'm off out for the evening so I have sent the PM just in case

[ Last edited by codebreaker at 6-23-2012 16:41 ]


I can do both for

Girls  done
I Just Want My Pants Back  done
Scandal  done

[ Last edited by codebreaker at 6-24-2012 21:00 ]


About Girls

Living the dream. One mistake at a time.

Girls Premiered on HBO on April 15, 2012

About the Show:
Created by and starring Lena Dunham ("Tiny Furniture"), the show is a comic look at the assorted humiliations and rare triumphs of a group of girls in their early 20s. Dunham wrote and directed the pilot of the series, which she executive produces along with Judd Apatow and Jenni Konner.  The cast also includes Jemima Kirke, Allison Williams, Adam Driver and Zosia Mamet.  Episodes were shot in New York. The ten-episode season debuts in 2012.


Actor’s name

Character’s name

Lena DunhamHannah Horvath
Allison WilliamsMarnie Michaels
Jemima KirkeJessa Johansson
Zosia MametShoshanna Shapiro
Adam DriverAdam Sackler


Watch It Here

How to become a VIP Member.


[ Last edited by codebreaker at 6-24-2012 21:47 ]
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  • waterlilybarb Treasure +2 thanks - ready to post when you are 6-24-2012 13:37
  • waterlilybarb Points +10 thanks - ready to post when you are 6-24-2012 13:37


Season 1

Episode 1: Pilot (Apr/15/2012)
In the premiere of this comedy about twentysomething women navigating their way through life in New York, Hannah swings and misses at two curves when her parents rescind their financial support and she loses her unpaid internship. Meanwhile, Hannah's roommate, Marnie, throws a dinner party for their nomadic friend Jessa, who's returned from yet another journey.

Episode 2: Vagina Panic (Apr/22/2012)
An appointment at a women's clinic doesn't go according to Marnie's detailed plans, mostly because Jessa will find any reason not to show up. Meanwhile, Hannah is preoccupied by an STD scare; and Shoshanna makes a startling revelation.

Episode 3: All Adventurous Women Do (Apr/29/2012)
Hannah contacts her college boyfriend to find out how she contracted an STD, but learns perhaps even more shocking news from him. Meanwhile, Marnie is smitten with a pretentious artist at a gallery opening; and Jessa lands a babysitting job.

Episode 4: Hannah's Diary (May/06/2012)
Adam's risqué text message sends Hannah over the edge; Jessa gets distracted while babysitting; Shoshanna reunites with a guy she knew at camp; Ray and Charlie stick their noses where they don't belong.

Episode 5: Hard Being Easy (May/13/2012)
Hannah tries a different tack with her boss to counter his inappropriate office behavior—she propositions him. Meanwhile, Marnie does some soul-searching about her relationship with Charlie; and Jessa wants the last word with an ex.

Episode 6: The Return (May/20/2012)
Hannah visits her parents in Michigan for their 30th anniversary, and winds up going on a date to a fund-raiser for a local family who suffered a tragic loss.

Episode 7: Welcome to Bushwick (aka The Crackcident) (May/27/2012)
At a raging party in the Bushwick section of Brooklyn, Hannah sees a different side of Adam; Jessa lures the sender of an anonymous text message; Marnie finds out what Charlie's been up to for the past two weeks; and Shoshanna gets a hand from Ray when she needs it most.

Episode 8: Weirdos Need Girlfriends Too (Jun/03/2012)
Marnie and Jessa bond and meet an eligible bachelor who's new in town; Hannah gets to know Adam in ways she could not have imagined.

Episode 9: Leave Me Alone (Jun/10/2012)
Hannah's resentment of an old rival's literary success leads her to grudgingly accept an invitation to a reading hosted by her former professor, a pair of setbacks about which she could usually complain to Marnie—until now. Meanwhile, Jessa gets a surprise visit from her former boss; and Shoshanna schedules a date with someone she met online.

Episode 10: She Did (Jun/17/2012)
In the first-season finale, Jessa brings everyone together for a " mystery party," but other surprises are in store when Hannah misjudges Adam's commitment; Marnie tries her free-spirited side on for size; and Shoshanna's quirkiness impresses a suitor.



[ Last edited by codebreaker at 6-24-2012 21:47 ]
Recent Ratings
  • waterlilybarb Treasure +2 thanks - ready to post when you are 6-24-2012 13:37
  • waterlilybarb Points +5 thanks - ready to post when you are 6-24-2012 13:37


About I Just Want My Pants Back

I Just Want My Pants Back Premiered on MTV on August 28, 2011

About the Show:
Jason Strider and his friends grapple with dating, sex, and surviving as adults. They care more about hanging with each other, going to bars and hooking up than their entry level jobs, but when a one night stand steals Jason's heart and his pants, he begins a quest to get his beloved jeans back - and hopefully the girl - while growing up along the way.


Actor’s name

Character’s name

Chris ParnellJB
Elisabeth HowerStacey
Ilana BeckerJacoby
Jordan CarlosEric
Kelli BarrettJane
Kim ShawTina
Nick KocherLench
Peter VackJason Strider
Sunkrish BalaBobby


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[ Last edited by codebreaker at 6-24-2012 21:53 ]
Recent Ratings
  • waterlilybarb Treasure +2 thanks - ready to post when you are 6-24-2012 13:39
  • waterlilybarb Points +10 thanks - ready to post when you are 6-24-2012 13:39

