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Season 4

Episode 1: The Two Mrs. Cranes (Sep. 17, 1996)
Daphne's ex-fiancé, Clive, visits her in Seattle to declare his continuing love for her. Rather than tell him the truth, that she can't see a future for them, she pretends to be married to Niles.

Episode 2: Love Bites Dog (Sep. 24, 1996)
Roz sets Frasier up with her friend Sharon, but Bulldog steals her away. After spending the weekend with her, Bulldog shocks both Frasier and Roz by falling in love with her. Martin searches for the maker of his classic shoes.

Episode 3: The Impossible Dream (Oct. 15, 1996)
Frasier is tormented by a recurring erotic dream in which he wakes up in a cheap hotel bed with Gil Chesterton. He desperately searches for any psychological explanation besides the obvious one.

Episode 4: A Cranes' Critique (Oct. 22, 1996)
Frasier and Niles are thrilled to catch sight of T.H. Houghton, a reclusive author from their youth. They are aggravated, however, when Martin forms a friendship with the man but they are consistently unable to meet him.

Episode 5: Head Game (Nov. 12, 1996)
Frasier takes a leave of absence, and Niles fills in on his show for a week. Giving some brief advice to one of Bulldog's guests, a basketball player, Niles turns his game around. Niles is elated to be the center of attention from fans, and from Martin. He later realizes that the player's improvement has less to do with Niles's advice than a belief that ruffling his hair brings good luck.

Episode 6: Mixed Doubles (Nov. 19, 1996)
Joe breaks up with Daphne, and Niles eagerly decides to make his move. Frasier advises him to wait a day. Niles does, but is crushed when Roz takes Daphne to a singles bar and she meets a man. What makes it weird is that the man, Rodney, looks, dresses, talks, and acts exactly like Niles.

Episode 7: A Lilith Thanksgiving (Nov. 26, 1996)
Frasier, Martin, and Niles fly to Boston for Thanksgiving. Frasier and Lilith go together for an interview with the principal of an exclusive boarding school, hoping to gain a spot for Frederick. They are so dogged that the principal agrees to admit Frederick if they both promise that he'll never lay eyes on either of them again.

Episode 8: Our Father Whose Art Ain't Heaven (Dec. 9, 1996)
Martin accompanies Frasier and Niles to their favorite restaurant, where Frasier heaps praise on a hideous painting that the owner has bought to secure a good table. Martin and the boys get into a fight over who should pay the check. Later, Martin feels bad and makes up by buying Frasier the painting. Frasier can't bear to tell him the truth. Meanwhile, Niles's spineless side is on display in response to Maris's underhanded tactics to draw guests away from a party he's throwing on the same night as hers.

Episode 9: Dad Loves Sherry, the Boys Just Whine (Jan. 7, 1997)
Maureen, Martin's policewoman girlfriend, breaks up with him. Martin is delighted, and takes up with Sherry, a barmaid at McGinty's. Frasier and Niles can't stand the woman, but neither has the guts to say so.

Episode 10: Liar! Liar! (Jan. 14, 1997)
Frasier feels guilty when he finds out that a prank they played in prep school led to a bully being expelled. Frasier tracks the man down, and finds out he is in prison.

Episode 11: Three Days of the Condo (Jan. 21, 1997)
Frasier runs for condo board president, against the tyrannical Ms. Langer. Niles lends his apartment to Martin for a romantic evening with Sherry, but inadvertently walks in on the two of them in flagrante.

Episode 12: Death and the Dog (Feb. 11, 1997 )
Eddie is feeling depressed, and Martin calls a dog psychiatrist. Frasier and Niles make fun of the idea, but ruminating about the possible reasons for Eddie's funk leads them to dwell on all the reasons to be unhappy with their own lives.

Episode 13: Four for the Seesaw (Feb. 18, 1997)
Frasier and Niles, on a whim, share a table with Cafe Nervosa with two attractive women, which develops into a double date and then a weekend trip to the country.

Episode 14: To Kill a Talking Bird (Feb. 25, 1997)
Niles invites his new neighbors over for a dinner party, but has trouble removing his new pet bird from the top of his head.

Episode 15: Roz's Krantz & Gouldenstein Are Dead (Mar. 11, 1997)
Roz is sentenced to community service for a speeding ticket. Visiting elderly people in a retirement home, she panics when one, and then another of her charges dies suddenly.

Episode 16: The Unnatural (Apr. 1, 1997)
Frederick comes to visit Seattle. Hearing Bulldog planning the station team's softball game, Frederick wonders why Frasier isn't playing. Bulldog covers and says Frasier is a great athlete. Frederick wants to see his dad play, and Frasier, rather than let him down, tries to learn to hit a ball in two days. Niles is eaten up with jealousy when Daphne's innocent fondness for Frederick allows for more intimate contact than he's ever experienced.

Episode 17: Roz's Turn (Apr. 15, 1997)
A vacant time slot opens at the radio station, and Roz applies for a job hosting her own show. Frasier muses aloud that he'll be sorry to lose her as his producer. Unfortunately, Bebe overhears, and sabotages Roz. In contrition, Frasier asks Roz what he can do to make it up to her. She tells him to fire Bebe.

Episode 18: Ham Radio (Apr. 22, 1997)
Frazier tries to direct an old-time radio drama for KACL, but his over-directing turns the show into a complete disaster - just as Niles predicted.

Episode 19: Three Dates and a Breakup (Apr. 29, 1997)
Frasier hosts a benefit party at his apartment, and is ecstatic when three women come on to him. However, his first date is ruined by Sherry's obnoxious intrusion. The next morning, he is surprised to see Martin and Sherry fighting, and then break up. Daphne tries to adopt an American accent. After a chance meeting with a gossipy high school friend, during which she looks less than her best, Roz becomes obsessed with trying to find him again and impress him.

Episode 20: Daphne Hates Sherry (May 6, 1997)
During a heat wave, Sherry's constant presence at the apartment gets on Daphne's nerves. They get into a serious fight, and she storms out of the apartment. Unable to find another place, she asks to spend the night with Niles. Frasier tries to fight off the flu.

Episode 21: Are You Being Served? (May 13, 1997)
Niles suggests to Maris that they go into marriage counseling; she responds by serving him with divorce papers. Daphne tries to throw out a box of Martin's unused junk. Frasier and Niles look through it and find an old scientific journal by their mother. She observes that Frasier has a fear of physical contact, and Niles is easily cowed by females. Niles confesses that he returned the divorce papers with a groveling note begging Maris to take him back. While Maris is away, he and Frasier sneak into her mansion to steal them back.

Episode 22: Ask Me No Questions (May 20, 1997)
Over coffee at Cafe Nervosa, Niles asks Frasier if he thinks Niles and Maris are meant to be together. Frasier typically over-analyzes the question, turning to everyone for advice, and obsessing about the proper answer to the point of obliviousness to anything else.

Episode 23: Odd Man Out (May 27, 1997)
Frasier's loneliness is brought into sharp focus during an evening when all his family and friends have a date except him; eating alone in a restaurant, the last straw comes when a man at the next table proposes to his fiancée, to the applause of everyone. Frasier finds himself drawn to a mysterious woman's voice when she leaves a wrong-number message on his machine. He goes to meet her at the airport. She is pleased to meet him, but confesses that she's married. Though he is disappointed, Frasier is still pleased with his own adventurousness, and on a whim he boards a plane for Acapulco.



[ Last edited by codebreaker at 6-4-2012 22:27 ]
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  • waterlilybarb Treasure +2 thanks - ready to post when ready 6-4-2012 13:44
  • waterlilybarb Points +5 thanks - ready to post when ready 6-4-2012 13:44


Season 5 part 1

Episode 1: Frasier's Imaginary Friend (Sep. 23, 1997)
In Acapulco, Frasier has a torrid affair with a model named Kelly. Since she's going through a divorce, she asks him to keep their relationship a secret, and he promises. Back in Seattle, though, he is needled when everyone takes his "discretion" to mean that he struck out and can't admit it. Indignantly, he reveals the truth about Kelly to Martin, Niles, and Daphne. When they believe that he's concocted an "imaginary friend" out of loneliness, he goes to increasingly insane lengths to prove it..

Episode 2: The Gift Horse (Sep. 30, 1997)
For Martin's 65th birthday, Frasier and Niles engage in their yearly competition to buy him the better gift. They keep one-upping each other, until Frasier makes the ultimate sacrifice and buys Martin a humongous big screen TV. Niles, however, trumps him by buying Martin his old patrol horse, Agides.

Episode 3: Halloween (Oct. 28, 1997)
Roz confesses to Frasier that she thinks she's pregnant. Niles hosts a costume party for the Library Association, with everyone dressed as literary characters. Frasier lets the news slip at the party. Niles, who is getting drunk, overhears it and misconstrues it to mean that Frasier has impregnated Daphne.

Episode 4: The Kid (Nov. 4, 1997)
Learning she is pregnant, Roz breaks the news to the baby's father, a 20-year-old waiter at Cafe Nervosa.

Episode 5: The 1000th Show (Nov. 11, 1997)
Frasier's show marks its 1,000th broadcast. In celebration, the mayor declares " Frasier Crane Day" and arranges a public rally at the Space Needle. Frasier acts embarrassed by the fuss, but his true feelings are revealed when a series of mishaps frustrates his and Niles's attempts to get to the rally.

Episode 6: Voyage of the Damned (Nov. 18, 1997)
Frasier agrees to give a celebrity lecture on a cruise to Alaska, and invites Niles and Martin along. Trouble ensues when Maris also comes along, and spots a flirtatious society friend coming on to Niles.

Episode 7: My Fair Frasier (Nov. 25, 1997)
Frasier dates Samantha, a high-powered attorney. He and his family become confused when it is clear that he is not the one " wearing the pants" in their relationship.

Episode 8: Desperately Seeking Closure (Dec. 9, 1997)
After Sam breaks up with Frasier, he obsesses over her possible reasons.

Episode 9: Perspectives on Christmas (Dec. 16, 1997)
While receiving massages for their holiday stress, each member of the Crane family relates the story of the last few days, with subtle differences based on their own perspectives. Martin rehearsed a song with an impossibly high note to appear in a Christmas pageant; Daphne overheard him talking about it and mistakenly thought he was dying; Niles ruined his brand-new suit while trying to escape from a stuck elevator; and Frasier mistakenly let slip to Roz's mother that she was pregnant just before they appeared together as Santa and Mrs. Claus.

Episode 10: Where Every Bloke Knows Your Name (Jan. 6, 1998)
Bored with his usual routine, Frasier shuns Niles's company and becomes taken with the "Fox and Whistle," a British pub Daphne frequents.

Episode 11: Ain't Nobody's Business If I Do (Jan. 13, 1998)
Daphne finds an engagement ring in Martin's drawer. Appalled at the prospect of having Sherry for a stepmother, Niles hires a private detective to check out her background. Furious, Frasier orders the investigation called off, but not before the detective reports that Sherry has no less than five ex-husbands. Worried that she is unable to maintain a relationship, the boys try to drop hints to Martin. Martin angrily informs them that he's known about her other marriages from the beginning. It turns out, though, that Martin has decided to break up with her because he knows she isn't interested in marrying again.

Episode 12: The Zoo Story (Jan. 20, 1998)
While the station is re-negotiating everyone's contract, Frasier refuses to re-sign with Bebe, and instead chooses as his agent an earnest do-gooder named Ben. He finds his resolve tested when Ben's angle, to connect Frasier's public image with a rare crane at the zoo, goes embarrassingly wrong.

Episode 13: The Maris Counselor (Feb. 3, 1998)
Niles is optimistic about his progress with Maris under their new marriage counselor, Dr. Schenkman. Deciding to surprise Maris with a nooner at her house, he is devastated to find Schenkman already waiting in her bed. He tells Niles they plan to get married. Niles finally decides to end his marriage. Martin looks forward to a date with an attractive neighbor, but it turns out his date is with her 86-year-old mother.

Episode 14: The Ski Lodge (Feb. 24, 1998)
Roz wins a weekend at a ski lodge, and trades it to Frasier. Daphne invites along her friend Annie, a swimsuit model. Frasier is taken with her, but she is interested in Niles. Added to the mix is their very handsome French ski instructor, Guy. Daphne is taken with him, but he is interested in Niles. That night, confusion runs rampant.

Episode 15: Room Service (Mar. 3, 1998)
Brian, Lilith's husband, leaves her (for a man). Distraught, she comes to Seattle intent on seducing Frasier. He does his best to resist her, and she ends up sharing a night of passion with Niles. Frasier discovers them in her hotel room the next morning.

Episode 16: Beware of Greeks (Mar. 17, 1998)
Frasier's cousin, Nikos, is getting married. His mother Zora, Frasier's aunt-by-marriage, has blacklisted the Crane family since Frasier advised Nikos to follow his heart in choosing his career (which meant dropping out of medical school to be a street juggler). Knowing that Martin misses his brother, Walt, Frasier begs Zora for forgiveness, and she joyfully invites them to the wedding. Niles is less than thrilled, knowing that it means seeing their man-hungry Cousin Yvonne again. At the rehearsal dinner, Frasier is troubled. To him it is obvious that Nikos misses his old girlfriend, and that his wealthy fiancée is only aiming a barb at her snobbish parents. He is hesitant to speak out, knowing that Zora will dismember him if he does.

Episode 17: The Perfect Guy (Mar. 24, 1998)
Dr. Clint Webber, the station's new host on health issues, is not only dazzlingly handsome, but also an Oxford graduate, a gourmet chef, a star athlete, and a polyglot. Frasier makes a pretense of friendliness, but after a while admits his jealousy and searches for a flaw, any flaw, in Clint's seeming perfection. Martin makes fun of a gourmet foods store that Niles frequents, and its French proprietor, Robert, but is forced to apologize when Eddie becomes hooked on the store's dog food.

Episode 18: Bad Dog (Apr. 7, 1998)
Bulldog becomes a hero when he appears to thwart an attempted armed robbery at the café. Only Frasier saw what really happened: mistaking a different man for the robber, he pulled Roz in front of him as a human shield, inadvertently spilling his coffee on the actual robber. When Bulldog basks in his acclaim and refuses to confess, Frasier prepares an elaborate surprise to draw out his conscience at the SeaBea awards.

Episode 19: Frasier Gotta Have It (Apr. 21, 1998)
Frasier has a torrid affair with Caitlin, a young artist. Their physical chemistry is perfect, but Frasier feels guilty when he realizes they have nothing else in common. Overpowering lust distracts his attempts to break up with her, until a night at her apartment when she reveals some of her crazier habits.

Episode 20: First Date (Apr. 28, 1998)
Daphne overhears Niles talking about the woman he loves without realizing it is her. When she asks him who it is, his courage fails and he randomly names a neighbor woman, Phyllis. Daphne offers to prepare dinner for both of them at his apartment. While working together, they enjoy each other's company so much that Niles is prepared to tell her the truth, until the real Phyllis shows up at the door.


[ Last edited by codebreaker at 6-5-2012 05:08 ]
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  • waterlilybarb Treasure +2 thanks - ready to post - i'll edit in 6-4-2012 13:45
  • waterlilybarb Points +5 thanks - ready to post - i'll edit in 6-4-2012 13:45


Season 5 part 2

Episode 21: Roz and the Schnoz (May 5, 1998)
Roz stays with Frasier while her new apartment is being painted, and panics when she receives a message from Rick's parents, her baby's future grandparents. Frasier invites them for dinner. Both parents have enormous noses, and the Crane family spends the whole evening desperately trying to hide their laughter.

Episode 22: The Life of the Party (May 12, 1998)
Fed up with their pathetic love lives, Frasier and Niles throw a singles party at Niles's apartment. They are soon at odds over the same woman. Martin tries dyeing his hair to appear younger for the party. The climax of the evening comes when Roz's water breaks, and they rush her to the hospital, where she gives birth to her daughter, Alice.

Episode 23: Party, Party (May 19, 1998)
Frasier tries repeatedly to arrange a date with a young woman he met at the opera, but is late time and again because of some accidents. On the last night before she leaves Seattle, she agrees to meet him, but Frasier must find a way to escape from his own surprise birthday party. Niles preens over his new relationship with Allison, Frasier's attractive neighbor, but panics when he finds out that Allison is married, to a gun-crazy big game hunter.

Episode 24: Sweet Dreams (May 19, 1998)
On their way home, Frasier and Daphne join a protest outside a condemned bookstore. When the police start arresting the protesters, including Daphne, Frasier panics and flees. Feeling guilty, he impetuously takes a stand against the station's new policy of reading on-air advertisements. The new station manager, Kenny Daly, takes his cause to a higher authority, and is fired. Frasier and a group of the on-air talent protest directly to Mr. Martin, the station owner. Frasier gives a speech on believing in principles and following one's heart. Inspired, Mr. Martin announces that he is changing the station's format from talk to salsa music, leading to the firing of all the on-air talent.

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Season 6 part 1

Episode 1: Good Grief (Sep. 24, 1998)
Frasier deals with the loss of his job as though it were a loved one, moving through the five traditional stages: denial, anger, bargaining, grief, and acceptance, each with some weird results.

Episode 2: Frasier's Curse (Oct. 1, 1998)
Frasier's high school reunion comes around, but he has come to believe that a curse will hit him with some fresh misfortune, as it has for every previous reunion.

Episode 3: Dial M for Martin (Oct. 8, 1998)
With Frasier home all day, he and Martin get into explosive arguments. Roz suggests that Martin move in with Niles for a while. Niles is as enthused at the idea as Frasier was six years before, but changes his mind rapidly when he realizes Daphne will be coming too. Then she announces that Martin's hip has improved enough for her to find another job. After a series of minor accidents, Martin becomes afraid that Niles is trying to injure him on purpose.

Episode 4: Hot Ticket (Oct. 16, 1998)
Frasier and Niles are obsessed with getting tickets to the final performance of a sold-out play. Since they are less concerned with seeing the play than with being *seen* seeing the play, they are too embarrassed to take tickets from the cancellation line, and instead try to fake having seen it, at a society party where the play's lead is the guest of honor.

Episode 5: First Do No Harm (Oct. 29, 1998)
Martin sets Frasier up with Duke's gorgeous daughter, Marie. Their relationship blooms, but after a while he becomes suspicious that she is only interested in free therapy.

Episode 6: Secret Admirer (Nov. 5, 1998)
An anonymous person leaves an expensive gift in Frasier's squash bag, with a note pleading for a second chance. Thinking he has a secret admirer, Frasier excitedly calls a host of old girlfriends, in spite of the fact that he's already in a promising new relationship with Nancy, a former co-worker. A second gift arrives, and it turns out the woman is Maris. Dr. Schenkman has dumped her, and she wants Niles back. Frasier finds out the truth, but too late; a string of return messages arrives in the middle of his date, destroying his relationship with Nancy. Niles tells Maris their marriage is over for good, and she vows to bleed him penniless in their divorce proceedings.

Episode 7: How to Bury a Millionaire (Nov. 12, 1998)
Maris repossesses Niles's car and his legal bills exceed his salary. He is forced to drive a hatchback and give up his apartment at the Montana for a tiny studio at the " Shangri-La."

Episode 8: The Seal Who Came to Dinner (Nov. 19, 1998)
When Niles' Gourmet Club has its annual " Golden Apron Awards", Niles decides to throw a dinner party in hopes of obtaining the illustrious apron. He and Frasier break into Maris' beach-side cottage to hold the festivities, but an unexpected guest makes matters rather difficult for the two of them.

Episode 9: Roz, a Loan (Dec. 10, 1998)
While in between jobs, new-mother Roz finds herself in financial trouble and Frasier allows her a loan of fifteen hundred dollars. But Frasier soon begins to suspect that her spending of the money is somewhat irresponsible and decides to confront Roz about it. Meanwhile, KACL dumps their all-Salsa format and rehires the old team.

Episode 10: Merry Christmas, Mrs. Moskowitz (Dec. 17, 1998)
While shopping for Christmas gifts, Frasier is set-upon by a stylish Jewish woman, Helen, who asks Frasier take her daughter Faye on a blind date. He begrudgingly accepts and is pleasantly surprised when Faye turns out to be exactly what Frasier wants in a woman. But it turns somewhat sour when, on Christmas eve, Faye and her mother stop by Frasier's apartment. Helen is unaware that Frasier is not Jewish and so he and the family must pretend that they are to survive Helen's visit.

Episode 11: Good Samaritan (Jan. 7, 1999)
Frasier has become fed up with the way the modern world treats good Samaritans. His son Freddie comes to visit and one night, while driving home, Frasier stops to help a woman stuck in the rain, only to discover that she is a prostitute.

Episode 12: Our Parents, Ourselves (Jan. 21, 1999)
Frasier and Roz set his father Martin up with her mother Joanna on a " blind date". Afterwards, Martin announces that he never wants to see her again while Joanna cannot wait to see Martin a second time. It all comes to a head when Frasier invites Roz and Joanna over to watch the Superbowl, but Martin has invited Bonnie, a waitress from McGinty's, whom he is interested in dating.

Episode 13: The Show Where Woody Shows Up (Feb. 4, 1999)
Frasier's old bartender at Cheers in Boston, Woody, shows up in Seattle to visit his old friend. Things turn bad after their first night reunion when Frasier realizes that he has moved on with his life and left Woody in the past.

Episode 14: Three Valentines (Feb. 11, 1999)
Three different act long stories following Frasier, Daphne, Niles and Martin on a Valentine's Day eve. Niles prepares for a date at Frasier's apartment, but ends up lighting the apartment on fire. Martin and Daphne, both dateless, head out for dinner. Frasier is confused as to whether or not his date with Cassandra, a promotional manager at KACL is just a business meeting or actually a date.

Episode 15: To Tell the Truth (Feb. 18, 1999)
Niles' and Maris' divorce proceedings heat up and Niles hires Roz's ex-boyfriend Donny Douglas, a cut-throat lawyer who soon has Maris' legal team on the ropes. However, when Maris claims that Niles was in love with another woman through their marriage, Niles fears he may have to come clean about his crush on Daphne.

Episode 16: Decoys (Feb. 25, 1999)
Niles, still reeling from Daphne and Donny's new relationship, wins Maris' old cottage in the woods from the divorce. In an attempt to win Daphne from Donny, he invites Roz and Donny up to the cabin in hopes that their old relationship might spark some new feelings.

Episode 17: Dinner Party (Mar. 11, 1999)
Frasier and Niles decide to host a dinner party at Frasier's apartment. It becomes more complicated than either of them could have imagined and it leads them to think that maybe the brothers are spending too much of their time together.

Episode 18: Taps at the Montana (Mar. 25, 1999)
With the divorce with Maris finally settled, Niles moves back into his luxurious apartment in the Montana. But when the tenant Frasier chose to let the apartment comes under attack, Niles is subject to severe scrutiny from the Montana Board, who tell Niles that they are considering kicking him out of the building once and for all. In an attempt to wrangle the support of the Board back to his side, Niles decides to throw a dinner party for the members, but with disastrous results.

Episode 19: IQ (Apr. 8, 1999)
Frasier and Niles' long time competitiveness is reawakened at a silence auction where the two spend eight thousand dollars for a lunch with three Nobel Prize winners. Determined to find the root of the fierce competition, the two remember an old IQ test they took to which they never found out the results. The brothers dig through their childhood papers and find the IQ test. Now the only question is which one of them has the higher points?

Episode 20: Dr. Nora (Apr. 29, 1999)
Frasier's radio show is doing well in its ratings, and KACL has decided that another show in the same genre would do well. They ask Frasier to hire another doctor to fill the slot and he is immediately taken with an intelligent woman named Dr. Nora. Frasier is suddenly shocked to realize that Dr. Nora is not all that she appeared to be.


[ Last edited by codebreaker at 6-5-2012 05:09 ]
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  • waterlilybarb Treasure +2 thanks - ready to post - i'll edit part 6-4-2012 13:46
  • waterlilybarb Points +5 thanks - ready to post - i'll edit part 6-4-2012 13:46


Season 6 part 2

Episode 21: When a Man Loves Two Women (May 5, 1999)
Fraiser has begun dating Cassandra Stone, the beautiful woman whom he spent Valentine's Day with. Everything is going well until Faye Moskowitz comes back to town and Frasier remembers how much he enjoyed spending time with her. He begins to date both women but soon discovers the prestigious dating level is not all it is cracked up to be.

Episode 22: Visions of Daphne (May 13, 1999)
Martin sees Donny buying an engagement ring for Daphne and, while relaying the information to Frasier, accidentally tells the bride-to-be herself. When Niles finds out, he is absolutely devastated. The next day, Daphne comes to Niles' office saying that she had a vision that she should not marry Donny and that the man of her dreams is waiting for her somewhere.

Episode 23: Shutout in Seattle: Part 1 (May 20, 1999)
Part One of Two. In the wake of Daphne's engagement to Donny, Niles becomes frequently distant, leading Martin and Frasier to believe that he has run back to his ex-wife Maris. Meanwhile, Martin begins dating Bonny the waitress, and as his relationship with Faye deepens, Frasier begins having Fruedian slips, continuously referring to her as Cassandra, the woman Frasier was dating before Faye.

Episode 24: Shutout in Seattle: Part 2 (May 20, 1999)
Part Two of Two. Niles has started dating Kit, a wild waitress from Cafe Nervosa. Frasier becomes increasingly worried about Niles when he begins to adopt Kit's wild, free-spirited approach to life. Meanwhile, Martin is upset with Bonny when her dog, Lady, begins dominating Eddie and Frasier is even more worried about his situation with Faye when Cassandra begins popping back into his life.

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Season 7 part 1

Episode 1: Momma Mia (Sep. 23, 1999)
Frasier starts dating Mia Preston, a children's book author. Everyone except him realizes she is the spitting image of his and Niles's mother, Hester.

Episode 2: Father of the Bride (Sep. 30, 1999)
Daphne complains about her mother's pushiness in planning her wedding. Frasier makes a Freudian slip that leads her to think that he and Martin are offering to pay for her wedding, which she joyfully accepts. Before long, Frasier becomes even more domineering than her mother. Niles, depressed about Daphne's impending nuptials, decides to try a dating service and is elated to be matched with an attractive blonde named Sabrina. But Frasier learns from Donny that the service in question is actually a call girl ring.

Episode 3: Radio Wars (Oct. 7, 1999)
Frasier is repeatedly made the butt of phone pranks by KACL's new comedy team, "Carlos and the Chicken." When the team announces a contest for a covert photo of Frasier's hindquarters, he decides to retaliate by composing an oration, a move ridiculed by his family and friends.

Episode 4: Everyone's a Critic (Oct. 14, 1999)
When Niles lands a job as a magazine art critic, Frasier is jealous.

Episode 5: The Dog That Rocks the Cradle (Oct. 21, 1999)
After losing his job at KACL, Bulldog is delivering pizzas. Seeing how well he gets along with Alice, Roz offers him a job as a babysitter. After a while, she finds that he is driving away her dates so he can declare his own feelings for her. Martin, pressured by his sons, makes arrangements for his own burial.

Episode 6: Rivals (Nov. 4, 1999)
No one at the station can stand the owner's airhead daughter, Poppy, but Niles finds himself taken with her. Frasier finds a half-naked woman in his apartment, and she introduces herself as his new neighbor. Both brothers start dating, but a misunderstanding leads both of them to conclude that they are competing for the same woman.

Episode 7: A Tsar Is Born (Nov. 11, 1999)
The rift between Martin and his sons' tastes is bridged when they find they are all fans of " The Antique Roadshow." The boys have a great time watching it on TV, and when the Roadshow comes to Seattle, they all go. Martin takes along an old family heirloom, a rather ugly pewter clock. Frasier and Niles are stunned to hear that it was originally made for the Romanovs (the Russian royal dynasty). Believing the clock is a link to their own royal blood, Frasier and Niles launch an investigation into its origins. What they find is that the clock was stolen by their great-grandmother, a kitchen maid. Since it was stolen, the Russian government takes it back; since Martin has already been promised $30,000 by another buyer, Frasier and Niles have no choice but to put up the money, which Martin uses to buy a Winnebago.

Episode 8: The Late Dr. Crane (Nov. 18, 1999)
A minor fender-bender sends Frasier to the hospital. While waiting, Niles hears the name of Maris's plastic surgeon, Mel Karnofsky, and decides to confront him about a billing error. An annoying man bores Frasier into leaving the office, and the man uses Frasier's name to jump the line. Niles is surprised to find that Mel is actually a woman, with whom he has a lot in common. The man at the hospital dies suddenly, and Frasier is mistakenly thought dead for a day. He takes it as a wake-up call, doing his best to live live to the fullest every day. Niles doesn't have the nerve to ask Mel for a date, so instead he has repeated cosmetic surgeries from her.

Episode 9: The Apparent Trap (Nov. 18, 1999)
Lilith and Frederick come to Seattle for Thanksgiving dinner with the Cranes. Frederick maneuvers Frasier and Lilith into spending an evening together, and they begin to suspect that he is trying to get them back together. Or is he just trying to guilt them into buying him a moped?

Episode 10: Back Talk (Dec. 9, 1999)
On his birthday, Frasier is seized with crippling back pain. Niles wonders if he's stressed, and while recovering at home, Frasier muses aloud about why he's unhappy. One reason is that he's still single, and he will miss Daphne's companionship after she gets married. Daphne, overhearing, misunderstands him to mean that he has feelings for her. Frasier resolves the confusion, but while he's doped up on painkillers, lets slip to Daphne the truth about Niles's feelings for her.

Episode 11: The Fight Before Christmas (Dec. 16, 1999)
Daphne is unsure how to deal with Niles's feelings for her. Roz assures her there's nothing to worry about: Niles has a girlfriend now, and she's engaged to Donny. However, Niles has a meeting with Maris to console her over the loss of a friend, a meeting that he keeps secret from Mel. Frasier lets slip the secret, and Mel angrily breaks up with Niles, making Daphne very nervous. Frasier's Christmas party competes with one thrown by his rival neighbor, Cam Winston.

Episode 12: RDWRER (Jan. 6, 2000)
Frasier tells Roz about his family's adventure on the Millenial New Year... Chez Henri, where they planned to spend it, burned down, so they drove toward Sun Valley in Martin's Winnebago, for a party thrown by a wine club friend. Hijinks ensue en route, starting when a drowsy Niles boards the wrong Winnebago at a truck stop.

Episode 13: They're Playing Our Song (Jan. 13, 2000)
All the on-air personalities are writing jingles to introduce their shows. Frasier typically overdoes when crafting his.

Episode 14: Big Crane on Campus (Feb. 3, 2000)
At Cafe Nervosa, Frasier runs into his unrequited high school crush and former prom queen, Lorna Lynley (Smart). The courtship gives Frasier a chance to live up the high school glory days that he never had.

Episode 15: Out with Dad (Feb. 10, 2000)
Frasier plans to introduce himself to a beautiful woman he has seen at the opera, but brings Martin along to the opera so as not to look lonely. The woman's mother takes a shine to Martin, and he pretends to be gay to deflect her advances. Frasier makes his overture, and Emily comes to his apartment for a nightcap, bringing along her uncle, Edward, as a date for Martin.

Episode 16: Something About Dr. Mary (Feb. 17, 2000)
When Roz takes a vacation, Frasier hires Mary, a producer fresh out of of training, to fill in for the week. Soon, Mary starts taking over Frasier's show, but Frasier is hesitant to say anything because she's black. Meanwhile, Niles shows off his new kick-boxing skills with disastrous results.

Episode 17: Whine Club (Feb. 24, 2000)
Frasier begins to think that Niles' new girlfriend may be slightly manipulative, a suspicion that is brought to the forefront when Niles suddenly announces he wants to run against Frasier to be the prestigious Corkmaster of their wine club.

Episode 18: Hot Pursuit (Mar. 23, 2000)
Frasier and Roz share a room at a broadcasting conference, which is notorious for being a meet market. However, both strikeout miserably and return to the room dejected. The combined effects of both their recent dating dry spells and their respective new looks (Frasier has beard stubble and Roz tries on a blonde wig) cause them to seek each other for companionship. Martin takes on a stakeout job at Donny's request, but Niles has his concerns.


[ Last edited by codebreaker at 6-5-2012 05:12 ]
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  • waterlilybarb Treasure +2 thanks - ready to post - i'll edit part 6-4-2012 16:46
  • waterlilybarb Points +5 thanks - ready to post - i'll edit part 6-4-2012 16:46


Season 7 part 2

Episode 19: Morning Becomes Entertainment (Apr. 6, 2000)
Frasier's show is pulled off the air for a week, supposedly to give a new talk show a try, but Frasier has figured out the real reason: leverage against him in his contract negotiations with the station. Thinking two can play that game, Bebe lines up a one-week guest spot on AM Seattle, a morning TV talk show, for him and Roz. When Roz shows up on Monday with a raging fever, Bebe steps in as his co-host. They're such a hit that the TV station wants them on a permanent basis, which fame-struck Bebe desperately wants while Frasier wrestles with decision. Meanwhile, Martin begrudgingly accepts that his vision is failing and agrees to get glasses, but embarrassingly chooses women's frames.

Episode 20: To Thine Old Self Be True (Apr. 27, 2000)
Frasier learns that comely neighbor Regan Shaw has recently become available again, but is shy about approaching her because his previous encounters with her resulted in him looking foolish. Meanwhile, Donnie is looking for someone to organize his bachelor party, but balks when Frasier offers, due to his stuffy perception. Out to prove he can be "just one of the guys", Frasier auditions a stripper for the event, only to become handcuffed to her. Unable to get them off, he desperately tries to hide his predicament from both Daphne, who is against a raunchy bachelor party, and Regan.

Episode 21: The Three Faces of Frasier (May 4, 2000)
Frasier is honored to have his caricature hung on the wall of his favorite Italian restaurant, but is less than pleased with the likeness.

Episode 22: Dark Side of the Moon (May 11, 2000)
In a session with her therapist, Daphne recalls (through flashbacks) a series of unfortunate events following the surprise shower that her fiancé, Donny, threw for her.

Episode 23: Something Borrowed, Someone Blue: Part 1 (May 18, 2000)
Part One of Two. Daphne's wedding is approaching and Niles becomes even more apprehensive when he and Mel decide to take a trip together. He feels it is too early in the relationship to go away with her but, after a therapy session with Frasier, decides to take the risk. While the two are away, Daphne finally tells Frasier that she may have feelings for Niles. Upon his return, much to the shock of the rest of the family, Niles announces that he and Mel eloped and are now husband and wife, leaving Daphne devastated.

Episode 24: Something Borrowed, Someone Blue: Part 2 (May 18, 2000)
Part Two of Two. It is the night before Daphne and Donny's wedding and her entire family, as well as Frasier, Martin, Roz and Niles have arrived at the Wayside Inn, where the wedding is to take place. As much as he tries, Niles realizes that he is nowhere near over Daphne at all and he decides to lay it all on the line and tell Daphne how he feels once and for all.

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Season 8 part 1

Episode 1: And the Dish Ran Away with the Spoon: Part 1 (Oct. 24, 2000)
After Niles and Daphne run out on her wedding, they return to do the honorable thing and face their jilted lovers. Donnie and Mel each seek some sort of revenge: Donnie sues Daphne, and then threatens to sue Frasier as well for his part in the affair; Mel promises Niles his divorce, but only after he agrees to put in some public appearances with her as newlyweds.

Episode 2: And the Dish Ran Away with the Spoon: Part 2 (Oct. 24, 2000)
The tension of Donnie's lawsuit and Mel's demand that Niles and Daphne not be seen in public together (which nixes their planned first date) erupts in a major fight among Frasier, Niles and Daphne. Frasier vows never again to meddle in their affairs, but comes up with a plan to help smooth things over.

Episode 3: The Bad Son (Oct. 31, 2000)
Frasier uses his father as a pawn in order to date the attractive owner of a home for senior citizens. Niles and Daphne plan a picnic during which to watch a meteor shower, but are accidentally separated at the crucial moment.

Episode 4: The Great Crane Robbery (Nov. 14, 2000)
Frasier adopts the role of cultural mentor to Todd Peterson, a Silicon Valley billionaire who's just become the station's new owner. Unfortunately, Peterson simply copies Frasier's tastes - and worse, gets all the credit. Meanwhile, Mel makes fresh demands upon Niles before agreeing to their divorce.

Episode 5: Taking Liberties (Nov. 21, 2000)
Frasier hires a butler to take over for Daphne's housekeeping duties, now that she is Niles' girlfriend. However, Mel continues to forbid them to be seen in public, and when she unexpectedly shows up at a party at Frasier's house and ruins Niles and Daphne's planned evening out, it proves to be the last straw.

Episode 6: Legal Tender Love and Care (Nov. 28, 2000)
Frasier hires an attractive lawyer, Abigail Michaels, to handle his lawsuit with Donnie, but he suddenly drops the lawsuit. To celebrate, the Cranes all take Abby out to dinner, where they happen to run into Donnie. He explains that he dropped the case because he has become engaged to a client of his, but Daphne fears that he might just be on the rebound, and checks in on him for his wedding ceremony. Meanwhile, Frasier's budding relationship with Abby is going great, except for the exorbitant legal bill she charged him for her minimal services.

Episode 7: The New Friend (Dec. 5, 2000)
Roz introduces Frasier to her new boyfriend, Luke, and the two men hit it off as well. When she catches Luke cheating on her, she dumps him. Frasier, however, hides his continuing friendship with him while supporting Roz during her heartbreak. Then when Roz gets back together with Luke, she hides that fact from Frasier as well.

Episode 8: Mary Christmas (Dec. 12, 2000)
Frasier butters up the local morning TV host to let him co-host the Seattle Christmas parade with her, but when she comes down with food poisoning (from his cooking, perhaps?), he learns that Dr. Mary will be his new partner.

Episode 9: Frasier's Edge (Jan. 9, 2001)
Frasier receives the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Seattle Broadcasting Awards. His mentor from Harvard, Professor William Tewksbury, sends him a congratulatory basket of flowers, with a note attached. Frasier over-analyzes the wording of the note and visits Tewksbury, who unearths that Frasier is experiencing deeper emotional problems. Meanwhile, Daphne is literally gaining weight by the minute, which is obvious to everyone but herself and Niles.

Episode 10: Cranes Unplugged (Jan. 16, 2001)
Frasier decides that three generations of Crane men head out to the woods for some family bonding, despite their protests.

Episode 11: Motor Skills (Jan. 30, 2001)
Frasier and Niles realize their helplessness when Frasier's car stalls, so they enroll in an auto repair night class. They quickly fall behind, and understand what it's like to be remedial students. They then take the part too far and degenerate into class clowns and become disruptive. Martin helps Roz pick out a new puppy, but after dog-sitting a few times, he starts to take over the puppy as his own.

Episode 12: The Show Must Go Off (Feb. 6, 2001)
Frasier and Niles try to reawaken the career of Jackson Hedley, an old actor they saw perform Hamlet when they were young. When they see him perform again, however, they realize that he is talentless and will humiliate himself.

Episode 13: Sliding Frasiers (Feb. 13, 2001)
Frasier is supposed to go to a speed-dating event and asks Roz if he should wear a suit or sweater, remarking that the slightest decision can have far-reaching effects. We are shown what would have happened in each circumstance: wearing the suit, he is knocked to the floor at Nervosa by a cute girl named Monica, and they hit it off, while Roz meets a handsome co-worker named Mike; wearing the sweater, Mike is the one knocked to the floor by Monica, and Frasier goes to the speed-dating event, which ends up a disaster.

Episode 14: Hungry Heart (Feb. 20, 2001)
Kenny arrives at Frasier's place in a panic after unwittingly making a date with a woman even though he's married. Frasier agrees to go and cancel the date, not knowing that Kenny's wife has already chased his date away and is waiting there in her place. Thinking she's a single woman, Frasier asks her out, and she says yes. Daphne's eating problem comes to a head when she starts hiding food throughout the house and Niles finally notices her weight gain.

Episode 15: Hooping Cranes (Feb. 27, 2001)
Frasier receives tickets to the Sonics game and goes with Martin and Niles (even though he and Niles actually had other plans). Niles is selected to attempt the halftime half-court shot, and miraculously makes it. He shamelessly drinks in the adoration of Martin and the rest of Seattle, much to Frasier's chagrin.

Episode 16: Docu.Drama (Mar. 6, 2001)
Roz gets the green light to put on a special radio show about outer space, and agrees to let Frasier narrate. However, the two fail to come to grips with their reversed roles (Roz calling the shots instead of Frasier) and he leaves the show. She replaces him with the astronaut John Glenn, and Frasier tries to use him to get his rejected ideas into the program.

Episode 17: It Takes Two to Tangle (Mar. 27, 2001)
Frasier and Niles throw a fancy party to try to convince Penelope, the trustee of a foundation, to donate money to the failing prep school they attended as children. Martin hits it off with her and they go on a date, but afterward he meets another woman named Estelle and decides to date her as well. He's confident in his juggling abilities, but isn't nearly as good as he thinks. The sons race to try to get the money before Martin drops the balls.

Episode 18: Forgotten But Not Gone (Apr. 17, 2001)
Frasier resigns from the wine club.

Episode 19: Daphne Returns (May 1, 2001)
Niles picks up Daphne from fat camp, and plans a weekend away where they'll sleep together for the first time. Daphne discusses with him her sessions with the camp's therapist, who diagnosed her overeating as a reaction to trying to live up to Niles' perfect image of her. He dismisses this theory obnoxiously, and Daphne throws him out. Frasier helps Niles see the light by revisiting key moments between them.


[ Last edited by codebreaker at 6-5-2012 05:14 ]
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  • waterlilybarb Treasure +2 thanks - ready to post - i'll edit part 6-4-2012 16:46
  • waterlilybarb Points +5 thanks - ready to post - i'll edit part 6-4-2012 16:46


Season 8 part 2

Episode 20: The Wizard and Roz (May 8, 2001)
Even after Daphne's premonition of Niles getting hurt comes true, he says he needs scientific proof before he will believe in her abilities. So they hire a psychic evaluator to put her skills to the test. Meanwhile, Roz has started dating Frasier's mentor, Dr. Tewksbury, but Frasier has a major hang-up with their relationship.

Episode 21: Semi-Decent Proposal (May 15, 2001)
Frasier meets Claire French, a friend of his previous girlfriend Lana Gardner. She is exactly what he is looking for in a woman, but he loses out to another suitor at Lana's birthday party. Lana agrees to try to hook him up with Claire, but it's gonna cost him.

Episode 22: A Passing Fancy (May 15, 2001)
Frasier's study sessions with Lana's son Kirby are not going well, which threatens his chances of ever seeing Claire again. He learns that Kirby isn't studying because he's still not over breaking up with his girlfriend just days before the senior prom. After Kirby shows interest in Roz during a Nervosa study session, Frasier promises to get Roz to be his prom date if he gets to studying.

Episode 23: A Day in May (May 22, 2001)
Frasier spends the day with Lana helping her sell a house. Niles spends the day with Daphne and Eddie in the dog park. Martin spends the day at a parole hearing for the man who shot him in the hip so many years ago.

Episode 24: Cranes Go Caribbean (May 22, 2001)
Frasier books a romantic weekend in Belize with Claire. On the drive to the airport, Lana suggests that he doesn't know how to be happy, but he completely disagrees with her. That sparks a series of events that utterly ruin his weekend, and he now wonders if maybe she is right.

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Season 9 part 1

Episode 1: Don Juan in Hell: Part 1 (Sep. 25, 2001)
Frasier is torn about whether Claire or Lana is right for him, and asks everybody under the sun about what he should do. He even gives counsel to a fan, who happens to be facing a similarly difficult decision, and makes his decision based on what the fan decides. Little does he know the ramifications this chance encounter will have.

Episode 2: Don Juan in Hell: Part 2 (Sep. 25, 2001)
Lana is less than happy when her ex, Bob (the man Frasier counseled in Part 1) returns. She throws him out and looks to Frasier for advice. He swallows his feelings and advises her to take him back, leaving Frasier alone again. He takes a trip to clear his head and figure out his problems with women, which go back much farther than he ever dreamed.

Episode 3: The First Temptation of Daphne (Oct. 2, 2001)
Daphne stumbles across a file of one of Niles' patients, who is in love with him via " transference". Niles refuses to talk about her, citing patient-therapist confidentiality. Daphne's paranoia sends her to extreme lengths to learn anything she can about her. Meanwhile, Frasier is taunted by a rather chirpy cricket.

Episode 4: The Return of Martin Crane (Oct. 9, 2001)
Martin goes back to work as a security guard, and reflects on his last day as a cop, when he was shot.

Episode 5: Love Stinks (Oct. 16, 2001)
Roz starts dating a garbage man, but has a hang-up with his profession. Frasier tries to change his co-workers' image of him as a snob by throwing a huge party for the entire station at his place.

Episode 6: Room Full of Heroes (Oct. 30, 2001)
Frasier throws a Halloween party where the guests come dressed as their personal heroes: Frasier of course is Sigmund Freud, Martin is Joe DiMaggio, Daphne is Elton John, and Roz comes as Wonder Woman. However, Niles' choice of Martin as his hero gets under Frasier's skin.

Episode 7: Bla-Z-Boy (Nov. 6, 2001)
It's been eight years since Martin moved in with Frasier, and the realization of that fact has irked Frasier. This sparks a series of spats between the two, which comes to a head when Martin accidentally ruins the carpet. Frasier's belief that "there is no such thing as an accident" leads him to accuse Martin of a sub-consciously malicious act. However, when Frasier unwittingly burns Martin's favorite chair, the shoe ends up on the other foot.

Episode 8: The Two Hundredth (Nov. 13, 2001)
Frasier has just completed his 2000th radio show, but discovers that one of the tapes of his collection of his broadcasts is missing. His quest to replace it borders on obsession, sending him spiraling into depression.

Episode 9: Sharing Kirby (Nov. 20, 2001)
Kirby stops by KACL looking for a job, but Frasier gives him the brush-off. Niles comes across a case of rare wine, and reneges on his standing agreement to split such finds with Frasier. As revenge, Frasier dupes Niles into taking on Kirby to rearrange his library. Niles learns that Kirby has access to a reclusive man's wine collection, and tries to weasel his way in. Once Frasier also learns about it, they one-up each other trying to buy Kirby's favor for the one and only invite to the cellar.

Episode 10: Junior Agent (Nov. 27, 2001)
Frasier's show has been losing the ratings to a hot new program, Dr. Zach, which has a heavy advertising budget. KACL refuses to match their exposure, so Frasier calls on Bebe to turn the screws. When she tries to turn him over to her assistant/junior agent Portia, he discovers that she's been representing Dr. Zach personally. Frasier severs ties with her agency, or so he thinks. Portia proves to be more forceful than her tiny stature would indicate. Martin runs out of cholesterol pills and asks Niles to write a quickie prescription, but he refuses on principle.

Episode 11: Bully for Martin (Dec. 11, 2001)
After Frasier witnesses Martin get chewed out by his boss, Frasier feels obligated to say something on his behalf. However, it only serves to make things worse.

Episode 12: Mother Load: Part 1 (Jan. 8, 2002)
Niles and Daphne decide to take the plunge and live together, but when Daphne's mother and brother Simon plan a visit, she postpones the move out of concern of what her mother might think. Meanwhile, Frasier's running feud with upstairs neighbor Cam Winston escalates to new heights.

Episode 13: Mother Load: Part 2 (Jan. 15, 2002)
Now that Daphne's father has left Mrs. Moon, she can't bear to return home, so she decides to stay with Niles, while Daphne and Simon are staying at Frasier's. Simon's boorish behavior is too much for Frasier, and he throws him out. With nowhere else to go, Simon abandons Mrs. Moon and goes to California. Daphne tires of her mother's incessant nitpicking and angrily asserts herself to her and announces her decision to live with Niles. Mrs. Moon threatens to return to England, but when she realizes that no one cares, she fakes an injury to get sympathy to stay. Meanwhile, after his attempt to get Cam's flag removed fails, Frasier cuts a deal with him to get his view back.

Episode 14: Juvenilia (Jan. 22, 2002)
Frasier agrees to be the guest on "Teen Scene", a radio show of high school interviewers, to try to draw much-needed younger listeners to his show. His meeting with one of the interviewers before the program seems innocent enough, but he has no idea of the ambush awaiting him.

Episode 15: The Proposal (Feb. 5, 2002)
Niles plans an elaborate night to pop the question to Daphne, including hiring Wolfgang Puck to prepare the dinner. However, when she arrives home sick as a dog, Frasier has to coordinate the great evacuation without her finding out.

Episode 16: Wheels of Fortune (Feb. 26, 2002)
Michael Keaton guest-stars as Blaine Sternin, Lilith's half-brother. Frasier loathes him, as over the years Blaine has come up with numerous schemes to bilk Frasier out of his hard-earned money. Blaine arrives at Frasier's house in a wheelchair, claiming that his accident has made him a changed man, a man of God. Frasier doesn't believe it for a second, but the others are outraged at his accusations and the lengths that he will go to prove Blaine to be nothing but a con man.

Episode 17: Three Blind Dates (Mar. 5, 2002)
It's been a few months since Frasier has been out on a date, so Niles & Daphne, Roz and Martin each take a shot at setting him up with someone. However, perhaps fate is the best matchmaker.

Episode 18: War of the Words (Mar. 12, 2002)
Frederick is in town for the National Spelling Bee Championship, and Niles is reminded of his days a competitor in the bee himself.

Episode 19: Deathtrap (Apr. 2, 2002)
While Frasier and Niles uncover a human skull under the floor of their childhood home and let their imagination get the better of them, Roz's daughter's hamster has died and she is uncertain how to break it to her.


[ Last edited by codebreaker at 6-5-2012 05:16 ]
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  • waterlilybarb Treasure +2 thanks - ready to post - i'll edit part 6-4-2012 16:47
  • waterlilybarb Points +5 thanks - ready to post - i'll edit part 6-4-2012 16:47


Season 9 part 2

Episode 20: The Love You Fake (Apr. 9, 2002)
Frasier and Cam Winston are still feuding. When Cam's mother Cora, a vet, treats Eddie, she and Martin forge a friendship that neither Frasier nor Cam can bear to stand. So the parents pretend to start dating to really get under their sons' skins. Niles agrees to ride on a Segway full-time as part of an experiment, and is quite annoying doing so.

Episode 21: Cheerful Goodbyes (Apr. 30, 2002)
Frasier returns to Boston to give a speech, and Niles, Daphne and Martin come along to see the city. He runs into Cliff Clavin in the airport, and learns that he is retiring and moving to Florida. They all attend his retirement party, and Frasier reunites with the rest of the gang from Cheers.

Episode 22: Frasier Has Spokane (May 7, 2002)
Frasier's show has branched out to Spokane, and he goes to the station in Spokane to meet the press. He learns that he is replacing Sully, a well-beloved 35-year staple of Spokane radio. He quickly finds out that Sully will be a tough act to follow, when first the press and then his callers refuse to warm up to him.

Episode 23: The Guilt Trippers (May 14, 2002)
It's Daphne's birthday, and Niles' gift to her is a romantic Hawaiian vacation. That reminds both Daphne's mother and Roz of the men they've recently lost. After the party, Frasier comforts Roz as a friend, but they wind up in bed together, for the first time after numerous close calls. When Roz runs off the next morning to Wisconsin for a family reunion that she previously had been dreading to attend, Frasier fears their friendship might be permanently damaged. He goes to Wisconsin after her to make sure they're still friends. Meanwhile, Niles decides to give his half of the vacation to Mrs. Moon, so that he can secretly fly to England to try to convince her husband to come back to her.

Episode 24: Moons Over Seattle (May 21, 2002)
Niles' persistence finally convinces Daphne's father to come to Seattle to reconcile with his wife. Daphne is disappointed that Niles didn't consult her first, but is on board with the plan. Ultimately, it just doesn't work out, and Mr. Moon plans to return home. Daphne is disillusioned at how they could be married for forty years, only for it to fall apart in a flash, and wonders if that might happen to her and Niles some day. Mr. Moon convinces her that Niles is the perfect man to spend the rest of her life with.

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Season 10

Episode 1: The Ring Cycle (Sep. 24, 2002)
Niles and Daphne elope in Reno. Realizing that their families will be hurt that they were not included, they stage a series of fake ceremonies.

Episode 2: Enemy at the Gate (Oct. 1, 2002)
A very bad-tempered Frasier takes out his frustration through an act of civil disobedience, refusing to pay a small parking fee and blocking the exit lane of the garage.

Episode 3: Proxy Prexy (Oct. 8, 2002)
After several failed runs for condo board president, Frasier nominates his more popular father as a figurehead. However, Martin becomes increasingly independent of Frasier's control.

Episode 4: Kissing Cousin (Oct. 15, 2002)
Roz's pushy and opinionated young cousin visits her in town, managing to alienate everybody except Kenny.

Episode 5: Tales from the Crypt (Oct. 29, 2002)
Two battles of pranks are touched off at Halloween: one between Frasier and Bulldog, and another between Gertrude and a neighbor's son.

Episode 6: Star Mitzvah (Nov. 5, 2002)
Frasier wants to impress everyone by giving his sons Barmitzvah blessing in Hebrew. He recruits his co-worker Noel to teach it to him, but in exchange Noel asks Frasier to get an autograph for him at a Star Trek convention. When Fraiser fails to do so, Noel teaches him the blessing in Klingon to get revenge.

Episode 7: Bristle While You Work (Nov. 12, 2002)
Frasier and Martin interview several candidates to replace Daphne as their housekeeper. Martin complains about Frasier's pushiness, accusing Frasier of not trusting him. Frasier gives in and hires Martin's choice, a sports fan named Trish Haney. When Trish turns out to be totally irresponsible, Martin secretly handles the apartment's cleaning duties himself, rather than face Frasier's I-told-you-so. Meanwhile, a series of one-in-a-million chance events happen to Niles, the last being diagnosed with a critical heart condition.

Episode 8: Rooms with a View (Nov. 19, 2002)
The Crane family keeps a tense vigil while Niles has open-heart surgery, each remembering various experiences they've had in hospitals.

Episode 9: Don't Go Breaking My Heart (Nov. 26, 2002)
After recovering from his heart surgery, Niles adopts a new zest for life, with a pomposity that drives everyone else up the wall.

Episode 10: We Two Kings (Dec. 10, 2002)
Frasier and Niles bicker over which of their two households should host Christmas dinner for the Crane family. When Martin is appointed the tie-breaker, each brother tries to bribe him.

Episode 11: Door Jam (Jan. 7, 2003)
Frasier and Niles become obsessed by a new day spa, first with gaining entry, then gaining access to the spa's exclusive areas.

Episode 12: The Harassed (Jan. 14, 2003)
The station hires financial analyst Julia Wilcox, an abrasive and sharp-tongued woman with no time for anyone. During a particularly vicious argument with her, Frasier becomes aroused and makes an advance, leading to a mandatory sexual harassment training session for the entire staff.

Episode 13: Lilith Needs a Favor (Feb. 4, 2003)
Lilith asks Frasier to donate his sperm so she can conceive another child; Niles treasures an erotic photograph which he thinks Daphne took for him.

Episode 14: Daphne Does Dinner (Feb. 11, 2003)
Daphne attempts to throw a dinner party, with a reclusive artist as the guest of honor, but fails to escape the Crane family curse which always shows up at such events.

Episode 15: Trophy Girlfriend (Feb. 18, 2003)
After winning a squash tournament partnered with gym teacher Chelsea, Frasier starts dating her. Seeing her on the job one day, however, brings back nightmares of an abusive coach from his childhood.

Episode 16: Fraternal Schwinns (Feb. 25, 2003)
Frasier and Niles must learn to ride bicycles for the first time in their lives, to participate in the KACL Bike-a-thon.

Episode 17: Kenny on the Couch (Mar. 4, 2003)
Now that Kenny's divorce is final, the realization that his wife is never coming back hits him hard. Frasier suggests he see a psychiatrist, and Kenny asks him to be his "shrink". Frasier reluctantly agrees, but then is energized by the thrill of deeply analyzing a patient again. Kenny, on the other hand, doesn't care for the long sessions. After going out for a drink with Martin, he realizes that he just wants to have some fun and ends his sessions with Frasier, much to his disappointment.

Episode 18: Roe to Perdition (Mar. 18, 2003)
Frasier and Niles acquire an inside source of top-quality caviar, and become " dealers" to the rest of Seattle's elite, dramatically improving their status. Martin wrestles with a bank's bureaucratic procedures, trying to return a trivial overpayment on his account.

Episode 19: Some Assembly Required (Apr. 1, 2003)
After the KACL staff participate in a low-income house-building project, Frasier becomes a nuisance to the family, offering incessant advice for its decor. Martin and Eddie score a success with a safety assembly at an elementary school, but Niles must fill in at the next one when Martin gets sick.

Episode 20: Farewell, Nervosa (Apr. 22, 2003)
Cafe Nervosa isn't the same after it hires a guitarist named Ben to play ambient music, sending Frasier and Niles on a search for a new coffee bar.

Episode 21: The Devil & Dr. Phil (Apr. 29, 2003)
Bebe lures Frasier into dark pathways after revealing that she is also agent to Dr. Phil McGraw.

Episode 22: Fathers and Sons (May 6, 2003)
Leland Barton, Hester Crane's old research assistant, visits Seattle. He is so alike in personality to Frasier and Niles that Martin starts to wonder who is the boys' real father.

Episode 23: Analyzed Kiss (May 13, 2003)
Julia breaks off her affair with Avery, Frasier's accountant. She breaks into his office to steal back some of her work. Frasier follows her, and as he constantly urges her to do the right thing, she succumbs to a sudden attraction and kisses him. Roz is offered a plum position at another radio station. Niles develops a passion for target shooting.

Episode 24: A New Position for Roz (May 20, 2003)
Unsettled by Frasier's burgeoning relationship with Julia, Roz reverses her decision to leave KACL, but issues an ultimatum to Frasier: dump Julia, or they are no longer friends. Frasier refuses, and Roz takes the new job after all. Niles and Daphne decide it is time to try and conceive, and work up the nerve to order Gertrude out of the house.



[ Last edited by codebreaker at 6-5-2012 05:18 ]
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Season 11 part 1

Episode 1: No Sex Please, We're Skittish (Sep. 23, 2003)
Roz is unsatisfied with her new job, and comes back to KACL, acting as though nothing has changed. Frasier believes her attachment is based on deep attraction to him stemming from their one-night stand. Roz disabuses him of this notion, and they go back to being friends. Recalling that he once donated sperm, Niles returns to the bank to see whether it was ever used, and is told that he suffers from low motility. He tries a variety of weird medical remedies.

Episode 2: A Man, a Plan and a Gal: Julia (Sep. 23, 2003)
After breaking up with Julia, Frasier lapses into his usual self-pitying funk. Niles reminds him that he has a fear of commitment that leads him to sabotage all his relationships with women. Frasier typically overdoes things, committing to commitment with Julia, even during an evening with his family when she rubs everyone the wrong way, and steps on Niles and Daphne's surprise announcement that she is pregnant.

Episode 3: The Doctor Is Out (Sep. 30, 2003)
Suspecting that Roz's new boyfriend is secretly gay, Frasier follows him and inadvertently winds up in a gay bar. Before long, the rest of Seattle considers him " outed." The news actually improves his friendship with Alistair Burke, the director of the Seattle Opera. Drunk with status, Frasier tries to ignore the obvious implications.

Episode 4: The Babysitter (Oct. 7, 2003)
Frasier decides to resume private practice. While shopping for a suitable couch, he and Niles catch sight of Ronee Lawrence, their old babysitter. Frasier invites her for a drink, but it quickly becomes apparent that she is interested in Martin.

Episode 5: The Placeholder (Oct. 14, 2003)
Roz sets Frasier up with her friend, Ann, advising Frasier that he should keep his dating skills in shape, even if it means going out with someone he's not interested in. Frasier agrees, but their first date is a night in Hell, made worse by the fact that Kenny is dining in the same restaurant with his attractive and eminently suitable cousin. Niles and Daphne have a fastidious cleaning lady whom Niles adores, but Daphne believes is stealing.

Episode 6: I'm Listening (Oct. 28, 2003)
Frasier inadvertently eavesdrops on Ronee making a date with another man. Martin takes the news badly, accusing him of spying and inventing a fictitious girlfriend to spark Ronee's jealousy. Niles tries win the attention of a reclusive nursery painter.

Episode 7: Maris Returns (Nov. 4, 2003)
Maris meets with Niles, seeking protection from her violent new boyfriend. Because of Daphne's mood swings, Niles tries to keep his meeting secret, which fails when the boyfriend shows up at a fake baby shower and punches Frasier. Frasier's first day back in private practice goes less smoothly than he hoped.

Episode 8: Murder Most Maris (Nov. 11, 2003)
Maris is arrested for the murder of her boyfriend. The press goes wild when they find out that Niles inadvertently loaned her the crossbow that was used as the murder weapon. Niles slowly goes to pieces under the unrelenting media scrutiny and Daphne's anger.

Episode 9: Guns 'N Neuroses (Nov. 18, 2003)
Lilith is in town for a psychiatric conference, and Frasier reluctantly assumes his obligation to meet with her. Before he does so, an interested colleague of Lilith's sets him up on a blind date with her, not knowing who he really is. Martin's pistol accidentally discharges inside the apartment, creating a trail of destruction that he, Daphne and Niles try to hide from Frasier.

Episode 10: Sea Bee Jeebies (Dec. 2, 2003)
For once, Niles is the famous one, as media attention to Maris's case makes him and Daphne the center of Seattle's attention. Frasier is left to contemplate his falling ratings and his dating woes. In a funk, he agrees to emcee the SeaBea Awards and give an interview to a newspaper reporter, neither of which goes well. Roz seethes during a visit from her " perfect" sister, Denise.

Episode 11: High Holidays (Dec. 9, 2003)
Frederick visits Frasier in Seattle, and the family is shocked to see him going through a " Goth" phase. The family talks about the rebellious phase of a child's life, and Niles is stung to hear Martin say that he was always one of the good kids. He decides to rebel by consuming a pot brownie supplied by Roz, but hijinks ensue when Martin eats it.

Episode 12: Frasier-Lite (Jan. 6, 2004)
A KACL team competes in a weight-loss marathon with another radio station for a trip to Las Vegas. Niles and Martin nurse an ailing pigeon back to health.

Episode 13: The Ann Who Came to Dinner (Jan. 13, 2004)
Ann Hodges grudgingly agrees to assess Frasier's apartment for a home insurance quote; when she falls and breaks her leg, he decides to take her in and buddy her up, afraid she will sue. Maris is released from jail but kept under house arrest; she draws Niles, Martin, and Daphne into an elaborate scheme to escape the country.

Episode 14: Freudian Sleep (Feb. 3, 2004)
Martin and Ronee's romantic getaway to the country is spoiled when first Frasier, and then Niles and Daphne mistakenly believe they have been invited along. At the cabin, each of them has a nightmare based on their hidden fears: Frasier dreams that he has killed Niles and married Daphne; Niles that he is unable to handle a baby; and Daphne that Niles is cheating on her while she gains weight uncontrollably. Only Martin has a peaceful dream, seeing himself and Ronee at the center of a music hall routine.

Episode 15: Caught in the Act (Feb. 24, 2004)
Frasier's libido fights a losing battle with his conscience when his (married) ex-wife, children's entertainer Nanny G, comes to town and invites him backstage for a rendezvous.

Episode 16: Boo! (Mar. 2, 2004)
Frasier accidentally gives Martin a mild heart attack by scaring him dressed as a clown, holding a knife.

Episode 17: Coots and Ladders (Mar. 16, 2004)
Through a series of unnecessarily detailed flashbacks, Frasier confesses to Niles that, bored with his job and jealous of his family's happiness, he has stolen a small trinket from an elderly neighbor's apartment. He and Niles crash her surprise birthday party to try and return it in secret.

Episode 18: Match Game (Mar. 30, 2004)
Exiting the elevator on the wrong floor of his office building, Frasier runs into Charlotte, a matchmaker looking eagerly for new clients. Frasier declines her help, but changes his mind after a disastrous encounter with an ex-girlfriend. His confidence does not improve when Charlotte sends him on a series of dates from hell. An impressionable Niles and Daphne follow the advice of another couple from their Lamaze class, and hire a midwife who insists on a drug-free birth.

Episode 19: Miss Right Now (Apr. 6, 2004)
Frasier is taken with Charlotte, but she already has a boyfriend, a ruggedly handsome man named Frank. To try and get his mind off her, Roz takes him to a singles bar, where he meets a sexy and eager young woman named Kim. Martin tries to make a good impression on Ronee's very conservative mother.


[ Last edited by codebreaker at 6-5-2012 05:19 ]
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  • waterlilybarb Treasure +2 thanks - ready to post - i'll edit part 6-4-2012 16:48
  • waterlilybarb Points +5 thanks - ready to post - i'll edit part 6-4-2012 16:48


Season 11 part 2

Episode 20: And Frasier Makes Three (Apr. 20, 2004)
Frasier plans elaborate dates to try to win Charlotte away from her boyfriend, but ends up being a third wheel when Frank continually shows up, who is oblivious of his intentions.

Episode 21: Detour (Apr. 27, 2004)
Charlotte has to go to a conference and Frasier offers to drive her to the train station. However, they miss the train (numerous times at numerous stations) and end up stranded in the middle of nowhere. They take shelter at the home of an eccentric family, who believe they are married, which causes them to re-assess their relationship. Daphne, Martin and Niles schedule interviews for a nanny, a new physical therapist, and a stripper for Martin's bachelor party, but they confuse which candidate is for which position.

Episode 22: Crock Tales (May 4, 2004)
Frasier re-breaks an old earthenware crock that has been in his condo since day one, and reminisces about some events through the years that included it.

Episode 23: Goodnight, Seattle: Part 1 (May 13, 2004)
Frasier and Charlotte have one last dinner together before she leaves Seattle for Chicago. Ronnie informs Martin that they booked the wrong date for their wedding, in eight days' time. Frasier and Niles decide that they'll put it all together in time. However, in typical Crane fashion, it's one disaster after another, not the least of which is Eddie eating the rings.

Episode 24: Goodnight, Seattle: Part 2 (May 13, 2004)
Niles and Daphne take Eddie to the vet to retrieve the rings, but while they're there, Daphne goes into labor. Martin, Ronnie and Frasier meet them in the vet's office, and Frasier marries Ronnie and Martin right there. Back at home, Frasier decides to take the San Francisco job that Bebe had lined up for him, and with Kenny leaving KACL to go back to being a disc jockey, Roz becomes the new station manager. With everyone beginning new chapters in their lives, Frasier finishes recapping his whirlwind three weeks with the lovely woman seated next to him on the plane, just as it touches Chicago.

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I can do the following episode guides

The Secret Life of the American Teenager Season 4 done
Bob's Burgers Season 2 done
Mad Men Season 5 done

[ Last edited by codebreaker at 6-9-2012 19:58 ]


Season 8 Episode Guide

Episode 1: The List
In the Season 8 opener, the staffers discover their names on a mysterious list authored by new Sabre CEO Robert California (James Spader). Paranoia sweeps through the office as the employees anxiously speculate what the list means.

Episode 2: The Incentive
The staffers are motivated to sell when Robert delivers an exhilarating speech challenging them to double their sales and offers them an off-the-charts reward. Meanwhile, Pam bonds with an unlikely person over her pregnancy.

Episode 3: Lotto
The warehouse employees all win the lottery and quit, causing the desk jockeys to dream about living the luxury life of a lottery winner and spinning into motion the search for a new warehouse staff.

Episode 4: Garden Party
Andy plants the seeds of trying to impress Robert California by throwing a garden party at Schrute Farms. Andy's parents (Stephen Collins and Dee Wallace) and brother (Josh Groban) also attend the event, only to make him feel awkward.

Episode 5: Spooked
Halloween is tricky for Erin when she tries to organize the Halloween office bash but can't seem to meet her bosses' party demands. The scare fare continues when Jim and Pam argue about the authenticity of ghosts, and Dwight connects with Robert's son.

Episode 6: Doomsday
Halloween is tricky for Erin when she tries to organize the Halloween office bash but can't seem to meet her bosses' party demands. The scare fare continues when Jim and Pam argue about the authenticity of ghosts, and Dwight connects with Robert's son.

Episode 7: Pam's Replacement
Dwight launches a draconian "doomsday" system to reduce employee mistakes and improve office efficiency.

Episode 8: Gettysburg
Andy hopes to inspire and motivate the group by taking them on a field trip to Gettysburg. Some staffers remain at the office, and Robert California tasks them to hatch the company's next big idea.

Episode 9: Mrs. California
Robert California ushers his wife (Maura Tierney) into the office in a bid to find her a job. Elsewhere, Dwight pumps up the proceedings by opening a gym in the building.

Episode 10: Christmas Wishes
Andy jingles all the way by trying to grant everyone's holiday wishes. Meanwhile, drama spills over at the office party when Robert California tries to drown his sorrows.

Episode 11: Trivia
Oscar enters a trivia contest and Andy tries to get the whole office gang involved. Elsewhere, Dwight journeys to Sabre headquarters in a quest to land a different job.

Episode 12: Pool Party
Robert considers selling his expansive and expensive home in the wake of his divorce. Meanwhile, Kevin puts forward the idea that Robert should throw an office pool party; and Erin flirts with Dwight in a bid to make Andy jealous.

Episode 13: Jury Duty
Jim returns from jury duty, only to have to deal with Dwight's pesky questions about the details of the case. Elsewhere, Angela and her senator beau welcome their baby.

Episode 14: Special Project
Dwight scores a special assignment at Sabre's Florida headquarters. As a result, he and Andy must decide which Scranton staffers will join him. Elsewhere, Pam returns from maternity leave.

Episode 15: Tallahassee
Dwight arrives in Tallahassee with his team and sets out to win over Sabre's special-projects bigwig. Back in Scranton, some desk jockeys push for raises, but Andy avoids his managerial duty to address the issue.

Episode 16: After Hours
A power play unfolds in Tallahassee when Dwight and Todd Packer compete to become Nellie's vice president. Meanwhile, Jim receives an unwanted visitor; and Andy forces the Scranton staffers to work late.

Episode 17: Test The Store
The Florida contingent puts the final touches on the new Sabre store, with Dwight preparing a theatrical presentation in his continuing bid to impress Nellie. Back in Scranton, a red-faced Andy arrives at work with a humiliating injury.

Episode 18: Last Day In Florida
When Robert California discloses that he despises Nellie's business plan, Jim sets out to save Dwight's job. Meanwhile, Andy discovers that Erin has decided not to return to Scranton.

Episode 19: Get The Girl
Andy makes a game-changing decision and takes a road-trip odyssey in the name of romance. Elsewhere, Nellie arrives at the Scranton branch and sets out to seize the manager position.

Episode 20: Welcome Party
Robert presses the staffers to throw a welcome party for Nellie, but the party planners try to sabotage the bash. Meanwhile, Andy and Erin rehearse how Andy will break up with Jessica.

Episode 21: Angry Andy
Andy returns from his long and winding romantic journey, only to have his manhood threatened. As the staffers give him unsolicited romantic advice, he battles Nellie for the manager's position. Meanwhile, Kelly struggles to choose between two men.

Episode 22: Fundraiser
Andy attends a local fund-raiser for Sen. Lipton and ultimately adopts 12 disabled dogs. Elsewhere, Dwight learns a truism about auctions, and Darryl tutors Nellie in the fine art of eating a taco.

Episode 23: Turf War
Andy gears up for his comeback at Dunder Mifflin. Meanwhile, a boozy Robert California closes a nearby branch, creating a turf war when Jim and Dwight are pitted against another salesman.

Episode 24: Free Family Portrait Studio
Dwight offers free family portraits for the staffers. Elsewhere, a pilfered diaper results in a high-speed car chase; Andy poses as a janitor and stages a covert coup; and Robert considers taking on a new business endeavor.

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Season 4 Guide

1. When One Door Opens
Adrian becomes despondent and refuses to leave her home. Meanwhile, Amy decides to move.

2. Another One Closes
Ben is having a hard time settling into marriage, while Ricky and Amy grow even closer.

3. When Opportunity Knocks
Amy and Ricky must face their parents who are not completely supportive of their decision to live together and not so sure this fairy-tale love can last forever. Ben is torn between feelings of obligation and happiness, but decides to face Adrian and tell her the truth about wanting out of their marriage, and Adrian falls back on her past patterns of behavior to keep him invested in the relationship. Meanwhile, Grace has returned from Africa to find herself in a love triangle, with boyfriend Grant at home and new love interest Daniel in town - but having Jack living in her house adds a whole other layer of confusion.

4. One Foot out the Door
Amy becomes increasingly upset when Ricky insists John is not sick. Despite his feelings, Ricky agrees to take John to the hospital, where he makes the mistake of calling Amy his wife. As her emotions lean toward excitement, Ricky becomes withdrawn, causing their fight to escalate. With their arguing starting to affect their son, the two must re-examine if living together is the right thing to do. Meanwhile, Ben continues to look for a way out of his marriage, and Adrian may have just given him one. In a test to see if Ben still loves her, Adrian tells him she wants to go to cosmetology school in New York. Ben tells her to go, leaving Adrian to think of taking desperate measures to keep the marriage intact.

5. Hole In The Wall
Adrian decides to give away everything in the nursery without telling Ben which makes him really angry and he finally got the courage to tell Adrian he wants out. Meanwhile Amy and Ricky are fighting over a sofa bed.

6. Don't Go In There!
Ricky's hopes of attending a local college in order to stay close to home with Amy and John are shattered when the admissions counselor turns out to be a former flame - who gives him quite the unexpected ultimatum. Meanwhile, Adrian has decided to return to school, unbeknownst to Ben, who has moved out. As the stares and whispers surround her, Adrian stays strong until she confronts Ben with an emotional breakdown that could turn her secret plan into a successful one. And Grace gets upset with Jack when his dad reveals to her mom that her boyfriend is in college.

7. Cute
George takes the dog in and speaks to Anne. He says that he wants to take care of Robbie instead of taking him to day care. She feels weird that they are having such a great time together.

8. Dancing With The Stars
Jack scrambles to find a date for the senior dance, and Amy tries to convince Ricky to take her.

9. Flip Flop
Adrian changes her mind about Ben and sets her sites on someone else.

10. 4-1-1
A voicemail message causes tension for Amy and Ricky. Elsewhere, Grace plays matchmaker for Adrian by introducing her to a pal of Daniel's.

11. The Games We Play
Amy hopes that Ricky will ask her to marry him, but Ricky has his own plans.

12. Pomp
Jack tries to reconnect with Grace while working on a project for school. Elsewhere, George notices that Anne and Nora have been bonding.

13. And Circumstance
Grace helps Jack with his graduation speech; Ben and Adrian go out to celebrate; Ricky's graduation speech features a surprise for Amy.

14. Smokin' Like A Virgin
Amy reveals to Ricky and her family that she wants a long engagement and is not quite ready to get married yet. Amy also contemplates summer school, while Ashley surprises her family by returning home. Ben is interested in Dylan, the new girl he met at the graduation party, but her parents want her to be cautious while Leo encourages Ben to ask her out. But, it turns out that Ben should be the cautious one as it turns out that Dylan and her friends Raven, Mercedes and Wendy might be trouble. And, Adrian and Grace decide to put their boy trouble aside, move in together and attend summer school to support each other over the break.

15. Defiance
Amy's summer plans prioritize going to school over getting a job. Meanwhile, Ben's and Dylan's parents won't allow them to be together; Grace worries that she's disappointing her mom; and Ben remains hurt by Henry's disloyalty.

16. They Gotta Eat
George invites Amy to dinner, and Lauren and Madison are tricked into attending by their well meaning fathers, who are determined to mend the girls' friendship without knowing what caused the rift. Leo invites Dylan and her parents over to discuss Ben and ends up clearing the air as to what really happened with the pot. Ricky has dinner with Nora, further strengthening their relationship. And Grace, missing her mother while she's away, decides to come clean about her summer plans and ends up learning a shocking secret.

17. They Gotta Eat
Amy is increasingly short with everyone in her life, including Ricky, leaving him wondering what is going on with her, but he is not prepared when she reveals that she might be pregnant again. Ben, determined to get permission from Dylan's parents to see her, makes another attempt to win them over, but it doesn't turn out quite like he hoped when he ends up sharing too much information about his family. Grace is unsure how to react to her mother's shocking news about the secret her father kept from everyone and turns to Jack for support. And, Anne's evening with Nora raises questions for George.

18. The Beach Is Back
Dylan and her pals surprise Ben at school, while Grace doesn't want Jacob attending school with her. Elsewhere, Kathleen tries to understand her late husband's secrets; and an overburdened Amy acts ornery at home with Ricky.

19. The Splits
Ben and Dylan go on their first real date together. Elsewhere, Tom runs into problems with police.

20. Strange Familiar
A desperate Kathleen resorts to bribery to get Grace to talk to Jacob. Elsewhere, Dylan attempts to befriend Adrian.

21. Allies
Amy learns she's doing poorly in summer school, so her dad tutors her and provides her with some life advice.

22. The Text Best Thing
Amy announces a wedding date, and the news travels quickly. Meanwhile, a rumor concerning Anne surfaces.

23. 4snp
Amy's mistaken about why she's the focus of gossip, and Grace grows jealous of her. Elsewhere, Ashley and her mom return from traveling abroad; and Ben asks his father to let him enroll in Dylan's school.

24. Love Is Love
In the fourth-season finale, Anne reveals some news to her loved ones. Meanwhile, Ben considers transferring to Dylan's school.

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Season 2

Episode 1: The Belchies (Mar/11/2012)
The kids hunt for treasure in an abandoned taffy factory and Bob and Linda must find them before the factory’s scheduled demolition

Episode 2: Bob Day Afternoon (Mar/18/2012)
A bank robber (guest star Hader) holds up a bank across the street from Bob's Burgers.
When the robbery goes awry, Bob finds himself at the center of a hostage crisis

Episode 3: Synchronized Swimming (Mar/25/2012)
The kids con their way out of gym class with a bogus synchronized swimming independent study. Meanwhile, Bob welcomes a new soft serve ice cream machine to the restaurant

Episode 4: Burgerboss (Apr/01/2012)
Bob becomes obsessed with an old-school burger-flipping video game after Jimmy Pesto gets the high score and writes " BOB SUX" on the leader board.

Episode 5: Food Truckin’ (Apr/15/2012)
Bob’s family persuades him to buy a food truck and compete with the ones stealing his customers right outside the restaurant. When the Belchers bring their food truck to the “ Lolla-Pa-Foods-A-Festival,” the Belcher kids’ mischief causes the foodies and other truck owners to riot against them

Episode 6: Dr. Yap (Apr/29/2012)
Linda’s sister Gayle joins the family ski trip. But before she does so, she picks up a heavily medicated Bob from Dr. Yap, the family dentist. When Bob mistakes Gayle for Linda and kisses her, Gayle falls for Bob. So Bob turns to Dr. Yap for help.

Episode 7: Moody Foodie (May/06/2012)
Bob obsesses after a bad review in the ' Moody Foodie'.

Episode 8: Bad Tina (May/13/2012)
Tina starts to hang out with a bad girl in order to get closer to Jimmy Junior.

Episode 9: Beefsquatch (May/20/2012)
Bob appears in a cooking segment on a local news morning program, but Gene steals the show when he crashes the set with a sasquatch mask.

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Reply 3128#3128 waterlilybarb's post

I just noticed when you were moving the others that The Secret Life of the American Teenager Season 3 is incomplete


Season 5 Episode Guide

Episode 1: A Little Kiss (1)
Don is greeted with a surprise in the Season 5 opener. Meanwhile, Roger and Pete clash; and Joan has a run-in with a houseguest.

Episode 2: A Little Kiss (2)
Don is greeted with a surprise in the Season 5 opener. Meanwhile, Roger and Pete clash; and Joan has a run-in with a houseguest.

Episode 3: Tea Leaves
Peggy receives new responsibilities as the firm makes a concentrated push to increase business. Later, Don and Harry go the extra mile for a big client.

Episode 4: Mystery Date
Don has an encounter with someone from the past; Joan comes to a momentous decision. Meanwhile, Roger increases Peggy's workload.

Episode 5: Signal 30
Lane makes an interesting friend; Pete plays host to an assortment of guests.

Episode 6: Far Away Places
Peggy has a tough time during a particularly formidable pitch; Don calls on a potential client.

Episode 7: At the Codfish Ball
Don, Roger and Pete team up to rustle up some new clients; Sally lends a hand to a relative.

Episode 8: Lady Lazarus
Peggy reluctantly harbors a secret; Pete steps up for a friend; Don gets a surprise.

Episode 9: Dark Shadows
Don's competitive nature comes to the fore; Roger pursues some new clients; Sally is met with a challenge.

Episode 10: Christmas Waltz
Christmas proves rewarding to many at the agency; Harry does a good turn for a friend.

Episode 11: The Other Woman
Don deals with a challenging pitch, while Peggy ponders taking a trip.

Episode 12: Commissions and Fees
Don receives an intriguing lead and follows up on it.

Episode 13: The Phantom
Season 5 concludes with opportunities abounding for everyone at the agency, while Pete encounters an interesting stranger on a train.

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