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Grey's Anatomy Season 5-8 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

Reply 202#202 bala's post

Using a permanent marker on the new guys head and the evaluations was amusing and the bombshell in the lift was a great cliffhanger


Reply 98#98 bala's post

Who would of thought the tweets would help the patient and Callie introducing them as lesbian lover and baby father but the poor obstetrician having to put up with her all day


Reply 102#102 bala's post

Lexie walking out after she was warned by Danielle was funny and i liked the way Owen put the Internet accident guy and his friend with the camera in their places with the worst story of an accident victim


Reply 105#105 bala's post

I used to love the show you've been framed at the start when all the mishaps where genuine but now they are all staged for the money


Reply 109#109 bala's post

You wouldn't expect a guy to walk in with a knife in his head but i suppose the alcohol numbed the pain and i cant believe they left the other drunk guy in there alone with him, the lift scene with the injection was not what i was expecting but was funny


Reply 113#113 bala's post

My brain was thinking rude thoughts after they walked in on Bailey


Reply 122#122 bala's post

Dr. Stark asking April on a date was surprisingly amusing and the guys on the roof was nice


Reply 125#125 bala's post

Everyone making fun of April about Dr. Stark was amusing but loosing her temper and shouting out about not taking her pants off was funny and you could see that accident happening after the proposal with the long look in each others eyes and not watching the road


Reply 129#129 bala's post

Are they all auditioning for a future role in Glee and i suppose Addison being the baby specialist should of been there but overall it's not one of my type's of episode and I'm not surprised she came out of the coma with all that racket going on in her head


Reply 146#146 bala's post

Meredith making a calculated and risky move by swapping the placebo is bound to come back at her by the end of the season and the way Alex treated the cranky old rich woman dying of cancer was terrible but amusing especially when she wanted him to roll her over


Reply 302#302 fox044's post

You do realise you are breaking forum rules by posting links to other sites


Reply 150#150 bala's post

Callie's mother avoiding holding the baby was strange but her father coming back for the father daughter dance despite his wife was nice and Meredith and Derek making the decision to adopt was interesting


7x21 I Will Survive

I know Cristina jumped the gun in finding out it was a tree in side him but considering he had seen three other doctors first  I'm not surprised he wanted her to do the surgery and Lucy taking Alex's job was cruel but he should of considered her feelings first


Reply 164#164 bala's post

What unfortunate timing for April to get her good news but bad news for Alex because the job would of been his if he hadn't opened his mouth and all the grieving families staying to pray for the little girl was nice


Grey's Anatomy Season 8 Discussion (Spoilers)

Season 8 Premieres September 22, 2011

Discuss Anything About Season 8 Here


8x01 Free Falling

What a season opener, asking the husband to cut his wife's limb off was a little crazy especially after the row they had and she would of never forgiven him


8x02 She's Gone

I thought what happened to Alex in theater was amusing and nice work from Avery and what Richard did was great


8x03 Take the Lead

Alex may be a good surgeon but his bed side manner needs some work and Owen trying to do the right thing for Bailey's work schedule to give her more time for the new study didn't go to plan but Cristina and Teddy both forgetting the basics was amusing


Reply 28#28 bala's post

Richard face when he discovered the fake wounds on the vampire nurse was amusing and your the Chief not the sheriff line was funny but the guy Owen punched was a pain in the neck and I'm not surprised that there was a problem with the decking with them all taking their frustration out on it


Reply 33#33 bala's post

Ryan, the patient was brave standing up in front of all those doctors but his brother Chad was funny and Catherine was a real character but Mark stepping to the rescue and allowing Jackson to do the surgery was great

