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Season 1

Episode 1: Welcome to Kandahar
It's 2006: Major Rebecca Gordon, a highly-trained trauma surgeon, and Captain Bobby Trang, a brand-new doctor, report for duty at the NATO Role 3 Multinational Medical Unit at Kandahar Airfield. Perched at the edge of the airfield and built out of plywood and canvas held together with duct tape, the temporary building that houses the Role 3 shakes every time a plane takes off.

The hospital's commander, Colonel Xavier Marks, tells the newcomers to expect an experience unlike any they've had before. Rebecca thinks she can handle anything, while Bobby is acutely conscious of his inexperience. They both get off to a rocky start, as Colonel Marks points out Rebecca's mistakes and tries to build Bobby's confidence. But over the next 48 hours, as they deal with rocket attacks, flying shrapnel and wave after wave of injured and wounded U.S. Marines, Canadian soldiers, Afghan civilians and even a Taliban prisoner, they manage to rise to the challenge, even as they grow more and more exhausted. Welcome to Kandahar, indeed.

Episode 2: Enemy Within
Rebecca is nearly run over by a pick-up truck full of Afghan National Army soldiers heading for the hospital. Their leader -- who turns out to be an American Special Forces operative -- carries in one of his men, delirious with a serious infection, one that neither Rebecca nor Bobby have encountered before. When another patient comes down with the same infection, the team realize they're dealing with a highly contagious and resistant bacterial strain, with no idea what it is, where it came from or how to stop it from spreading. Colonel Marks is left with no choice but to quarantine the OR, ICU and the recovery room, so that the Role 3 medics are forced to do surgery in the dining hall. Meanwhile, Rebecca accompanies Pedersen off base to the Women's Clinic, where they find a local in dire need of emergency life-saving surgery.

Episode 3: It's My Party
Rebecca depletes the blood supply while she and Bobby operate on a soldier with severe gunshot wounds, forcing Colonel Marks to call for a walking blood bank. Pedersen questions the soldier's buddies about the circumstances that led to the shooting, but their stories don't add up. Simon rekindles a relationship with an old flame - Jessica Draycott, an attractive photojournalist on assignment. Marks appoints Rebecca as morale officer, whose primary duty is to plan the weekly staff party on the base, and Vans discovers he has a knack for more than just translation.

Episode 4: Wrong Place at Wrong Time
When Simon learns the medevac helicopter has to make a routine supply run, he hitches a ride to the farm he bought from an Afghan family, as it's en route. Plans go awry, though, when the chopper's pilots spot white tracer fire and have to make an unexpected stop to pick up an injured U.S. soldier with multiple shrapnel wounds. Then one of Rebecca's patients -- a Romanian civilian -- suffers a brain hemorrhage and emergency neurosurgery becomes vital to his survival. Since Simon can't get back in time to perform the surgery, he must talk Rebecca through the operation via cell phone from the medevac. Meanwhile Bobby and Pedersen evaluate a high-ranking U.S. Air Force officer experiencing insomnia - the officer has a pending mission that's critical to the Air Force's strategic operations. And there's no time for rest, as Marks deals with an overheating CT scanner, an AWOL surgeon and delivering an unfavorable diagnosis.

Episode 5: Hells Bells
A civilian wedding party is caught up in Taliban crossfire and the Afghan groom and some of the guests are brought in to the Role 3. Pedersen heads to the clinic off base to help the wedding party's female victims, and Rebecca initiates a search to find the bride. Bobby exercises his authority as Captain and attempts to ground a Sergeant intent on postponing medical tests in order to accompany his men on a mission. Bobby impresses Marks on a medical conference call. Rebecca and Bobby participate in Pedersen's group therapy session, leaving Rebecca feeling vulnerable when she over-shares. And Marks receives a worrisome call from home and confides in Pedersen.

Episode 6: Inner Truth
Seven soldiers brought into the Trauma Bays anxiously wait for the arrival of their lucky charm, 19-year old Private Henry Flax. When the Private's entire unit survives their injuries without complications, Marks acknowledges lady luck and miraculously, the new CT scanner arrives. Rebecca tries to fulfill Flax's personal wish by rewriting the protocol for organ donation, and when Nurse Suzy Chao is assigned to help Bobby with his research, she develops a crush on him. Rebecca reveals to Simon that she is jealous of Bobby's recent success and discusses her feelings with Pedersen. Rumors about Simon circulate when he receives an unusual number of calls from England. Meanwhile, an attractive Canadian Forces warrant officer falls hard and fast for Pedersen.

Episode 7: Reckless
Under intense investigation, Rebecca doubts her decision to withhold treatment to a soldier, which may have resulted in his death. Will her brash actions come back to condemn her?

Episode 8: On the Brink
The relationship between the doctors and nurses is strained when Bobby makes a controversial decision to try to save a patient against all odds. Can the team put their conflict behind them, or is this the beginning of a widening rift between the doctors and nurses at the Role 3 hospital?

Episode 9: Shifting Sands
Vans' friend is injured in an explosion, and allegiances are called into question.

Episode 10: Reason to Believe
A chaplain (Camille Sullivan) has a lapse of faith but is ordered to hold a vigil with Simon during a difficult surgery.

Episode 11: Brothers in Arms
Bobby loses his composure during a hockey game between the allied forces; a prank goes awry for Simon; and the investigation into a suicide bomber raises ethical questions for Pedersen.

Episode 12: Triage
Rebecca takes over triage when Col. Marks is injured in an explosion, and the situation leaves Rebecca with a judgment call to make.

Episode 13: Do No Harm
In the first-season finale, the women's clinic is attacked, and Major Samizay, Rebecca, Pedersen, Suzy and Pam find themselves besieged. Later, the Role 3 staff struggles to save the wounded assailant's life.



[ Last edited by codebreaker at 9-11-2011 18:20 ]
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If no one has done The Universe season 5 episode guide i can do it


Rescue Me Season 5 Guide

Episode 1: Baptism
Tommy copes with the loss of his father and a new man in Janet's life. Sheila finds a different way to deal with her issues while Sean, Franco, and Mike concoct a surefire way to get rich and laid.

Episode 2: French
An exotic woman comes by and that sparks mixed emotions in the house. Tommy deals with possible explusion from the FDNY and a new sponsorship role in AA.

Episode 3: Wine
After learning of Colleen's relationship with Black Shawn, Tommy decides that it's time for a talk about the birds and the bees. Tommy also decides to meet with the French reporter who's writing a book about 9/11, and issues raised by her book lead to friction between Franco and Mike. Meanwhile, Mike hits on a new theme for his bar; and Sean seeks out treatment for his bad back.

Episode 4: Jimmy
Lou wants to cooperate with Genevieve because he's interested in her. She's interested in Tommy, who isn't particularly interested in her, but he does watch some 9/11 footage she gives him, and what he sees is very disturbing. Meanwhile, Mike's bar opens; Sean's back still hurts; and Sheila's psycho-dramaturge tells her to "purge" herself of Tommy.

Episode 5: Sheila
Lou sees the same thing on the 9/11 tape as Tommy did---and so does Sheila. Meanwhile, Sheila has a talk with Damien about his plan to join FDNY; Tommy gets to know Janet's boyfriend; Sean gets the results of his medical tests; and Colleen and Black Shawn discuss the parameters of their relationship.

Episode 6: Perspective
Tommy takes Genevieve on a tour of Ground Zero and tells her why the 9/11 footage of Jimmy Keefe was so haunting. And Franco's 9/11 conspiracy theories come under attack. Literally. Meanwhile, Mike's bar proves to be a success; Tommy and Lou have a falling out; and Janet tells Tommy why she sent Katy to an upstate boarding school.

Episode 7: Play
Tommy and Janet drive upstate together for a weekend at Katy's boarding school, and Teddy and Maggie surface in Maryland, where they are volunteers at a VA hospital. Back in New York, Franco gives Lou love tips, and Sean has a new health issue.

Episode 8: Iceman
Tommy is haunted by ghosts of 9/11 and other ghosts, including his dad, his brother Johnny and his cousin Jimmy. Meanwhile, Sean's health continues to deteriorate and black Shawn is still missing; Needles and Lou try to talk Franco into entering a FDNY boxing tournament; Mike befriends Damien; and a nervous young man enters the bar just

Episode 9: Thaw
Tommy takes heat from both Needles and Dwight, and receives offers from Janet and Sheila; Sean tells his mother about his illness; black Shawn sees Colleen again; and Franco's boxing skills are tested

Episode 10: Control
Job safety requires Tommy and Mike to patch up their differences at work; Sheila uses her leverage to control Tommy's drinking; Lou resists the allure of an old flame.

Episode 11: Mickey D
Mickey learns that Tommy is drinking again; Sheila discovers that Tommy has been sleeping with Janet again; Sean tells Needles about his upcoming cancer surgery; Franco meets a gal in the gym; and Lou has another encounter with Candy.

Episode 12: Disease
The guys visit Sean in the hospital; Katy is home from school and wants a family dinner, one that includes Colleen and Black Shawn; and Lou and Tommy make a wager concerning the women in their lives.

Episode 13: Torch
After dealing with a particularly horrific accident on the job, Tommy questions his feelings in a dream sequence with his dead father, brother and son, and Jimmy Keefe. Meanwhile, Sean has an unwanted visitor at the hospital; and Lou has a very-much-wanted visitor to his apartment.

Episode 14: Wheels
Franco has his first FDNY-tournament fight, and he and Carla have an encounter outside the gym; Candy cooks dinner for Lou; the guys have a surprise for Sean when they visit him in the hospital, and he has one for them. The guys also plan an outing for the kids in the cancer ward.

Episode 15: Initiation
As Damien joins 62 Truck, Sheila reminds Tommy of his promise to watch out for him. Meanwhile, Janet gives Tommy guidelines for their relationship; the guys attend a memorial dedication for a firefighter who died on 9/11; and Sean is released from the hospital, vowing to live life to the fullest.

Episode 16: Clean
Tommy is cleaning the firehouse as punishment for yet another antiauthoritarian outburst when a mysterious woman strolls through. Meanwhile, Tommy's family confronts him about his drinking.

Episode 17: Lesbos
The perfect party becomes a nightmare when a herd of brutish women infiltrate the bar. Tommy's love triangle reaches new heights.

Episode 18: Carrot
A trash-talking woman shows up at the firehouse looking for a date; Janet gives Tommy an ultimatum; Needles and Lou instigate a battle of the sexes; Sean has a new medical problem.

Episode 19: David
When Kelly-- a headstrong recent save-- continues to probe the firehouse for men, Tommy steps in to put a halt on her advances on Damian. Lou approaches Needles to act as a buffer to Tommy for the upcoming nuptials.

Episode 20: Zippo
Tommy has rocky encounters with Janet and Sheila, and an encounter with Kelly that isn't as rocky. Meanwhile, the guys go grocery shopping with the newly domesticated Lou.

Episode 21: Jump
Tommy tends bar to relieve tension after a failed rescue attempt puts the guys down in the dumps. Meanwhile, Franco steps into the ring against one of Carla's friends.

Episode 22: Drink
Janet and Sheila's plan goes haywire; Teddy suffers a major personal loss.

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Season 1

Episode 1: The Gathering
Immortal Duncan MacLeod is maintaining a peaceful existence with the love of this life, Tessa Noel when he is challenged to Immortal combat by Slan Quince, an evil Immortal. An old friend and clansman, Connor MacLeod, comes to try and convince Duncan to once more join the fray in the battle of Good versus Evil. Duncan also meets Richie Ryan, a kid from the streets whom he befriends after catching him breaking into his antique store.

Episode 2: Family Tree
Richie tries to track down his parents and runs afoul of a female crime boss, and Duncan comes to his help while pondering his own life among the MacLeods.

Episode 3: Road Not Taken
Richie's friend dies of an overdose of a herbal drug and MacLeod suspects the source of the drug is another Immortal, Kiem Sun. Sun has has long sought to perfect such a drug and remove its lethal side effects for the betterment of mankind. But a disciple of Kiem Sun's is using the drug for his own gain, and MacLeod and Sun must track him down. When it becomes clear that Kiem Sun plans to continue his experiments despite the dangers, MacLeod destroys the remaining sample of the drug.

Episode 4: Innocent Man
A homeless mortal is wrongfully accused of the murder of an Immortal after investigating a bizarre thunderstorm surrounding a cabin. Duncan determines to prove the homeless man's innocence and bring the real murderer to justice.

Episode 5: Free Fall
A beautiful young woman, Felicia Martins, throws herself to her death, only to revive with the realization that she is an Immortal. She seeks out Duncan MacLeod as her mentor, and becomes amorously involved with Richie Ryan. But there is much more to this "ingénue" than meets the eye. She is in fact a long-time Immortal, engaged in a wily scheme to trap MacLeod and acquire his Quickening. MacLeod must see through her subterfuge in time to protect not only himself, but also Richie.

Episode 6: Bad Day in Building A
While visiting the courthouse to clear up Tessa's traffic tickets, MacLeod, Tessa, and Richie are among a group that is taken hostage by a band of men bent on freeing their leader, Slade, from imprisonment. When Slade's demands are not met, he chooses a hostage to sacrifice. MacLeod makes sure that hostage is himself, and returns from the dead to hunt down the gunmen one by one, as the police watch helplessly from outside.

Episode 7: Mountain Men
When Tessa is taken by a band of Survivalists who live off the land in the vastness of the Pacific Northwest, MacLeod must call on all of his own skills, honed a hundred and fifty years earlier, when he roamed this same mountain fastness. The leader of these modern day mountain men, Caleb (who is revealed to be an Immortal), falls in love with Tessa, and in the end he and MacLeod battle to the death, axe against sword, against the primitive backdrop of the timeless wilderness.

Episode 8: Deadly Medicine
MacLeod is struck and severely injured by a speeding automobile. When he miraculously recovers and checks himself out of the hospital, he attracts the attention of a deranged doctor, who kidnaps MacLeod for his research on a miracle cure for trauma. When MacLeod escapes from the doctor, the doctor murders a potential witness and frames MacLeod for it.

Episode 9: The Sea Witch
Richie Ryan tries to protect an old girlfriend, Nikki, from a band of drug dealers. This puts them both in jeopardy from an Immortal, Voshin, whom MacLeod knows from an adventure during the Russian Revolution when he was trying to smuggle Russian nobles out of the country. Nikki complicates the story by withholding drug money she has stolen from the gang, thinking she can use it to make a better life for her small daughter. Tessa, meanwhile, becomes enamored of the child, raising issues for her and MacLeod.

Episode 10: Revenge is Sweet
Seeking revenge for the apparent death of her lover, Walter Reinhardt, Rebecca Lord toys with MacLeod before she attempts to kill him with Reinhardt's sword. Rebecca knows nothing of Immortals or their combat, and she believes MacLeod murdered Reinhardt. Unbeknownst to her, Reinhardt is still alive, and is using Rebecca in a cat and mouse game to draw out MacLeod for their final confrontation.

Episode 11: See No Evil
When a serial killer preys on beautiful blonde women, Duncan becomes involved when Tessa's friend is targeted...and recognizes the pattern as that of an Immortal he killed 80 years ago.

Episode 12: Eyewitness
Tessa claims to see a woman murdered, but there's no body and only Duncan believes her. Duncan realizes that an Immortal is behind the killing...the chief of detectives who is in charge of the investigation.

Episode 13: Band of Brothers
Darius, an ancient Immortal, priest, and friend of Duncan's, sends word that his one-time protege and master swordsman, Grayson, is now stalking Darius' other students -- among them, possibly, MacLeod. Grayson, disillusioned that his former comrade-in-arms has become a man of peace, is killing Darius' mortal students to gain revenge. Grayson goes after peace activist Victor Paulus and Duncan must protect him despite the fact that Grayson is his superior in swordsmanship.

Episode 14: For Evil's Sake
Kuyler, an evil Immortal and professional assassin, has run across Duncan in the past and their paths cross again in modern-day Paris when Kuyler employs a band of killer mimes. Duncan must defeat Kuyler to protect his current targets and enact justice for the man Kuyler killed under Duncan's protection over a hundred years ago.

Episode 15: For Tomorrow We Die
MacLeod encounters Xavier St. Cloud, a ruthless Immortal who uses poison gas to commit his robberies and killing anyone who gets in his path. Meanwhile, Richie falls for a glamorous older woman, unaware that she's married, and Tessa must help him out.

Episode 16: The Beast Below
A mysterious death at the Paris Opera re-acquaints Duncan MacLeod with one of the strangest Immortals he has met in his many travels over the centuries. Ursa is a hulking giant -- more beast than man -- who Duncan rescued from persecution centuries ago, delivering him to sanctuary in an abbey. The abbey has long since been destroyed and Ursa now lives under Paris. He has become enamored of a past-her-prime opera singer who tries to use Ursa's innocent soul to murder her rival.

Episode 17: Saving Grace
Grace Chandel has been a good Immortal, working for the betterment of mankind as a midwife, doctor, and scientist over the centuries. Her one weakness is another Immortal, Carlo Sendaro, a former lover who is obsessed with her and refuses to let her go. He slays Grace's current (mortal) lover and, when she refuses to run off with him, frames her for the killing. She turns to her old friend Duncan MacLeod for help.

Episode 18: Lady and the Tiger
A day at the circus reunites MacLeod with a former lover, the Immortal femme-fatale, Amanda, who has always meant big trouble for him. Amanda, meanwhile, is in trouble of her own as her former partner, Blaine, has escaped from prison and wants her head. She plays the two Immortal men against each other, drawing MacLeod into a daring, high-stakes burglary she and Blaine are plotting.

Episode 19: Eye of the Beholder
Richie becomes involved with a woman who is a model for another Immortal, Gabriel Piton, who is an old friend of Duncan's.

Episode 20: Avenging Angel
A deluded new Immortal believes that he has been chosen by God to crusade against evil and perversion, and one of his target's is an old friend of Tessa's.

Episode 21: Nowhere to Run
When the stepdaughter of an Immortal is raped, the Immortal comes after the young man. MacLeod, a guest in the home of the accused boy's father, feels he must protect the family from this unstoppable menace. He urges the Immortal to see due process done, but the man has no interest in listening to reason, and he lays siege to the house.

Episode 22: The Hunters
Immortal are mysteriously dying their final death...and Darius is their next target.



[ Last edited by codebreaker at 9-11-2011 18:14 ]
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Season 2

Episode 1: The Watchers
Determined to investigate the death of his old friend Darius, MacLeod follows a lead back to his old stomping grounds in the Pacific Northwest. He meets Joe Dawson, a bookstore owner with a secret; he soon learns that Dawson is a high-ranking member of an ancient secret organization known as The Watchers, who observe and record the lives of the Immortals, passing their archives down from generation to generation. Unbeknownst to Dawson, his brother-in-law, James Horton (the man who killed Darius), has been recruiting Watchers to kill Immortals.

Episode 2: Studies in Light
An Immortal with a death wish endangers Richie's life while Duncan meets an old mortal lover.

Episode 3: Turnabout
Duncan must handle the return of the old friend and the Immortal serial killer who is stalking him.

Episode 4: The Darkness
A Watcher-Hunter is stalking Immortals, kidnapping their loved ones to force them into a fight on his terms...and Tessa is the next one to be kidnapped.

Episode 5: Eye for an Eye
Richie must face his first Immortal opponent when he opposes an Immortal Irish terrorist who is one of Duncan's former lovers.

Episode 6: The Zone
Duncan comes to the aid of a neighborhood plagued by crooks.

Episode 7: The Return of Amanda
Amanda returns and announces her retirement, but it soon becomes clear she's involved in something nefarioius.

Episode 8: Revenge of the Sword
Jimmy Sang, a former student of Charlie's, is an up-and-coming martial arts movie star. His latest movie is filming some scenes in the dojo. When a stuntman is "accidentally" killed, MacLeod is the first to realize that Jimmy's life is in danger. It turns out that the movie is based on Jimmy's youthful experiences as an enforcer for a powerful gang, and now his former boss wants to see him dead.

Episode 9: Run for Your Life
Duncan comes to the aid of an Immortal, a former slave, who is being stalked by the Hunters.

Episode 10: Epitaph for Tommy
Tommy is an innorcent bystander who's accidentally killed during a swordfight between MacLeod and the Immortal Gallen. Haunted by the unnecessary death, MacLeod tries to find out more about the dead man -- and discovers he isn't exactly the innocent bystander he appeared.

Episode 11: The Fighter
MacLeod's old friend Tommy Sullivan is a scrappy little Irishman, a one-time boxer turned trainer, who can charm anyone into anything. He charms MacLeod into backing his current boxer and charms Charlie into playing Cyrano to help him woo a shy waitress. But when a rival manager who was trying to steal Sully's fighter turns up dead, MacLeod's opinion of his old friend begins to be altered forever.

Episode 12: Under Color of Authority
Richie puts his neck on the line when he decides to protect a young mortal woman Laura from the relentless Immortal bounty hunter Mako. Mako hunts down those that the law dictates are guilty, and he and Duncan have clashed before over his methods which have no room for compassion. But Duncan isn't sure that Laura is as innocent as she claims to be.

Episode 13: Bless the Child
Charlie and MacLeod come to the aid of Sara Lightfoot, an Indian woman on the run with a baby. She tells them Avery Hoskins is trying to steal her baby. Hoskins and his brothers come after them, and they are forced to flee overland. After a rugged flight through a mountain canyon, MacLeod learns that the baby is in fact Hoskins' son, taken by Sara in retribution for her own child, killed by runoff from Hoskins' mines.

Episode 14: Unholy Alliance (1)
The Immortal Xavier St. Cloud returns, using mortal mercenaries to take out his Immortal opponents. But it soon becomes clear he is part of a darker alliance that threatens Duncan.

Episode 15: Unholy Alliance (2)
Duncan tracks Xavier and his mortal ally to Paris with the aid of a Federal agent.

Episode 16: The Vampire
MacLeod comes up against Nicholas Ward, an Immortal who conceals his murders by disguising them as popular hysterias. In the 1840s, Ward created a vampire myth in order to conceal the true motive behind his killing the owners of a business he wanted. Mac managed to prevent Ward from marrying (and murdering) the heiress, but Ward escaped. In the present, Mac teams up with Joe Dawson to discover what Ward is up to and protect the young woman he's set his sights on this time.

Episode 17: Warmonger
In 1918 in the Soviet Union, MacLeod promised the Immortal Drakov that he would not fight him, in return for seeing lives spared. Today Drakov, now called Arthur Drake, still operates behind the scenes of international politics, a cruel puppetmaster who is dragging Eastern Europe toward anarchy. Eli Jarmel, an old man whose family was destroyed by Drake, urges MacLeod to recant his promise, while Beth Vaughn, a reporter, puts her life in danger by investigating both Drake and MacLeod.

Episode 18: Pharaoh's Daughter
MacLeod feels the Buzz coming from an ancient sarcophagus and opens it to find Nefertiri, Cleopatra's handmaid, buried 2000 years ago with her mistress. Now revived, she pursues a vendetta against the Immortal Marcus Constantine, who was her lover and her enemy. Mac believes Constantine, who claims that he no longer wishes to fight Nefertiri -- this former Roman General has turned his back on battle and is now a curator, working to preserve history and its lessons. But Nefertiri can't let go of the old grudge, and for the first time, MacLeod is forced to face a woman he loves in Immortal combat.

Episode 19: Legacy
When her mentor Rebecca is killed, Amanda is determined to avenge the death, even though it means going up against the formidable Immortal Luther, and very possibly losing her head. She comes to Mac for a final fling before her likely death, and when he discovers that she's after Luther, he tries to take the battle on himself, feeling he has a better chance of survival. Together they discover that Luther is hunting the pieces of an ancient crystal that Rebecca divided among her students, believing that the whole crystal will make him invulnerable and ensure that he is the Last Immortal. In the final confrontation, both Amanda and MacLeod take their turns battling the ascetic Luther.

Episode 20: Prodigal Son
Richie returns, on the run, turning to MacLeod for help. An Immortal has been following him, refusing to confront him, but committing grisly murders wherever Richie goes. Richie is arrested for the murders. Mac learns that Immortal hunter Martin Hyde is behind the murders: considering the Quickening of a green Immortal like Richie not worth the taking, Hyde has been hounding him in order to drive him to his teacher. MacLeod must clear Richie of the murders and defeat the evil Immortal.

Episode 21: Counterfeit (1)
Pete Wilder just saved Richie from an attack by some guys wearing Watcher tattoos. Or did he? Nothing is what it seems, and MacLeod becomes increasingly wary of Pete, despite Richie's protests that the guy is his friend. When MacLeod's mistrust gets the possibly innocent Pete killed, Mac becomes increasingly unsure of himself. Unknown to MacLeod, his old enemy Horton is pulling all the strings. Horton is secretly training escaped killer Lisa Halle to go after MacLeod while he's troubled and vulnerable.

Episode 22: Counterfeit (2)
Duncan must deal with a woman who is a dead rigner for the deceased Tessa, but must wonder if she's part of some scheme to kill him once and for all.



[ Last edited by codebreaker at 9-11-2011 18:14 ]
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Season 3

Episode 1: The Samurai
Duncan must help the descendent of his old Japanese mentor, the man who gave him his katana.

Episode 2: Line of Fire
Richie must deal with the impossible revelation that he is a father, while Duncan must deal with the Immortal who killed his wife and foster son in the past.

Episode 3: The Revolutionary
Ducnan's attempts to deal with an Immortal who deals in bloody revolutions is hindered by Charlie's joining his cause.

Episode 4: The Cross of St. Antoine
Joe's girlfriend is killed by an Immortal seeking an ancient golden cross, which Duncan swore to protect centuries earlier.

Episode 5: Rite of Passage
Duncan takes on the duty of training a fledgling Immortal, Michelle Webster, but she falls under the sway of an Immortal who plans to use her as bait in his trap.

Episode 6: Courage
Cullen, a burned-out Immortal and master swordsman, uses drugs to maintain his "courage," but in his berserker rage he goes after Richie and only Duncan stop him.

Episode 7: The Lamb
MacLeod and Richie become the protectors for Kenny, a child Immortal who is eternally trapped in a 10-year old body. But Kenny is more then he seems...

Episode 8: Obsession
David Keogh, an old friend of Duncan's, has a history of fixating on attractive mortal women...and his newest obsession comes to Duncan for help.

Episode 9: Shadows
Duncan is confronted by a grim specter that torments him with vision of beheading, and must turn to an old friend for help.

Episode 10: Blackmail
A mortal lawyer catches Duncan on videotape fighting another Immortal, and tries to blackmail Duncan into killing his wife for him.

Episode 11: Vendetta
To save his own hide, petty hoodlum Benny Carbassa, the Nathan Detroit of Immortality, turns MacLeod over to an aging gangster determined to see MacLeod dead before he dies. In the midst of this, Anne returns, having convinced herself that MacLeod will open up in his own time and determined not to push him too hard. In flashback, we see MacLeod's first meeting with Benny, in 1938 at the Coconut Lounge, a club operated by two young brothers who are rivals for the same torch singer.

Episode 12: They Also Serve
Recent Immortal Michael Christian has been on an incredible string of luck, taking a number of heads from unarmed and vulnerable opponents, including May-Ling Shen, who taught MacLeod the martial arts in 1780's Mongolia. Christian's Watcher, Rita Luce, has been doing more than just watching, supplying Christian with classified information on the other Immortals and their weaknesses. MacLeod, unaware of Christian, goes on a vision quest to his cabin on Holy Ground -- deliberately leaving his sword behind. The race is on for Joe Dawson to figure out Rita's secret before Christian sets his sights on MacLeod.

Episode 13: Blind Faith
Duncan is skeptical of Kirin, an Immortal who is operating as a religious leader, knowing the man has massacred hundreds in the past.

Episode 14: Song of the Executioner
Brother Paul, an old Immortal friend of Duncan's, disappears under mysterious circumstances, and Anne and Joe are framed for crimes. MacLeod suspects an old enemy, Kalas, is responsible.

Episode 15: Star-Crossed
In Paris, MacLeod meets up with Hugh Fitzcairn, but Kalas has followed his nemesis and soon frames Fitzcairn as part of his campaign against Duncan.

Episode 16: Methos
When two Watchers end up dead by Kalas' hand, Joe realizes that Kalas is looking for Methos, the mythical "oldest Immortal." MacLeod knows that, with Methos' quickening, Kalas would finally be strong enough to defeat him. Kalas and MacLeod race to be the first to find Methos. Meanwhile, Richie muscles his way onto a top level motorcycle racing team and the champion, Basil, starts to get nervous.

Episode 17: Take Back the Night
Ceirdwyn, an Immortal Celtic warrior, extracts bloody revenge on the gang who killed her mortal husband, but Duncan must try to persuade her that violence isn't the way.

Episode 18: Testimony
MacLeod decides to tell Anne the truth about his Immortality and she flies to Paris to be with him. En route, Anne helps save the life of a young woman, Tasha, who turns out to be smuggling drugs for the Russian Mafia. Tasha is the lover of Kristov, the head of the Russian gang and formerly the leader of the band of Cossacks MacLeod encountered on his way to the Orient in 1750. Concerned about Tasha, Anne tries to convince her to testify against Kristov, while Kristov is determined to make sure Tasha dies before she can testify. Richie is kidnapped by Kristov as a pawn in this game. MacLeod must choose between taking down Kristov or saving Richie and Richie finds he must grow as an Immortal -- or die.

Episode 19: Mortal Sins
Duncan meets an old mortal friend from the days of the French Resistance, who harbors a dark and dangerous secret. Meanwhile, Anne must deal with the knowledge of her pregnancy by someone other than MacLeod.

Episode 20: Reasonable Doubt
Duncan must help Maurice's niece Simone, who has fallen under the sway of a young Immortal with a shady past and an uncertain future.

Episode 21: Finale (1)
While Kalas continues his campaign of terror after escaping prison, one of his victim's wives plans to reveal the secret of the Immortals' existence to the world.

Episode 22: Finale (2)
Kalas gets hold of the Watcher database and threatens to make it public...unless Duncan sacrifices himself.



[ Last edited by codebreaker at 9-11-2011 18:15 ]
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Season 4

Episode 1: Homeland
MacLeod bought a Celtic bracelet once given to the love of his mortal life and after her tragic death he buried it with her. He returns to Glenfinnan to return the bracelet to her grave and learns of several gruesome ritualistic killings based around the one immortal who killed Mac's father. Naturally Mac must get to the bottom of the killings and keep his head in the process.

Episode 2: Brothers in Arms
Immortal Andrew Cord is gunned down before Joe and Duncan's eyes. Duncan captures the killer and discovers that it's his friend, Charlie DeSalvo. Charlie is out for revenge on the man who murdered his girlfriend. Meanwhile, Joe gets Cord and points out that they know each other, from Vietnam where Joe lost his legs... and Cord saved his life.

Episode 3: The Innocent
Richie meets Mikey, a mentally handicapped Immortal with a fascination for trains. Richie wants to protect him, but Duncan warns that it will more trouble than Richie realizes. His prediction soon becomes true when an Immortal seeking easy prey comes after Mikey.

Episode 4: Leader of the Pack
While Duncan deals with an Immortal who uses hunting dogs to bring down his prey before striking the final blow, Richie deals with the street punk who killed Tessa.

Episode 5: Double Eagle
After a 107-year run of bad luck, MacLeod's old Immortal friend, Kit O'Brady, comes to town and asks for helping buying a lucky race horse. However, Amanda shows up to visit MacLeod and she and Kit have a history... and Duncan is caught in the middle.

Episode 6: Reunion
Running for his life from Immortal Terence Kincaid, Kenny runs straight into Anne Lindsey's emergency room. Stashing Kenny in the hospital chapel, Anne calls MacLeod for help. MacLeod agrees to harbor him for one night only, but when MacLeod gets him home, Kenny discovers his long-lost teacher there -- Amanda!

Episode 7: The Colonel
Colonel Simon Killian seeks revenge on MacLeod for having him locked up after leading a massacre. Now he plans to return the favor by imprisoning Duncan forever. Meanwhile, Amanda deals with a fan who wants to emulate her, and which gets her into trouble when Killian comes after Amanda as well.

Episode 8: Reluctant Heroes
Duncan and Ritchie witness an Immortal hitman, Paul Kinman, kill a grocer's wife while attempt to kill the man. Duncan is reluctant to testify because he wants Kinman for himself, but Ritchie persuades him to go to the police... and Kinman comes after them next.

Episode 9: The Wrath of Kali
The owner of a Kali statue, the Immortal Kamir, seeks his creation at the university when it purchase the artifact from an unscrupulous art dealer. MacLeod must mediate between his department chairman and Kamir, but Kamir will stop at nothing to recover it.

Episode 10: Chivalry
MacLeod's old Immortal lover, Kristin, returns to town seeking a new lover: Richie. However, she also wants revenge against Duncan for leaving her for another woman. Duncan must both convince Richie that he's in danger, and defend himself against Kristin despite his code of chivalry that forbids him from fighting a woman.

Episode 11: Timeless
An Immortal, Walter Graham, seeks to promote the career of a pianist by killing her, aware that she is an Immortal-in-waiting. Meanwhile, Methos dates a woman with a secret of her own.

Episode 12: The Blitz
While trying to rescue Anne Lindsay from a subway collapse, Duncan remembers when he lost a woman he loved during the London Blitz during World War II... and vows not to let it happen again.

Episode 13: Something Wicked
A native American Immortal, Coltec, is a shaman who has fought many evil Immortals, absorbing their corrupted Quickenings. But the evil begins to overwhelm him and his friend Duncan mut defeat him... without becoming evil himself.

Episode 14: Deliverance
MacLeod, overwhelmed with the dark Quickening, arrives and tries to kill Methos. Methos escapes, but realizes he has to take extreme measures when Duncan kills another of his Immortal friends.

Episode 15: Promises
MacLeod finds himself on the horns of a dilemma when an Immortal asks the Highlander to kill the tyrannical ruler of a Middle Eastern country, to fulfill a promise that MacLeod had made over 200 years ago. Now Duncan must choose between honor and dishonor, with the life of Rachel MacLeod at risk.

Episode 16: Methuselah's Gift
Amanda discovers she's the target of mortal thugs trying to steal a crystal given to her by her mentor, Rebecca. When she goes to MacLeod for help, they discover that the crystal is part of the Methuselah's Stone, an ancient relic capable of making an Immortal invulnerable. However, the thugs and their mysterious patron aren't the only ones involved in the hunt for the crystal components...

Episode 17: The Immortal Cimoli
Two-bit magician Danny Cimoli gets a whole new act when he's hit by a truck and becomes The Immortal Cimoli. Amanda and MecLeod find him in a circus, taking bullets in the heart to the delight of the audience and blissfully unaware he's now part of The Game. MacLeod tries to get Danny into shape when Crusader Damon Case comes to claim his head, but Danny's more interested in achieving "real" immortality -- going down in history as a magician even greater than Houdini.

Episode 18: Through A Glass, Darkly
MacLeod's old friend Warren Cochrane is hiding a horrible secret he can't bear to remember. Realizing that an Immortal who won't remember what he is is soon a dead Immortal, MacLeod tries to help Warren by reminding him of the history they shared together, of their battles for Scotland's freedom, and of their mission to return Bonnie Prince Charlie to the throne. But MacLeod might have helped his friend more by letting the past stay buried.

Episode 19: Till Death
When Gina and Robert de Valicourt met 300 years ago, even Gina's suitors MacLeod and Fitzcaim had to admit they were destined for each other. Each century, as Robert and Gina renewed their wedding vows before their friends and fellow Immortals, their love grew stronger. But now their marriage is on the rocks. MacLeod decides it's up to him to reunite the once happy couple, and he enlists a very unwilling accomplice in his cunning plan.

Episode 20: Judgement Day
Dawson's life is on the line when the Watchers try him on the charge of treason for his friendship with MacLeod. Watcher deaths have risen dramatically since Dawson first told MacLeod about the Watchers and the Tribunal is determined to punish Joe and stop the killing. MacLeod and Dawson argue his case, but even as the trial goes on, the Watcher killings continue.



[ Last edited by codebreaker at 9-11-2011 18:15 ]
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Season 5

Episode 1: One Minute to Midnight
Immortals and Watchers are poised at the brink of war. On the orders of the Watcher Tribunal, every Watcher in Europe is hunting for MacLeod, to bring him in dead or alive. MacLeod discovers that the real killer is Jacob Galati, a Gypsy MacLeod once traveled with, who has vowed to destroy all the mortals who wear the Watcher tattoo, convinced they are all out to destroy Immortals.

Episode 2: Prophecy
When MacLeod was but a wee lad in the village of Glenfinnan, he thought Cassandra, the Witch of Donan Woods, was only a myth, a fairy tale concocted by crafty old men to frighten unwary children-- until the night she found him alone in Donan Woods. Now, four hundred years later, Cassandra comes to MacLeod again, this time to tell him of his role in an ancient prophecy -- that only Duncan MacLeod can challenge and defeat the voice of darkness.

Episode 3: The End of Innocence
The last time Richie Ryan saw Duncan MacLeod, MacLeod was about to take his head. He was stopped by Dawson's bullet, but Richie's world was shattered. Now Richie's back -- kicking butt and taking heads. One of those heads belonged to Carter Wellan, and now Wellan's good friend Haresh Clay is out to avange his comrade. MacLeod has his own long-time grudge against Clay, who humiliated and destroyed one of MacLeod's finest teachers. MacLeod must try to rebuild Richie's trust while they vie to be the one to face Clay in combat.

Episode 4: Manhunt
Carl Robinson, the former slave turned baseball player, has finally found the good life as a Major Leagues star -- but when Carl is challenged by another Immortal and witnesses find him standing over the decapitated body, Carl is forced to go on the run from the cops. He turns to MacLeod for help when he is pursued by lawman Matthew McCormick, who has more than just a professional interest in taking Carl into custody.

Episode 5: Glory Days
MacLeod has to deal with Johnny K, a teenaged hood who doesn't play by the Immortal rules. And Joe has to deal with an old girlfriend.

Episode 6: Dramatic License
Duncan finds himself cast in a romance novel along with an old opponent. Duncan wants to know how much the author, Carolyn Marsh, knows about him, but his rival wants to kill her.

Episode 7: Money No Object
MacLeod and Amanda are reunited with Cory Raines, the charming, smooth-talking "Clyde" to Amanda's "Bonnie" during their five-state crime spree in the 1920s. Amanda, always ready for a little larceny, is tempted by the carefree and adventurous lifestyle Cory offers her and takes him up on the offer when she realizes MacLeod won't beg her to stay with him. But MacLeod rides to the rescue when one of Cory's schemes goes astray.

Episode 8: Haunted
Jennifer Hill believes the spirit of her dead husband Alec, an Immortal, is still with her. She comes to Alec's old friend MacLeod and begs him to appease Alec's spirit by whacking the son-of-a-bitch who took Alec Hill's head. Richie finds himself strangely attracted to the grieving young widow -- until he realizes he's the son-of-a-bitch who took Alec Hill's head.

Episode 9: Little Tin God
Derek's faith in God helped save him from a violent life on the urban streets. When the young gospel singer is killed in a drive-by shooting, he awakens in the arms of God and is given the gift of eternal life. But what's he to do when that God recruits him as a warrior in the Holy War against Satan...and Satan turns out to be Duncan MacLeod?

Episode 10: The Messenger
Richie's found a new teacher: an Immortal who preaches a message of peace. An Immortal who believes that all Immortals can lay down their swords and live together as brothers. An Immortal who claims to be the oldest of their kind still alive -- Methos. Will laying down his sword in the name of peace mean Richie will lose his head? And what does this mean for the friend MacLeod already calls Methos?

Episode 11: The Valkyrie
In 1944, Ingrid Henning had the chance to kill Adolf Hitler and failed. She's been atoning for that failure ever since by killing dictators, tyrants, racists, and fascists who might have the potential to become as dangerous. MacLeod has a chance to stop her before she kills more mortals, but by stopping her, does MacLeod commit the same evil for which he's judged her guilty?

Episode 12: Comes a Horseman
MacLeod knew him as Melvin Koren, a desperado who left a trail of death and fire across the Old West, but Cassandra remembers him as an evil far older. He is Kronos, leader of the Four Horsemen, mounted Bronze Age raiders who murdered, raped, and pillaged their way across two continents. Never was a band of Immortals more cruel or more feared. He destroyed Cassandra's people and she's been hunting him across the millenia. But Kronos has a different target now -- Methos.

Episode 13: Revelation 6:8
One by one, Kronos is putting the Four Horsemen back together. Once they struck fear in the hearts of men with sword and axe. Today, their weapons of destruction are different, but their goal is the same: to bring mankind what it fears most, the Apocalypse. Only Duncan MacLeod stands between them and the end of the world.

Episode 14: The Ransom of Richard Redstone
The Chateau LeMartin has been in Marina's family for generations, but now the slimy Carlo Capodimonte threatens to foreclose on an old loan and take the chateau for himself. Desperate to save the family heritage, Marina kidnaps an American millionaire in order to pay off the loan. Unfortunately for Marina, the rich and charming "Richard Redstone" she has tied up in the cellar is none other than Richie Ryan.

Episode 15: Duende
Spanish swordplay, like Spanish dancing, is equal parts passion, skill, and strict discipline. The Immortal Otavio Consone is a master of both. An arrogant Spaniard who 150 years ago tried to teach MacLeod the sword art called "The Mysterious Circle," Consone vied with MacLeod for the hand of a beautiful senorita, with tragic results. Now MacLeod must protect a Flamenco artist and her daughter from Consone's revenge.

Episode 16: The Stone of Scone
According to official statements by the British government, the theft of the Stone of Scone, the legendary royal throne of Scotland, from Westminster Abbey in 1950 was simply a rowdy schoolboy prank. But was it? Or was it actually the bungled work of three rather hapless Immortals, attempting to fulfill a promise made centuries before?

Episode 17: Double Jeopardy
Are MacLeod and the police seeing a ghost when the evidence in a diamond theft and poison gas murder points to the very evil, but very dead, Xavier St. Cloud? CID Agent Renee Delaney returns to ask for MacLeod's help in finding the killer. Could it be Xavier or simply a memorial to a fallen teacher by Xavier's former student, Morgan D'Estaing?

Episode 18: Forgive Us Our Trespasses
After the Scottish massacre at the Battle of Culloden in 1746, Duncan MacLeod was a man possessed, obsessed, with killing the English bastards who had destroyed his people. Now Immortal Steven Keane has come to make MacLeod pay for his murderous crimes. Amanda urges MacLeod to take Keane's head and be done with it, but in his heart MacLeod knows that Keane is right -- he is a murderer -- and that Keane is judging him just like MacLeod has judged so many others.  

Episode 19: The Modern Prometheus
Lord Byron, the brilliant Romantic poet, is alive and well and living the decadent life of a rock star. He lives life way over the edge and has taken some promising young musicians over the edge with him. When following in Byron's footsteps tragically ends the life of Dawson's protege, MacLeod is faced with a decision -- is the beauty and genius that is Byron worth the cost?

Episode 20: Archangel
The dead are walking the streets of Paris. The forces of evil are coming. Is MacLeod being readied for some higher calling -- or is he simply losing his mind?



[ Last edited by codebreaker at 9-11-2011 18:16 ]
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Season 6

Episode 1: Avatar
Once every thousand years, the Zoroastrian demon Ahriman returns to wreak havoc on the earth. He has already brought destruction to Duncan MacLeod's world, having caused Richie's death at Duncan's hand. But now MacLeod returns to Paris to take up his mantle as Champion and vows to destroy Ahriman. Sophie Baines knows how to defeat the demon, but is she MacLeod's ally, or another pawn in Ahriman's game?

Episode 2: Armageddon
With the help of Father Beaufort and Joe Dawson, MacLeod finally begins to find a crack in Ahriman's armor. But he soon learns, along with Dawson, that anyone who helps the Champion becomes fair game for the demon. Joe is torn by guilt as Watchers -- friends -- are murdered by Ahriman, while Father Beaufort has his own inner demons to contend with. Not even Holy Ground is sanctuary, as MacLeod wrestles with Ahriman in the final battle... Armageddon.

Episode 3: Sins of the Father
When Duncan's friend is killed in a car explosion, the Highlander tries to track down the killer and runs into Alex Raven, a beautiful Immortal set upon fulfilling a vow dating back to World War matter who gets in her way.

Episode 4: Diplomatic Immunity
Embezzler, charmer, and con man extraordinaire, Willie Kingsley has a knack for turning up dead... and profiting from it handsomely. But when one last con goes horribly wrong, resulting in the death of his mortal wife, Willie turns to Duncan MacLeod to help him track down her killer. MacLeod wants justice... Willie wants revenge.

Episode 5: Patient Number 7
Police at her heels, killers on her trail, Kyra is on the run, with no memory of who -- or what -- she is. In the streets of Paris, she runs into Duncan MacLeod, who spins a wild story: that he and Kyra were lovers once, some three hundred years ago. That she is a soldier, a warrior. That she is Immortal. Kyra doesn't believe a word of it... but if it isn't true, then why is someone after her head?

Episode 6: Black Tower
Four hundred years ago, Devon Marek was a spoiled aristocrat with a passion for the hunt. His first teacher, Duncan MacLeod, forced him to give up his lands and title when he became Immortal -- and Marek's never forgiven him for it. Now Marek has built a new empire, and he's ready to hunt his most dangerous prey yet: MacLeod. Obsessed with revenge, Marek imprisons the Highlander in a deserted highrise office building... with a gang of deadly mercenaries on his tail.

Episode 7: Unusual Suspects
It's 1929, and Hugh Fitzcairn is enjoying the life of an English lord. He has good friends, a beautiful wife, trusted servants . . . until one of his nearest and dearest "murders" him, that is. Now, with the help of his old friend Duncan MacLeod, Fitz is determined to uncover the identity of his own murderer -- before more bodies start piling up.

Episode 8: Justice
When Immortal Katya's adopted daughter is murdered, the courts let the killer-- her husband-- walk free. Now Katya's an avenging angel, determined to see justice done at any cost... but can MacLeod convince her that justice and revenge aren't the same thing?

Episode 9: Deadly Exposure
All bounty hunter Reagan Cole wanted was a holiday in Paris with Duncan MacLeod; what she gets is international intrigue, a hunky underwear model, and a terrorist with a million-dollar price on his head.

Episode 10: Two of Hearts
Centuries ago, Bartholomew sent thousands to their deaths during the Crusades, amassing a fortune in God's name. Now Katherine is determined to take his head - if only she can keep her mortal husband, Nick, from interfering with the Game.

Episode 11: Indiscretions
Methos and Joe Dawson join forces when past indiscretions threaten their lives-- and loved ones-- in the present. Morgan Walker has been nursing a grudge against Methos for two hundred years, and now he may finally get the chance to take his revenge... by kidnapping Joe's daughter.

Episode 12: To Be (1)
The popular series lays down its sword after six seasons in this stirring finale, in which MacLeod makes the ultimate sacrifice to save the lives of Amanda and Joe Dawson... then reunites with old friend Hugh Fitzcairn, and gets a look at what the world-- and his friends' lives-- would be like without him.

Episode 13: Not To Be (2)
Fitz died three hundred years ago... Horton has taken over the Watchers... Joe Dawson has been reduced to a bitter, penniless vagrant... Amanda is a black widow... and Methos has rejoined the Horsemen to avenge his fiance's death. If you think that's bad, just wait till you find out what's happened to Richie and Tessa.



[ Last edited by codebreaker at 9-11-2011 18:16 ]
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  • waterlilybarb Treasure +2 thanks - all ready to post 9-3-2011 09:58
  • waterlilybarb Points +5 thanks - all ready to post 9-3-2011 09:58


Season 5 Guide

5x01 – 7 Wonders of the Solar System
We are in the midst of the greatest era of space discovery. 21st century spacecraft and sophisticated imaging technology are venturing into un-chartered territory every day--and much of the extraordinary phenomenon is happing right in our own cosmic backyard. Take an exhilarating, unprecedented exploration of the seven most amazing wonders of our solar system.

5x02 – Mars: The New Evidence
In the last few years, Mars has shown many new clues that life may have once existed there and may even exist there today. There is now proof that water once flowed on the surface and that the frozen poles are mostly water, not carbon dioxide as previously thought. Mars has snow, an auror and lightning generated by dust storms. Most intriguing of all are the seasonal plumes of methane that just may point to bacteria living below the surface.

5x03 – Magnetic Storm
It bursts from the sun with the power of 10,000 nuclear weapons and when it hits our planet it could create the largest disaster in recorded history. A magnetic storm from the sun could wipe out electrical power and nearly every piece of electronics in the Northern Hemisphere. It's a planet-wide hurricane of magnetic forces that scramble all 21st Century technology, possibly for good. What causes this magnetic superstorm? Why is magnetism so powerful and yet so poorly understood? And is there anything we can do to prevent the Magnetic Storm?

5x04 – Time Travel
One of the universe's most enduring mysteries is time travel. Discover why time travel into the future is unavoidable in the Einsteinian world of relativity. As for the past the laws of physics don't tell us it's impossible, but the bizarre consequences of going into the past and altering the future make for mind-bending science. Finally go for the future by traveling to the nearest star, 4.3 light years away in only 45 days.

5x05 – Secrets of the Space Probes
They've discovered water on other planets, and snatched the actual building blocks of life from a comet's tail. But can space probes find a new Earth and even make contact with alien life? In the 21st century, space probes are photographing, drilling and even sniffing new worlds in the quest for life and scanning thousands of distant suns trying to detect Earth-like planets. It's only a matter of time before space probes unlock the secrets to extra-terrestrial life and the universe itself.

5x06 – Astroid Attack
What are the latest discoveries in the deadly world of asteroids? Will a Japanese spacecraft become the first to bring an asteroid sample back home? What would happen to America's east coast if the impact that helped form Chesapeake Bay 35 million years ago struck today? And why did President Obama choose an asteroid as the destination for the next manned mission into space? Learning about these huge space rocks isn't just about science, it's about survival.

5x07 – Total Eclipse
Once they were dreaded and thought to be dragons eating the sun--but modern science has dispelled mythology and we now look forward to total Solar Eclipses as one of the most spectacular phenomena in the heavens. Explore the complex movements of Earth, Moon and Sun that produce these unusual events and hear details why we may be the only intelligent beings in the known Universe to witness eclipses like we see on Earth.

5x08 – Dark Future of the Sun
Our Sun has served Earth well for almost five billion years. It's bathed us with heat and energy. But like humans, our home star is mortal. In five billion years, it will stop nurturing its planetary offspring. The aging star will bloat out beyond the orbit of our planet incinerating all living things--including humans if we're still around.

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About Wilfred (US)

Wilfred (US) Premiered on FX on June 23, 2011

About the Show:
Wilfred is a half-hour, live-action comedy about "Ryan," a young man struggling unsuccessfully to make his way in the world until he forms a unique friendship with "Wilfred," his neighbor’s canine pet. Everyone else sees Wilfred as just a dog, but Ryan sees a crude and somewhat surly, yet irrepressibly brave and honest, Australian bloke in a cheap dog suit. While leading him through a series of comedic and existential adventures, Wilfred the dog shows Ryan the man how to overcome his fears and joyfully embrace the unpredictability and insanity of the world around him.

Wilfred is based on the critically-acclaimed Australian series of the same title and was adapted for FX by David Zuckerman (Family Guy, American Dad, King of the Hill). Zuckerman also serves as Executive Producer along with Rich Frank, Paul Frank and Jeff Kwatinetz of Prospect Park and Joe Connor and Ken Connor of Renegade, producers of the Australian version of the series. Jason Gann serves as Co-Executive Producer. Co-Executive Producer Randall Einhorn directed the pilot plus nine additional episodes of Wilfred’s first season and Victor Nelli, Jr. directed three. Wilfred is produced by FX Productions. The Australian version of Wilfred was written by Jason Gann and Adam Zwar, directed by Tony Rogers and produced by Jen Livingston.


Actor’s name

Character’s name

Elijah WoodRyan
Fiona GubelmannJenna
Jason GannWilfred
Dorian BrownKristen


Watch It Here

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[ Last edited by codebreaker at 9-11-2011 18:17 ]
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Reply 2490#2490 codebreaker's post

I thought i had all ready posted this so i checked back to post #2409 when i asked for it and could not find it


Season 1

Episode 1: Pilot
Recently divorced, Dr. Dani Santino is assigned to be the new team therapist for the local pro football franchise, the New York Hawks.

Episode 2: Anchor Management
A news anchor seeks Dani's help after cracking up on air. T.K. is not cleared to play.

Episode 3: Spinning Out
When a crash threatens to end a NASCAR driver's career, he asks for Dr. Santino's help. Meanwhile, Lindsay and R.J. throw a party that gets out of control.

Episode 4: Habit Forming
Dani tries to find out why a rookie keeps ditching practices.

Episode 5: Poker Face
A professional poker player asks Dani to help him save his career by locating his tell.

Episode 6: Dream On
Dani's new patient is afflicted by nightmares that impact his performance. Meanwhile, Dani's high-school reunion is coming up.

Episode 7: Who's Team Are You On
Dani is asked to settle conflicts between the players' wives and girlfriends, while Nico tries to find a video tape that could cause a lot of damage.

Episode 8: Losing Your Swing
A golf star who got the yips needs Dani's help.

Episode 9: Forget Me Not
After losing matches and her memory, a boxer seeks Dani's help.

Episode 10: A Wing and a Player
A mascot with self-destructive tendencies and the Hawks' playoff curse keep Dani busy.

Episode 11: Baggage Claim
When a mogul's way of life puts her empire in danger, she seeks Dani's help who is nearing the first anniversary of her divorce.

Episode 12: Goal Line
As the Hawks enter the playoffs, TK is confronted with his rival. Meanwhile, Dani accepts a surprising new client.



[ Last edited by codebreaker at 9-11-2011 18:18 ]
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Reply 2493#2493 waterlilybarb's post

I think that is everything i can post


Season 4

Episode 1: The New World
The failed execution of a convicted murderer and pedophile marks the beginning of "Miracle Day." Across the globe, people become immortal, mysteriously incapable of dying no matter what the circumstances. At the same time, a mysterious email draws the CIA's attention to the Torchwood Institute. Agent Rex Matheson travels to Wales to find the last known surviving member of Torchwood. Meanwhile, the world's population begins to realize the consequences on a planet of ultimately limited resources where no one dies and 500,000 children are born each day.

Episode 2: Rendition
After the team are reunited, Jack ends up realising that he is now the most vulnerable person on the planet. A trip to America by plane ends up turning into a desperate battle to stay alive.

Episode 3: Dead of Night
As the Soulless cult takes to the streets, the new Torchwood team goes undercover to discover what Friedkin is hiding and who he works for. Meanwhile, PhiCorp recruits Oswald Danes as their spokesman to promote their new plan for the world.

Episode 4: Escape to L.A.
The team travel to California, where a trap is waiting as they continue their fight against PhiCorp. Oswald and Jilly have to face an enemy of their own.

Episode 5: The Categories of Life
While Gwen and Rhys try to rescue Geraint Cooper, the Los Angeles Torchwood team infiltrates an overflow camp to discover what PhiCorp really has planned. Meanwhile, Oswald Dane's popularity wavers and Jack asks him to make a choice.

Episode 6: The Middle Men
With Gwen, Rex and Esther trapped on both sides of the Atlantic, it's a race against time as Jack goes straight to the heart of the conspiracy.

Episode 7: Immortal Sins
Gwen must fight to protect her family and takes a terrifying journey, covering both miles and decades, as the long history of the Miracle is revealed.

Episode 8: End of the Road
Jack faces a showdown with a man he thought was long since dead. But while Rex takes extreme action, is it too late to prevent the collapse of society?

Episode 9: The Gathering
As The Three Families plunge the world into a recession, the Torchwood team - defeated, powerless, hunted - must strike a bargain with the devil himself.

Episode 10: The Blood Line
As the Torchwood team launch a final, desperate mission against the seemingly undefeatable Three Families, they realize it may come down to the ultimate sacrifice.

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Privileged episode guide is missing the last six episodes


Reply 2493#2493 waterlilybarb's post

I just noticed that Wilfred about only got 5 points


Reply 2498#2498 spratt89's post

No, bala requested it but it's no been posted


Reply 2498#2498 spratt89's post

I posted the episode guides for Highlander but they need to be locked in with the about


Sanctuary season 3 guide is complete on page #97 and Melissa & Joey season 1 guide is also now complete on page #99 and once they are posted everything up to post #1972 on page #99 has been posted plus most of my post afterwards as well have been posted

