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Hollywood Heights (Nick) General Discussion (Spoilers)

Reply 159#159 bala's post

I'm behind on everything but if you leave one show that's not here to long the links might be dead


Reply 161#161 bala's post

For some reason I have only found one reliable source for this show which makes it harder with some of them being tagged


1x61 The Mystery Texter

Loren's dad being the mystery texter stared to become obvious and what was the point in Chloe telling Tyler about the sleeping pills


1x62 Loren Talks Business

Tyler recording the conversation with Chloe was sneaky and for once Phil did the right thing in protecting Don but the Ellie situation is getting frustrating and I think Eddie is right about Loren's style as that's what got her noticed and writing her own songs makes her more special


1x63 The Text Spoof

Phil standing up to Don was impressive but I'm not surprised he's angry after the way he found out Adriana was pregnant, Lily slipped up with the meeting with Eddie but Chloe getting the wrong idea was amusing


1x64 Eddie Demands Answers

Eddie demanding answers after snatching Chloe's phone was interesting but you just knew she would lie through her teeth and you can understand why Loren and Melissa thought Adriana was responsible for the text and that has to be the best cliffhanger so far, is the witch dead


1x65 Missing

I'm not surprised Loren and Max are worried when Eddie goes missing especially after finding Chloe below the balcony and if she don't survive they will think Eddie is responsible, Eddie giving the fan his autograph will under that stress was nice but another cliffhanger with Eddie this time


1x66 Bad News Travels Fast

I'm assuming the so called fan stole the car from the petrol station because if that was Eddie's body in the car it would be unthinkable


1x67 Max Looks For Answers

Phil declining some easy money from Ray was impressive but with Adriana on his back I can see him doing the job and Jake seeking comfort from Kelly while drunk I seen coming


1x68 Seeing A Ghost

With Chloe still in a coma and no confirmation about the body in Eddie's car it's wasn't looking good especially with Loren seeing ghost's but seeing him at the end was nice and Loren's classmates seek details about Eddie was bound to happen when she went to school


1x69 Waking Up

I'm not surprised Loren run into problems in the recording studio but hearing the tremble in her voice made it more authentic, Chloe coming out of her coma was great but lets hope she remembers every thing that happened not just the argument with Eddie and what Don has planned for Ellie and the surgery is going to be interesting


1x70 A Strange Call

Tyler doing his best to poison Chloe's mind is sickening and the couple helping Eddie are strange but it does look like they have his best interest at heart with the police thinking he pushed Chloe and the guy who attacked Eddie dying in his car was karma


1x71 Max and Nora Go to Ojai

Tyler convincing Chloe that Eddie pushed her might be a blessing in disguise with Eddie being at the petrol station he couldn't of pushed her and got to the the station at that time which would have them purging themselves, Nora walking into Don's trap for Ellie would be horrendous


1x72 Loren And Kelly Clash

Don dying by the trap he set to kill Ellie ironic especially with Ellie knocking him out with the gas leak but I hope she gets caught for his murder and the blackmail and Melissa's job offer I thing is just to get the unseen video footage of Eddie


1x73 A Message for Loren

I think Ellie went to Nora's for an alibi but knowing her she will get away with knocking him out and I hope Max can prove Chloe and Tyler were responsible for his wife death because they have got away with it for far to long which would be ironic after Tyler opened the can of worms, If Adriana loosing her father wasn't bad enough but to have Phil framed for the arson along with being pregnant is unbelievable


1x74 Escape

I'm glad Loren asked Max about using Eddie's place rather than Kelly take it for granted and you just knew at some point during the interview they would ask about what happened to Chloe but she handled it like a pro and giving Adriana a break after some of the nasty thing she said was very mature


Reply 186#186 bala's post

The money was from a loan shark so I doubt there will be a paper trail


Reply 188#188 bala's post

Don's death is not going to stop the loan shark from wanting him money so Adriana better watch her back plus the guy who arranged the fire is expecting half the insurance as well


Reply 189#189 bala's post

Lets hope Eddie don't crash because he is in no fit state to drive but al least they know he wasn't in his own car


1x75 Loren Learns The Truth

The barmaid trying to stop Chloe from leaving Max's place was nice as she had just broke in there and I'm glad Melissa showed Loren the video of Kelly but Adriana going to Nora for advice was a surprise and what Ellie said to the investigator about Nora was diabolical

