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Chicago Med (NBC) General Discussion (Spoilers)

2x12 Mirror Mirror

The 19 year-old tough guy being brought in with severe abdominal pain was fascinating as he had a gun in his rectum but I didn't expect it to go off when they tried to remove it and Dr. Stohl trying to impress the camera at the risk of the patient life was frustrating



2x13 Theseus’ Ship

The 8 year-old cancer patient refusing his treatment was surprising as it first looked like his father was responsible but him trying to keep his sons wishes must be tough and Dr. Charles was lucky Dr. Reese had his back after being robbed by the girl



2x14 Cold Front

Dr. Latham was the wrong man to be handling duties in triage as he was behaving like God with who should live and who should die but running out of blood was tragic as the patient had to choose which boy gets what's left, the patient pretending to of died was sick but Dr. Charles getting the last laugh by holding him for 72 hours was karma



2x15 Lose Yourself

The paramedic telling Rhodes good look was understandable after the patient fell 33 floors and the superhero fainting after bringing in the stroke patient was amusing, April ultrasound revealing no heartbeat was tragic and going straight back to work was brave



2x16 Prisoner's Dilemma

The comatose patient being pregnant was disturbing considering she had been that way for five years and her patents wanting to keep the baby sounded crazy but any link to their daughter was understandable but what a surprising turn of events



2x17 Monday Mourning

The way the camera followed Dr Wheeler you knew something bad was going to happen but suicide wasn't what I expected and I thought the young boy who fell in the river wasn't going to survive



2x18 Lesson Learned

Will loosing his temper when his former teacher, Dr. Bella Rowan was admitted was understandable as they failed to diagnose her condition sooner and Maggie's approach to training the new nurse was interesting, the pilot refusing treatment was disturbing but finding out he was drinking gasoline was surprising



2x19 Ctrl Alt

Goodwin's ex-husband Bert bringing in his new girlfriend in as a patient was bad timing with the stress of the hospital computer system being down but a hacker demanding a ransom payment was diabolical and I cant believe who paid the ransom



2x20 Generation Gap

I'm not surprised the teenage boy was desperate to control his sexual urges after taking the girls hair without her knowing but the beating he got for being a peeping tom was disturbing and trying to castrate himself was tragic, treating Will's father was never going to be easy as he was a stubborn old fool



2x21 Deliver Us

The mother being desperate to help her daughter beat cancer was understandable but having a baby just to be a donor sounds unethical and putting her own life in danger was disturbing, Dr. Charles snooping into his daughter Robin's place was asking for trouble but what he found was surprising


