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Gossip Girl Season 1-6 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

5x09 Rhodes to Perdition

I'm impressed how Charlie managed to turn the awkward situation that Serena had organised after over hearing that Charlie / Ivy are the same person but what will Max do next


5x10 Riding In Town Cars With Boys

Charlie may have been responsible for the paparazzi but it looked like someone tampered with the car and it's not looking good for Chuck after the crash


Reply 25#25 bala's post

So the car accident was meant for Nate but by who and Serena becoming the new gossip girl should be interesting


Reply 27#27 bala's post

Serena and Nate's plan to find out the truth behind Chuck and Blair's car accident was impressive and Beatrice changing her mind about Blair was a nice surprise


5x13 G.G.

Serena's musical dream sequence was different and this being the 100th episode which is quite a mile stone, Blair asking Cyrus to walk her down the isle was nice and a shame Gossip Girl interrupted the ceremony but what Georgina said did make you wonder who told Gossip Girl until the end but are they going to make us believe Georgina is Gossip Girl after all this time


Reply 31#31 bala's post

Louis flipping the tables on Blair after they were married was different but with all the stunts she has pulled it makes a change for somebody to get the better of her


5x14 The Backup Dan

Blair should of realised standing in her wedding dress at the airport people would look  but what the girl said when she asked to swap her dress was priceless, Georgina knowing there was a chance of a scandal and deciding to follow the trail was cleaver


5x15 Crazy, Cupid, Love

Blair playing cupid for Serena on Valentine's Day was interesting considering she also ruined it and Nate trying to flirt with the real Charlie was amusing but what will Charlie do now Nate has told her about Ivy


5x16 Cross Rhodes

Serena's timing is impeccable of all the time to arrive it had to be when Blair kissed Dan again but it was not what Serena thought and it's about time the truth about Ivy came out but Cee-Cee passing away was sad


5x17 The Princess Dowry

Cee-Cee arranging her own wake was amusing but what a twist with Ivy inheriting the bulk of her estate and kicking Lily out of the apartment because it's now hers was priceless, Blair choosing Dan over Chuck should be interesting


Reply 43#43 bala's post

What a bomb shell that Serena and Lola / Charlie have the same father which is going to be interesting when that comes out and Serena ruining the bribe as gossip girl was unfortunate

[ Last edited by codebreaker at 4-16-2012 10:12 ]


5x19 It Girl, Interrupted

Serena making the reluctant Lola the next "It Girl" of the upper east side was interesting especially trying to get her modeling in the lingerie show and Dan making Blair a princess one last time was nice


5x20 Salon of the Dead

Lola landing the audition of a lifetime would of been nice if it wasn't for Serena as Gossip Girl but what she said made it obvious to Lola it was Serena but trying to prove it was interesting until it back fired and revealed Diana to be Chuck's mother


5x21 Despicable B

What Blair did at Dan's book launch was terrible and what happened when Lily thrown a family gathering to out William as Lola's father and Lola taking Gossip Girl login info is going to be interesting, Is Jack Chuck's father and is that what he has been trying to hide all this time


5x22 Raiders of the Lost Art

Serena getting caught trying to steel Diana's book back was amusing and then being tricked so the real Gossip Girl could get the laptop was impressive but Chuck's life being turned upside down again was a surprise


5x23 The Fugitives

Seriously what did Chuck expect his father to do when he found out he faked his own death to protect them both but trying to find out who wanted his dad dead was predictable and Ivy and Lola team up to help Chuck was interesting but Serena impersonating Blair was amusing


5x24 The Return of the Ring

You would of thought the writers would know you can't take a phone into prison so why Lola used hers straight after seeing her mother was stupid and Serena using Dan to get back at Blair was cruel


Gossip Girl Season 6 General Discussion (Spoilers)

Season 6 Premieres October 08, 2012

Discuss Anything About Season 6 Here


6x01 Gone Maybe Gone

The gang getting together to find Serena was interesting considering it took so long to realise she was missing but making a fool of them selves when they thought she was getting married was amusing, Ivy and Rufus was a surprise


6x02 High Infidelity

Serena and Nate seeing Sage with Steven together and getting the wrong idea was amusing but being father and daughter was a surprise and also a coincidence that they would both be dating the pair from the upper east side but what a creepy thought that Nate thought she was sleeping with her father

