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Sons Of Anarchy Season 1-7 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

6x09 John 8.32

Eli letting the SOA's know about the new police tail was nice and Jax's having ten days to pull the deal together or his life is going to be hell is going to be tough and looks like Tara plan is starting to fall apart


6x10 Huang Wu

Jax having Tara watched while he cools off was rather impressive but the way she lost the tail was amusing but Tara catching him in bed with prostitute could of ended so much worse considering she had a gun


Reply 26#26 bala's post

Of cause she has the right to be angry after what she's been through because of him, she's been kidnapped almost lost the use of her hand and to be honest I'm surprised she hasn't had a shot at him


6x11 Aon Rud Persanta

Jax's sending the cops on a wild goose chase is bound to come back on him in the near future but killing Clay after killing the Irish was a surprise especially as Gemma was watching


Reply 31#31 bala's post

Jax's was taking a hell of a risk pitting the gangs against each other with a lot of killings along the way and Juice was lucky Gemma knew what to do, the way Tara lured Gemma away from the kids was impressive but the motel room instead of protection was crazy


6x13 A Mother’s Work

I know Jak's is on a killing spree but killing the bird on the road was over the top and pointless and Tara made it to easy for Jak's to find her but Gemma killing her after the deal with Jak's was a tragic waste of life

[ Last edited by codebreaker at 9-11-2014 21:21 ]


Sons of Anarchy Season 7 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

Season 7 Premieres September 09, 2014

Discuss Anything About Season 7 Here


Special Look Final Season

Nice insight from the writers and actors


7x01 Black Widower

Gemma did a good job in pretending to be the caring mother but letting someone else pay for her crime was predictable and what a way to find out who was driving the car, Wayne sticking his nose in where he shouldn't was asking for trouble but will Juice pull the trigger


Reply 5#5 bala's post

The van chase at the end of the gun fight was great but almost falling off the back of the pick-up was amusing and Wayne was luck Juice has a heart but I wouldn't trust Gemma not to kill him


7x03 Playing with Monsters

Gemma getting in-between one of the girls and her father was asking for trouble but Nero laying into him was great and trust Jax's to finish it, the rate Jax's and the others are killing there will be no one left


7x04 Poor Little Lambs

I loved the line "grandma is kind of crazy" after dropping the kid off at school and confronted the horn hogger behind but the hit at the lake house turning to a rescue was surprising but the massacre at the club after the cop killing was tragic


7x05 Some Strange Eruption

Jax's was bound to want payback for that massacrer at the club and trying to keep Juice safe is becoming more of trouble than it's worth but the fact Gemma blamed the Chinese for killing Tara all the deaths are her fault


7x06 Smoke 'em if You Got 'em

Chibs thanking Althea for the heads up but not the sex was amusing and with Juice back with the son's Gemma should start to worry


7x07 Greensleeves

Gemma thinking her trip to the cabin might be her last was understandable but taking care of Greensleeves after blackmailing the preachers wife was nice and Abel overhearing his grandmothers confession should be interesting after him with the hammer


7x08 The Separation of Crows

Jax's seems to be taking two steps back with every step forward and the fact it's all gone pair shaped after his mother killed Tara she has a lot to answer for, the police was a little slow figuring out what Juice was up too


7x09 What A Piece Of Work Is Man

The bodies are really staking up with Bobby being murdered and with the police knowing the guy Gemma identified has an alibi time is running out for her, I hope Althea's car had the dashboard camera turned off with her making out with Chibs on the hood


7x10 Faith and Despondency

Starting the episode with everyone making out one way or another was amusing as it covered pretty near everything including a vibrator, Abel blaming his grandmother for the scratches on his arm was impressive for his age but you could tell they were fresh wounds and will Jax believe him about Gemma,  the justice for Bobby was great


7x11 Suits of Woe

I'm glad Juice told Jax the truth before putting Able through any more questioning and Jax almost getting run over escaping from the police was too convenient and the fact it was a powerful sports car was ridiculous


7x12 Red Rose

You would of thought Jax would of gone straight away after Wendy told him where his mother was and you have to feel for Nero after finding out the truth about Gemma, Juice making it easy for them to kill him was a little sad but you knew he wasn't getting out alive and shooting Wayne before killing his mother was tragic

